Chronic kidney disease patients can enjoy full-course diagnosis and treatment services

A few days ago, the reporter learned from Shaoxing Second Hospital that the hospital has set up a chronic kidney disease management center, mainly to provide early screening, standardized diagnosis and treatment and long-term follow-up management services for chronic kidney disease patients.

It is reported that the onset of chronic kidney disease is insidious and the awareness rate is low. Most kidney disease patients are often diagnosed at a later stage, causing irreversible damage. In addition, many patients are easily “lost to follow-up” after discharge.

It is understood that the Chronic Kidney Disease Management Center of the Second Hospital of Shaoxing uses the Internet of Things, database chain, artificial intelligence and other technologies to build “early screening”, “standardized diagnosis and treatment”, “long-term diagnosis and treatment” of chronic kidney disease patients. The new system of “follow-up management” can provide patients with full-course diagnosis and treatment services.

“We will have professional medical staff to guide patients to use the free urine test screening machine throughout the entire process. Screening only takes a few tens of seconds. For patients who are positive after urine test screening, they will also guide them to improve further examinations. The purpose of screening is to help high-risk patients to detect renal lesions and complications early, and to promote the establishment of an early prevention and control mechanism.” The relevant person in charge of the center said, “The center is also equipped with a hemoglobin detector that can quickly detect hemoglobin. Patients will be given timely intervention and a long-term follow-up plan will be formulated.”

(All-media reporter Ding Wener correspondent Lu Xiaoyuan)