Chongqing added a new local 2+1 yesterday, which are the returnees from outside the city who have been quarantined

From 0 to 24:00 on May 7, 2 new local confirmed cases in Chongqing (Pengshui County) and new local asymptomatic infections 1 case (Pengshui County), all were found in the isolation control personnel; 1 case was cured and discharged from the local confirmed case (Wushan County).

As of 24:00 on May 7, there are 8 local confirmed cases in Chongqing (7 in Pengshui County and 1 in Jiulongpo District). ), and there are 2 local asymptomatic infections (1 in Liangping District and 1 in Pengshui County).

From 0 to 24:00 on May 7, there were no new imported confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections in Chongqing.

As of 24:00 on May 7, Chongqing has no confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections imported from abroad.

The basic situation of newly confirmed local cases and local asymptomatic infections in Chongqing on May 7 is as follows:

The confirmed case 6 in Pengshui County is a returnee from outside the city who has been quarantined. After arriving in Pengshui County by car from outside the city on May 5, he was quarantined and controlled. On May 7, according to the laboratory test results, imaging features and clinical symptoms, after consultation with an expert group, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) was diagnosed.

Confirmed Case 7 in Pengshui County, a person who returned to Chongqing from outside the city under centralized isolation, who was in the same car of confirmed Case 6 in Pengshui County, On May 5, the confirmed case 6 in Pengshui County arrived in Pengshui County by car from outside the city and was quarantined and controlled. On May 7, according to the laboratory test results, imaging features and clinical symptoms, after consultation with an expert group, a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) was diagnosed.

The asymptomatic infected person 3 in Pengshui County is a returnee from outside the city under centralized quarantine. After arriving in Pengshui County by car from outside the city on May 4, he was quarantined and controlled. On May 7, according to the laboratory test results, imaging features and clinical symptoms, after consultation with the expert group, it was determined to be an asymptomatic infection.

SourceChongqing Health Commission

Editor intern Zhao Siyao

Process Editor Liu Weili