CKD stage 3, creatinine is about 100, talk about my life, diet, treatment, etc. after suffering from nephritis in the past 6 years

This article is from the Kidney Line APP community, shared by criss. He recorded his chronic nephritis journey for 6 years in detail, from discovery to treatment, as well as the changes nephritis brought to his life and mentality, and sincerely gave some suggestions to his companions.

Let’s take a look~

1. Accidental discovery of kidney disease

I was sweating while sleeping , especially in winter, need to wake up in the middle of the night and turn the quilt over.

In 2016, at the constant request of my wife, I went to the hospital for a physical examination. Before, I was reluctant to go, firstly because I was resistant to going to the hospital, and secondly because I thought it might be kidney deficiency, sorry.

It should be April or May, I went to a provincial traditional Chinese medicine hospital (Hospital A), < span>After urinalysis and blood test, I was told it was nephritis. Then he gave me half a month (14 doses) of Chinese medicine to try at home.

After taking it for three or four days, I had red spots all over my body, and blisters on my feet. I immediately stopped the medicine and went to hospital A again. Doctor Said that I might need to check the allergen, and suggested that I stop the drug and go to a dermatologist.

The doctor made an understatement the whole time. I was a little disgusted, so I went home and threw away the medicine. Allergies resolved on their own in a few days.

In the second half of the year, my relatives said they knew an old Chinese medicine practitioner from a district hospital of Chinese medicine (Hospital B). I’m thin-skinned, you know the district and county hospitals, there are a lot of people standing in line while you see a doctor, so I’m embarrassed to ask why, lest the doctor say you have kidney deficiency.

After I went home and ate it for a few days, the situation was basically the same as before. I had experience to stop the drug again. A few days later, I went to the doctor again. His doctor asked me to test my urine this time, saying it was a kidney problem, and suggested that I go to a major hospital for examination.

About October, I hung up the urologist number of a tertiary hospital (C hospital), and the doctor continued to test the urine, saying < /span>heterogeneity of urine red blood cells, re-attached to the nephrology department.

Hung up from the nephrology department and had an examination of 700 to 800 yuan, saying it was chronic nephritis, and then prescribed medicine for me to take one Check back in a month. After one month, the re-examination indicators have improved somewhat, so let’s re-examine in three months.

2. The physical examination has long been a problem and has not been paid attention to

I really didn’t take it seriously at first. When hospital A told me it was nephritis, I I don’t believe it at all, because apart from night sweats, the symptoms mentioned on the Internet, edema, high blood pressure, etc., I don’t have any. I also often run, swim, and play badminton.

At the beginning of 2017, influenced by my friends, I began to consider buying Hong Kong insurance. A friend recommended a sales consultant to me. Because I plan to buy critical illness insurance, the sales consultant asked some questions. I said that I have chronic nephritis, which was just diagnosed, and he said, I can’t buy it.

this time , I realized that nephritis is such a terrible disease.No wonder at the beginning, when I searched for nephritis, there would be related search recommendations “Can nephritis be cured? “Wait for the information, it turns out that this disease is really fatal when it gets serious.

Just at this time, the three-month follow-up time is up, and my creatinine is still close to the critical value. The hospital advised me to apply for a kidney biopsy. That is what we often call puncture. After the piercing appointment, I started to really take it seriously.

3. Treatment process

I work on the Internet. If there is anything I don’t understand, I like to search online, but I have never dared to search online for the term kidney puncture, and I haven’t checked it yet.

I had been in line for more than 2 months for an appointment. In June 2017, I had a kidney biopsy. The whole examination process went smoothly, but the night before the operation, I couldn’t sleep and I was very nervous.

The discharge report is shown in the figure: 24-hour urine protein quantitative 0.64g, urine red blood cell 50.4/ul, Creatinine 95.47umol/l, IgA nephropathy, CKD stage 3.

Later, I turned over the company’s medical examination report in 2015, because the medical examination was done in a very good hospital, organized by the company, and the report was very beautiful, so it has been kept. I only found out that the display was abnormal in 2015. It is recommended to review it. I didn’t care. The root cause is that the body did not feel abnormal.

So when Hospital A said I had nephritis, I still didn’t pay attention, In the end, it was not only stage 3, but also the degree of glomerular waste was close to 40%. I regret it every time I think about it.

▽muscleanhydride conversion: 1mg/dl=88.4umol/l

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At present, the daily medicines are Losartan Potassium Tablets and Qingshen Pills. Losartan Potassium Tablets were imported from Cosiya at first. Later, the hospital stopped taking them, so they replaced them with domestically produced Beiyi, 50mg per day. I just took Qingshen Pills for half a year. I adjusted it and took it once a day in the morning and evening.

Becausemy core indicators are relatively stable,uric acid and triglycerides are unstable , Sometimes I will adjust the medication according to the index situation. This is not recommended for everyone. It is recommended that everyone follow the advice of the doctor or rehabilitation specialist.

In the beginning, it was a good idea to take medicine every day The burden is now used to it. Taking medicine has become an action like washing your face and brushing your teeth. It seems that there is no special feeling.

4. My Life

The working hours are relatively regular, from 9 to 5, and no entertainment is required. I live a fairly normal life, but I can’t drink when my colleagues have dinner together occasionally, and I can’t eat the snacks that my colleagues send each other, and I can’t drink it when everyone buys milk tea together.

Some people also asked me what I do. To be honest, this is not important. We are a group of people with different bodies. To put it bluntly, you can’t endure hardships, be tired, or stay up late, so when you’re looking for a job, you must pay attention. Some people ask, what should I do if my job requires night shifts. As a bystander, I would say, work and body, of course choose body, although my work may be easier. But in fact, some people may be more tired than I thought, and they need to stay up late for the family. I can only remind you here that you must pay attention to rest and control your diet. That’s life, change what we can and adapt to what we can’t. Diet:Wife and kids like it too In order to have a light taste, the condiments at home are only 1 bottle of salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and vinegar, and nothing else. Onion, ginger, and garlic are always available, especially garlic.

Occasionally indulge yourself, eat something very oily and spicy, but the frequency will be controlled. Sometimes, it is really unbearable, there is no way.

Breakfast: Mainly noodles, home-cooked vegetables/tomato vermicelli, add an egg, the egg yolk is sometimes eaten and sometimes thrown away, depending on the mood. Occasionally, I will be lazy and buy 2 green vegetable buns at the gate of the community.

Lunch: 1 apple + 1 carton of milk + leftovers from the previous night (warmed in the company microwave)

Dinner: staple food (95% rice + 5% noodles) + vegetables (green vegetables, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, eggplant, loofah, potatoes, etc., random) + meat dishes (pork ribs, fish, beef, chicken, pigeon meat) Wait, random)

I cook vegetables at home, I use several vegetable oils to eat, and there is very little salt. The soy sauce is occasionally put, and the onion, ginger, and garlic are put normally.

When you go out with your family during weekends and holidays, you can’t help but exceed the standard.


I exercise occasionally. I have been running for a while before, but I accidentally caught a cold once I was sweating outdoors. Because I don’t like the treadmill, I switched to badminton. For me, 1-2 times a week, 1-2 hours each time.

Besides, I don’t sweat at night anymore, but There are still foams in the urine. I can basically feel it. When I am tired or eat indiscriminately, my urine will turn yellow and have a lot of foam.

5. Is nephritis scary?In fact, in life, we will There are many things that are with us from birth, such as our family, the character of our parents, and even some birth disabilities, etc. These are all things that we cannot change. When nephritis finds us, you can understand that it is destined, because in most cases, nephritis cannot be completely cured and requires lifelong medication. Everyone must see this clearly and take it seriously. to accept it. When you accept this reality, it’s not scary. Because you need to pay attention to rest, diet and medicine, you are basically the same as normal people, so I don’t want to add friends and groups, etc. Yes, because a lot of times, I really don’t think of myself as a sick person, and I live a normal life. Chronic nephritis is not a very serious disease, but most people cannot be cured completely, just like a bad habit of yours, it just follows you every day, you have to learn to deal with itgetting along well.

6. Recommended hospital or doctor p>

Like I just said, nephritis just cannot be cured, but the treatment level and methods are very mature. You only need to go to a regular hospital for treatment, Don’t believe in all forms of abnormal home remedies, etc..

I have seen a lot of people in the hospital, and the condition keeps coming back and forth, all because of the discontinuation of the medicine, and I heard that there are remedies, etc.< /span>Go to the doctor if you are sick, don’t take chances.

As for other aspects, when you go to the hospital, you must choose to trust the doctor, how to take medicine, how to avoid food, especially diet, every Each doctor in the hospital may have some differences when expressing. If you are not sure, you can ask the doctor again, and then follow the doctor’s advice.

7. Mentality< strong>

Online kidney often says that you must have a good attitude. The way I adjust my mentality is to reduceexcessive attention, so many people have privately messaged me and added WeChat before, but I directly rejected them.

In life,see yourself as normal, he is indeed a normal person, just a little sick. Excessive attention is very unnecessary for chronic diseases. Don’t get angry just because the color of urine is wrong, the test result is abnormal, or the body is abnormal. In fact, normal people will have these problems, and living people will have headaches, so don’t magnify your feelings.

Finally, I will give you some brief suggestions:


1, regular hospital treatment, do not believe in any remedies.

2, do not change hospitals frequently.

3, as directed by your doctor! Follow doctor’s orders! Follow doctor’s orders! (The main thing is to take medicine on time)

4, don’t pay too much attention.

I wish you all to control your indicators and live a happy, healthy and healthy life.
