Chongqing: In-depth development of the “Three Going to the Countryside” activities of traditional Chinese medicine

A few days ago, the list of demonstration projects, excellent teams and service pacesetters for the 2021 National Culture, Technology and Health “Three Going to the Countryside” activities was announced. Chongqing Jiulongpo District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital’s “Traditional Chinese Medicine Technical Assistance Project for Tibetan Hospitals” was awarded as a demonstration project, and Fang Yuan, director of the First Department of Internal Medicine of Chongqing Fengjie County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, was awarded the service pacesetter.

“We not only send doctors to the countryside, but also stay in the countryside to effectively improve the level of TCM technology at the grass-roots level and bring high-quality TCM services to the local people.” Lu introduced that in recent years, Chongqing has carried out the “Three Going to the Countryside” activities of traditional Chinese medicine. Based on the traditional advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, it has given full play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, such as simplicity, convenience, testing, and cheapness, so as to provide warmth, health, training, and counterpart support, etc. Through various forms, vigorously promote the appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine, and improve the technical level of grass-roots traditional Chinese medicine personnel; by organizing popular science lectures, distributing publicity materials, and conducting free medical consultations, etc., actively disseminate traditional Chinese medicine culture, popularize traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, and help rural revitalization.

In 2021, Chongqing will carry out more than 1,000 activities such as free traditional Chinese medicine clinics and popular science lectures, benefiting more than 300,000 people. At present, all township health centers, 99% of community health service centers, 98% of community health service stations, and 82% of village clinics in Chongqing can provide traditional Chinese medicine services, basically achieving full coverage. accounted for 33%. (Huang Yu)