Chloasma is probably caused by stasis of collaterals and veins on the face. I made a Yurong decoction to nourish the liver and kidney, clear the veins and remove blood stasis.

Chloasma is a chronic and easy-to-relapse beauty-destroying disease, which is mainly manifested by the appearance of obvious pigmentation spots and dull complexion on the face. In women, the Yangming pulse declines, and the face begins to burn… Sixty-seven, the three yang pulses decline on the upper side, and the face is burnt…” The root cause is that the kidney essence, which is the foundation of one’s whole body, declines with age, and the day after tomorrow Under the blessing of the loss, the kidney water is insufficient, which will damage the liver and yin for a long time; at the same time, because it damages the beauty, it is easy to cause adverse effects on the patient’s mood (such as irritability or depression), and even affect normal social interaction; under the influence of emotions, it is easy to << strong>Further consumption of Qi and Yin damage, resulting in deficiency of liver and kidney. Visceral Qi and blood disorders, Qi mechanism is not adjusted and Qi and blood stasis, blood stasis is blocked, meridians are blocked, and plaques are formed. Therefore, insufficiency of liver and kidney is the internal basis for the occurrence of this disease, while stagnation of qi and blood, and obstruction of blood vessels and collaterals are important inducing factors.

Although the disease location is the collaterals, it is actually a manifestation of the dysfunction of the viscera of the whole body. At the same time, the abnormality of the qi of the viscera can also lead to the disease of the collaterals. As an important transmission pathway for evil qi to enter the body, collateral channels are mainly caused by deficiency, stagnation and blood stasis.

Chloasma, although located in the skin, is actually a dysfunction of the viscera. On the one hand, the stasis of the facial collaterals is an important reason for the formation of chloasma. On the other hand, the viscera and collaterals are deficient and stagnant, and the qi and blood cannot be prospered on the face, which can aggravate the chloasma and make the chloasma more lingering and difficult to heal. From the point of view of defending qi and nourishing blood, deficiency and stagnation of blood stasis in blood, obstruction of collaterals, and poor qi and blood, female patients with refractory chloasma are often accompanied by pain and discomfort in the flanks, irregular menstruation with blood clots, dysmenorrhea, etc. The overall pathogenesis is “insufficiency of liver and kidney, stagnation of qi and blood stasis”. Therefore, in the treatment of patients with refractory chloasma, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of blood-activating and collateral-dredging drugs, combined with pathogenesis, and to invigorate the liver and kidney, and replenish the essence and qi.

Self-made Yurong Soup:

Shudi 15 Raw Astragalus 30 Angelica 12 Red Peony 10 Peach Kernel 10 Safflower 10 Danpi 10 Atractylodes 15 Alisma 10 Albizia japonica 10 Poria 15 Chuanxiong 10 Loofah 10.

Invigorating the kidney and qi, promoting blood circulation and eliminating spots.

Monarch medicine: This recipe reuses Astragalus to invigorate the spleen and lungs, nourish the meridians, nourish the muscles, and the source of qi and blood biochemistry; Shudi nourishes the blood and nourishes the yin , Filling the essence and nourishing the marrow, the two are the king medicine, nourishing qi and nourishing yin.

Chen medicine: Alisma disperses dampness and relieves kidney turbidity. Together with Poria cocos, it relieves dampness and turbidity. It benefits the middle earth and helps to replenish the ground without being greasy. Spleen and Qi; Angelica tonify blood and activate blood, so that tonic without stagnation, red peony root, Chuanxiong blood stasis. A total of minister medicine.

Adjuvant: peach kernel stagnates and moistens dryness, and together with safflower, helps to activate blood and remove blood stasis; Danpi activates blood and dredges blood, clears deficiency and heat, acacia bark soothes the liver and calms the nerves, and loofah dispels wind and clears collaterals. , a total of adjuvant.

The whole recipe plays nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing qi and blood, clearing meridians and removing blood stasis.

Okay, I will share it with you today, [remind everyone to find a professional doctor for syndrome differentiation and conditioning, do not self-medicate]. If you have any questions, please leave a message in the comment area, I am @Chinese medicine teacher Wang talks about skin care , thanks for your attention.