Chronic low back pain? It is not easy to relapse in this way

Chronic low back pain, take some painkillers, it won’t hurt, if you don’t eat it will hurt;rectification of the spine , Kacha moved straight, immediately relaxed, but it didn’t take long to come back. Massage likes to rub the tender acupoints, wherever it hurts, but after a day or two, it hurts again, so many people think that massage does not cure the disease, that is, it is comfortable. In fact, this is the result of the assimilation and alienation of traditional Chinese medicine massage by western medicine. In ancient times massage and massage can cure both internal and external diseases of women and children.

Today, we mainly discuss chronic low back pain, excluding osseous low back pain such as spinal stenosis.

One. not relapse?

1. Rub the stomach to treat the waist

< /p>The massage of rubbing the stomach to treat the waistThe idea is “overall concept, Tai Chi balance, treatment after disease before treatment”. People with chronic low back pain accompanied by gastrointestinal diseases will not get better if their stomach is not adjusted properly.

Then this group of people will have positive reaction points in the spleen and stomach meridians or kidney meridians of the abdomen. It is usually a lump or tender point, which is also a treatment point. When it comes to this, you should know how to treat it. Generally, it is enough to rub it with your hands. Rubbing the positive reaction point on the stomach will relieve the low back pain.

2, the corresponding pain points of waist and abdomen

There is also a simpler and more specific method. Find the most painful point in the lower back. This method is not suitable for large areas of pain. Take Mingmen (at the waist) as a reference, for example, the pain point is five centimeters to the right and three centimeters below the Mingmen. Let the patient lie on the back, find the navel (in the abdomen) five centimeters right m and three centimeters below, this point is the treatment point, rub it open can be relieved.

3, Qi deficiency waist pain prescription

In addition, a prescription for treating low back pain due to qi deficiency is introduced. It is suitable for those with soreness and weakness of the waist and knees and intolerance to fatigue.

【Functions and Indications】Invigorating the kidney and promoting blood circulation, regulating Qi and relieving pain. Indicating lumbar disc herniation. [Prescription composition]Walnut kernels 210g, black sesame seeds 210g, Eucommia ulmoides 60g, Yuanhu 30g, Chuanxudan 30g, papaya 30g, Cyanophora 30g gram, dodder 60 grams, angelica 60 grams. Except walnut kernels and black sesame seeds, the rest of the medicines are sun-dried, ground and sieved for use. Crush the black sesame seeds in the grinding tank, then add the walnut kernels and grind them together. When there are no particles, pour it into the basin together with the sifted medicine noodles to make 250 grams of honey. Add it into the basin several times and stir, knead repeatedly to form a mass, and then take 7 grams of the mass to make a ball. The balls can be stored in the refrigerator. Take 2 times a day, one pill each time, 20 mg of rice wine will be given. Continuously take 100 pills for a course of treatment. 【Clinical efficacy】Treatment of lumbar disc herniation in 15 cases. Age 14-51 years old, duration 1-14 years. As a result, 14 cases were cured and 1 case was markedly improved. Follow-up for 5-10 years showed no recurrence. Note:In addition, it is also very important not to stay up late, abstinence to go to bed early, and not to eat cold and greasy food!

Original recipe: In “Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Secret Recipe”, Volume 913, source of recipe: People’s Liberation Army 513 Physician Guo Daping

Second, change bad habits

1. Sitting

When sitting, the pressure on the lumbar spine is quite It is 5-6 times as long as when lying down, especially when lying on the sofa, the back is arched, the waist muscles are stretched, and it is easy to have low back pain for a long time. We should try to adopt the correct sitting posture to reduce the pressure on the lumbar spine

Correct posture:Keep the neck upright, chin slightly, shoulders Sag naturally and relax, with your upper arms close to your body and your elbows bent, preferably on the armrest.

Keep your wrists horizontal and your waist straight.< span>The knees are naturally bent at 90 degrees, and the feet are naturally on the ground.

2. Lying

< p>

The softness and hardness of the bed should be moderate. A mattress that is too soft will cause improper curvature of the spine, increase the tension of the lower back muscles, and easily cause back pain.

On the contrary, an excellent mattress will make many parts of the body fall into place, which is not conducive to the curvature of the lumbar spine.

People with bad waist try not to do sit-ups. It will put a lot of pressure on the spine;The lever force generated during sitting up will compress the lumbar intervertebral disc, and even induce lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, chronic low back pain patients with weak lumbar strength More attention should be paid.

Third, practice one practice

1. Back Bridge

Shoulder and foot support, hips raised Until the body becomes a straight line, hold for 10 seconds. 10 as a group, do 5~10 groups.

[double-leg back bridge]


2. Side bridgeOne arm is bent for support, the upper body and hips are raised in a straight line, hold for 10 seconds, 10 as a group , do 5 to 10 sets.

[curved leg side bridge]


【straight-leg side bridge】


3. Cat Camel PoseThe arms and thighs are perpendicular to the bed, and the arms are separated from the shoulders same width, do as shown in the picture below. 10 sets, do 1~2 sets.

【Cat Camel】

4. Press a button

Several simple and professional massage methods:< /span>

1) With one hand on the bottom and the other on top, press and rub the waist in a circular motion to relax the muscles on both sides, and do not use too much force.

2) It is demarcated by the spine, rolling and rubbing the waist with the forearm.

3) Divide by the spine, with one hand on top of the other, and push and knead the opposite side. Note that the direction of force at this time is outward and downward.

4) Slightly clench your fists and push and knead them from bottom to top. Note that when pushing and kneading, both hands should be rolled along the way.

5) Press the thumbs of both hands from top to bottom along both sides of the spine.

6) Pat the waist and back with both hands. Note that your fingers are slightly bent and your palms are hollow.


Note:Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific treatment and medication!

Scan the QR code below to make an appointment< /span>

Edited by Xu Yang p>

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