Chunmian didn’t realize it? Watch out for diseases!

Recently, have you felt extra “inseparable” from the quilt?

Even if I get enough sleep and a regular schedule, it’s hard to get up in the morning, and I’m always restless during the day, and I’m not interested in anything.

If so, then you may have been “possessed” by Spring Trapped.

(Photo source: Figure Worm Creative)

As the saying goes “spring sleepiness and autumn fatigue”, it means that the change of seasons will bring some physiological changes, such as sleepiness, fatigue, drowsiness, some “spring sleepiness” is physiological, but Some are symptoms of disease.


Why is it easy to get sleepy in spring?

Spring is here, all things are revived, animals are in the season of sex again, the earth is thriving, but you are so sleepy that you don’t want to open your eyes? In the spring, I feel tired and doze off, and I can’t get my spirits up. This may be due to the following four reasons:

1. Brain hypoxia: In the spring, as the temperature continues to rise, the pores, sweat glands, and blood vessels of the human body dilate, the blood circulation of the skin is accelerated, and blood supply to the brain Relatively reduced, and the human body’s metabolic rate increases, the oxygen consumption increases, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, and the human body passively enters a state of sleepiness;

2.Climate reasons: Warm weather and higher humidity will have a good calming and hypnotic effect on the human cerebral cortex, making people feel tired easily, drowsiness;

3. Indoor environment: Long-term exposure to an indoor closed environment will lead to high levels of carbon dioxide in the air, which will also aggravate spring sleepiness;

(Photo source: Figure Worm Creative)

4. Other factors: Insufficient sleep at night (not to mention this), sitting still for long periods of time, excessive intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods And so on, it will also make people drowsy during the day.

In short, due to the objective seasonal changes + improper personal lifestyle, you are the only one who is a “desperately poor student”.

(Picture source network, invasion and deletion)


How do I get rid of the spring hardship?

The above physiological drowsiness and fatigue can generally be relieved by:

1. Sufficient sleep: It is best to have a fixed schedule every day to ensure adequate sleep time (adults are best to have 7-8 hours of sleep a day), If you are very sleepy in the afternoon, you can take a nap for about 30 minutes at noon. Even if you can’t sleep, closing your eyes and resting can reduce your fatigue;

(Photo source: Figure Worm Creative)

2. Coffee to keep you alive: If you still feel sleepy or even more sleepy after a nap, try eating a caffeinated food after your nap: a medium cup of Latte (70-75mg), a can of Diet Coke (36-69mg), a can of energy drink (80-200mg) or bottled tea (7.5-60mg); if you are caffeine intolerant, drink a little at night If you can’t sleep, you can also get up and walk around after a nap, wash your face, and chew gum;

3. Don’t sit for a long time: Sitting in the office for a long time can easily cause drowsiness. You can get up and move around every half hour or an hour to pick up a cup Water or a toilet are good options;

4. Reasonable meals: meals high in sugar and oil are easyIt makes people drowsy and tired, so try to choose light and easily digestible food, eat more fruits and vegetables, supplement the necessary trace elements and vitamins for the human body, and consume enough high-quality protein, all of which can help you to be energetic;

5. Open windows for ventilation: Keep the workplace ventilated and breathe more fresh air, it can also improve the function of the human cerebral cortex and drive away sleepiness;

(Photo source: Figure Worm Creative)

6. Massage the head: Proper head massage can also relax the nerves in the head, accelerate blood flow, and relieve the state of spring sleepiness;

7. Moderate exercise: Moderate physical activity such as jogging and walking outdoors helps the body’s cells and tissues to metabolize better, keeping the brain awake, while being outdoors Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, bathing in the fragrance of spring breeze and flowers, give yourself a good stimulation of sight and smell, and also help to eliminate “spring sleepiness”.


Sometimes spring sleepiness is also a sign of illness

Although it is a normal and common phenomenon to be drowsy as soon as spring arrives, there are some diseases that can also cause symptoms of drowsiness. Be careful not to confuse it with spring sleepiness, so as not to delay treatment.



According to clinical statistics, more than 70% of stroke patients will yawn frequently 5 to 10 days before the onset, especially the elderly. This is because the blood vessels will gradually harden with age, the lumen will be narrowed, and the blood flow of the brain will decrease, resulting in ischemia and hypoxia of brain cells, which stimulates the respiratory center through the feedback mechanism in the body, and adjusts the amplitude and depth of breathing to compensate for the resulting .

Ordinary spring sleepiness can be improved by the above methods, but sleepiness before a stroke, in addition to constant yawning, will also have these symptoms:

1. Blood pressure rises suddenly, systolic blood pressure can approach 200 mmHg.

(Photo source: Figure Worm Creative)

2. Nose bleeding.

3. Unsteady walking. And accompanied by numbness and weakness of the limbs.

4. Get up in the morning with sudden dizziness, persistent headache and other symptoms.

5. The elderly may also be accompanied by involuntary drooling, crooked mouth, unclear speech and other combined symptoms before stroke.

Once you notice signs of a stroke, be careful not to panic, call 120 first, and ask a professional to escort the patient to the hospital. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, family members should untie the patient’s collar to keep his mouth clean, and those with dentures should take them out. If the patient is in a coma, place the patient in the lateral position, avoid shaking, and avoid head shaking and bumping during transportation.


thyroid dysfunction

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine organ located on the thyroid cartilage in the human neck. The thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid gland are essential for maintaining normal metabolism, growth and development. When the body’s thyroid hormone levels are insufficient, it will cause the metabolic rate to decrease, and the whole person will become sleepy and tired.

However, the drowsiness caused by hypothyroidism is also accompanied by dry skin, eyes, tongue, poor sleep quality and appetite, menstrual disorders and loss of libido.

In addition, some people with hyperthyroidism also show symptoms of burnout. This is mainly because hyperthyroidism causes the human body to metabolize faster, and patients often feel systemic weakness, such as weakness in the calf and difficulty in moving, as if the legs are filled with lead; the hands cannot lift heavy objects, and in severe cases, it may even affect self-care.

The high metabolism of hyperthyroidism can also easily lead to the decrease of potassium in the blood of the human body, and the hypokalemia can easily lead to a decrease in the stress of nerves and muscles, resulting in weakness of the limbs and mental fatigue.

Therefore, if the problem of spring sleepiness cannot be relieved by combining work with rest and a reasonable diet, you can go to the hospital for a neck ultrasound examination, and then draw blood to test the “five thyroid function” indicators , to see if there is an abnormality in thyroid function.



There are mainly narcolepsy and sleep apnea, among which narcolepsy is the most common. The difference between this disease and chunfu is that the patient has no problem of lack of sleep at night, and will try to stay awake during the day, but will fall asleep within 1-2 minutes.

Sleepiness can significantly lead to a decline in occupational, social and other social functions and quality of life, as well as changes in memory loss, slow thinking, and a decline in learning ability.

Therefore, once such drowsiness symptoms appear, it is best to seek medical attention immediately, and pay attention to the examination and treatment of primary diseases that may cause drowsiness, such as infectious diseases, endocrine diseases, etc..

But then again, “Spring is sleepy, autumn is lacking, summer is dozing, winter is March when you can’t wake up.”

(Others: Spring Sleepiness? No, I want to get rid of sleepiness You: Spring Sleepiness? Okay, start to rot/Picture source network, invade and delete)

Editor: Dr. Chunyu


[1] Yu Fei. Sleeping in spring and autumn, lacking in summer and napping, you might as well check your thyroid [J]. Jiangsu Health Care, 2020(02):26.

[2] Sun Huaizhu. Can’t sleep when spring comes? Teach you some tricks to treat spring fatigue [J]. Jilin Labor Protection, 2017(04):43.

[3] Fu Rui. Don’t take stroke as spring sleepiness [J]. Rural Know-How, 2016(08):55-56.

[4] Liao Chunmei. Beware of five diseases that look like spring sleepiness [J]. Safety and Health, 2012(06):55.