Children who repeatedly accumulate food, use these ingredients for long-term conditioning

Recently, whether it is the backstage of the official account, the live broadcast room, or even our live broadcast fan group, we often receive messages from mothers. Question: Baby has accumulated food, how can I adjust it?

In addition, some babies often accumulate food repeatedly.

Mothers all want their babies to be healthy. Repeated food accumulation like this often leads to symptoms such as: cough, constipation, fever, etc. Babies in this situation can really make mothers extremely worried and anxious.

So today, let’s talk about food accumulation. Modern dietary material conditions have been greatly enriched. Physical problems caused by eating have become more and more common. Especially children, they have no concept of self-control about diet, and the function of the spleen and stomach is relatively weak, and they are easily injured by improper diet and get sick. If it is a child with a relatively healthy physique, it will only accumulate food and get sick when the diet is extremely unfavourable, and take medicine to treat the symptoms, or use some dietary prescriptions for digestion, such as Hawthorn Liuwu Paste, Chicken Inner Ingredients such as gold will be good soon, and it is not easy to repeat. However, children who are usually not in good physical condition will cough, clear their throat, and throat if they do not pay attention to their diet, such as eating more meat, seafood, or fruit, cake, ice cream, etc. Pain, restless sleep, grinding teeth, snoring, heavy breath, abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea or constipation, thick and greasy tongue coating or even fever and other symptoms of accumulated food, according to the method of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of accumulated food, it will be temporarily improved, but next time you will get sick again if you don’t pay attention to your diet . < span>Many mothers are anxious and disturbed by the frequent illness of their children. After coming into contact with the knowledge of Chinese medicine parenting, they try to strictly control their children’s diet in order to reduce the occurrence of food accumulation. For such children, when the diet is strictly controlled, the frequency of food accumulation will indeed decrease, but as long as one day they can’t control it or let go, even family relatives and friends take them out to play around, because they ate a lot for their children. After the snack, the child began to accumulate food again. There will also be a type of children who, because of long-term poor spleen and stomach, even sometimes do not eat anything special, they still have symptoms of food accumulation and illness. In the process of children’s growth, in order to avoid accumulation of food, they should strictly control their diet, so that children cannot gain a sense of security and contentment when eating, for fear of not having to eat. Such children are more likely to eat something when they see it, which makes it more difficult to digest and absorb, forming the appearance of “strong stomach and weak spleen”, which is particularly edible but cannot be digested and absorbed, which in turn causes the mother to become more Don’t dare to feed the child, the child is even more unhappy. Children who are excessively taboo are prone to, on the one hand, grow slowly due to insufficient nutrient intake, and on the other hand, the spleen and stomach do not receive a normal diet and exercise, resulting in poorer digestion and absorption capacity. More importantly, it is because of the basic food Unsatisfied desires make the child often unhappy, the child’s physical and mental health often has problems, and the mother and the mother enter the “dead end” of mutual toss and suffer! These children who are often prone to overeating are not the root cause of the child’s illness. Strictly controlling diet and frequently dealing with overeating is also the solution. The root problem of not being able to children is the root cause of physical problems. Allergic constitution, imbalance of spleen and stomach transport and transformation functions, imbalance of intestinal immune function, and sensitivity to different foods to varying degrees, so in daily life, it is necessary to properly grasp, but also properly put aside, usually Appropriately take measures to regulate the transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach, and the constitution will gradually improve, so that the frequent accumulation of food and illness will not occur. Long-term repeated food accumulationIt is still necessary to regulate the spleen and stomachWhen it comes to regulating the spleen and stomach and solving accumulated food, we need to start from the spleen and stomach and sort out the relationship between the spleen and stomach and accumulated food. We can review some small knowledge points about the spleen and stomach that Dr. Mao Minghao mentioned in the live broadcast room. Although we often say “regulate the spleen and stomach”, in fact, both the spleen and the stomach belong to the earth in the five elements, but they belong to the Tibetan fu and the functions they perform. different. The stomach belongs to the six fu-organs, and it mainly receives water grains and decomposed water grains. To put it simply, the stomach dominates the digestion, and the food is ground from large particles into small particles, so that the food can be decomposed in the stomach. The spleen belongs to the five internal organs, and is mainly responsible for transporting and transforming water and grain. The good food “eliminated” in the stomach passes through the small intestine to distinguish the turbidity, and the clear substances are transported to the spleen, and then the spleen transports water and grains throughout the body. At the same time, the spleen is also responsible for transporting and transforming water and dampness. It cooperates with the lungs, kidneys, triple burners, bladder, etc. to bring water to all parts of the body; the spleen is also responsible for the production and control of blood. What kind of spleen and stomach is a good spleen and stomach? People with good spleen and stomach can first look at their lips. Their lips are usually rosy, moderately wet, smooth and shiny. At the same time, they will also be: ruddy complexion, rosy lips, good digestion of food, no discomfort such as nausea and vomiting, full body strength, sufficient qi and blood, good appetite, no abdominal distension and abdominal pain, and sleep well , Sufficient nutrition, not picky eaters, not partial eclipse. Eight precious rice for nourishing the spleen and stomach, click the picture to buywhat is spleen deficiency span> Deficiency of the spleen means that there is a problem with the body’s function of absorbing, transporting and transforming food. In fact, this is mainly related to the lack of righteousness in our body. It will cause the inability to absorb nutrients, and eventually lead to a vicious circle of insufficient righteousness and inability to absorb nutrients. Traditional Chinese medicine talks about a lot of Qi, Zong Qi, Lung Qi, Kidney Qi, etc. They are all related to the spleen and stomach. Because only the spleen and stomach have normal absorption, transportation and transformation functions, can the absorbed food nutrients be converted into these righteous qi. What will happen if the spleen is deficientThe absorption of nutrients will be reduced, and it will not be able to be transported to the whole body; the nutrition of the limbs will be insufficient, so the limbs will be weak , the muscles will decrease, because the spleen controls the limbs and muscles; in addition, the human lung qi will also become weak, because “the spleen soil produces the lung gold”, the lung qi is generated by the spleen and stomach qi, and “the lung controls the skin and hair”, then the human body These defense systems on the surface will weaken the function of the fur one by one, and there will be symptoms such as lack of luster, hair loss, dry and yellow skin…What are the manifestations of children with spleen deficiency< /span>1. Poor digestion, easy food accumulation, not fond of eating, picky eaters, full after eating a little2. Unsmooth skin, drooling< span>3. Timid and clingy, like to cry, map tongue, soft meat4. Sweating in sleep, phlegm coughing5. Poor resistance, prone to illness, frequent diarrhea, Easy to catch cold and cough6. Skin disease (eczema), lack of trace elements7. Sleeping on your stomach, like to sweat while sleeping, eyes are not fit8. Anemia, malnutrition9. Yellow, sparse and dry hair, yellow complexion, lack of luster10. Easy to fatigue, loose muscles, lack of energy11. Very Able to eat, but very thin without growing flesh, strong stomach and weak spleen12. White, thick and greasy tongue coating13. Weak, low voice, not loud enough 14. Constipation, stool sticks to the toilet, not easy to flush15. Slightly introverted, not talkative16. Short, slow growth If the spleen is deficient, eat eight precious rice, click the picture to buy What is Stomach DeficiencyIt means that there is a problem with the function of people to accept food. , vomiting, sour water, etc., these are the manifestations of stomach deficiency and stomach-qi upturn. What is disharmony between the spleen and stomachThe spleen and stomach belong to the digestive system. There are liver and gallbladder, heart and small intestine, lung and large intestine, kidney and bladder). If the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, such as strong stomach and weak spleen, hyperactivity of the stomach, the appetite is very good, and it can be eaten, but it cannot be absorbed or transported. If the spleen is weak, it will cause diarrhea. Or the stomach becomes more and more bloated after eating, which is a strong stomach and a weak spleen. Disharmony between the spleen and stomach means that the spleen and stomach cannot cooperate. If it can be accepted, cannot be absorbed, cannot be transported, and cannot be transported to the whole body, then the spleen and stomach will not be in harmony. Bazhen rice that harmonizes the spleen and stomach, click the picture to buyDisharmony between the spleen and stomach usually also refers to the incompatibility between the spleen and stomach and other viscera. For example, if the liver qi is disturbed and the mood is not good, it will also cause the disharmony between the spleen and stomach. Strictly speaking, this kind of disharmony between the spleen and stomach is called liver and spleen disharmony. There is also a situation where the spleen and stomach are not in harmony with the outside world. For example, if you suddenly come to a place, you are particularly uncomfortable with the soil and water, you eat something, drink relatively hard water, and then you have a stomachache. This is also called a disharmony between the spleen and stomach. What is food accumulationFood accumulation is a type of weakness in the spleen and stomach. Accumulation of food will cause weakness of the spleen and stomach, and weakness of the spleen and stomach will cause accumulation of food, and they are mutually causal. Accumulation of food, some food accumulation in the stomach, that is, eating too much, causing the stomach to block. For example, when a child eats chicken legs, he eats 3 pieces at a time, and then he doesn’t want to eat anything else, and sometimes even vomits sour water. So what doesaccumulate in the spleen mean? That is, when food accumulates in the stomach for a long time and is not eliminated, slowly, the spleen will be injured, which will bring more serious harm to the child. If it accumulates in the stomach, it may disappear after eating some hawthorn, it will be fine. However, after accumulation in the spleen, the function of the spleen is damaged, which is formed after a long-term process, and is a more serious consequence of the accumulation of food. Hawthorn rice is added, click on the picture to buy itThis step, the child always loves diarrhea, or often has dry stools The front of the poop is hard and the back is soft and shapeless. After eating a little food, the stomach tends to swell. In severe cases, the child’s stomach will swell like a ball. Such children look thinner and thinner. This is because the muscle lacks a source of nutrients, and then the child will have no strength, often sweating, asthma, etc., all because the spleen function is injured, it cannot transport food, and it is all stuck there. If the child has spleen deficiency, parents must pay special attention, because spleen deficiency has entered a sub-healthy state. Ordinary accumulated food is mostly an emergency. As long as it disappears, it may be fine the next day, but spleen deficiency is not made up today, it will be fine tomorrow, it needs to be nursed back little by little. Clarifying the differences and relationships between the three is of great significance for us to regulate our children’s bodies. Only when parents can clearly distinguish what state their children are in can they treat the symptoms in a timely manner. Solutions for food accumulationThere are two types of food accumulation:Visible food accumulation and invisible food accumulation< /strong>For tangible food accumulation, we can use some Chinese patent medicines or ointments for food accumulation, such as Hawthorn Liuwu Paste, Chicken Neijin Biscuits span>and so on. The invisible accumulation of food requires us to further regulate the problems of spleen deficiency and weak spleen and stomach. Speaking of invigorating the spleen, Dr. Mao mentioned a very common and easy-to-obtain ingredient in the live broadcast, which is jujubejujube strong>. Bazhen rice with jujube, click the picture to buy itJujube is warm in nature, sweet in taste, pharmacopoeia says it has spleen and stomach, The effect of nourishing qi and blood. As early as two decades ago, in the “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”, there was a record of “Dazao Anjia nourishing the spleen”. Li Shizhen said, “Jujube is the fruit of the spleen, and spleen disease should be eaten.”Of course, in addition to jujube, many common ingredients in our lives are also nourishing for the spleen, such as< strong>Rice, glutinous rice, Huai Yam, Gorgon, wheat, lotus seeds, maltand so on. Based on the principle of comprehensive nutrition, our mothers of course hope that our children can eat these foods that are good for the spleen and stomach every day, but these foods should be covered for three meals a day. The artistic requirements are simply too high. But even then, we always have high-tech solutions. Bazhen Rice,Tune the spleen and stomach like a mealFollowing the use of Chen Shigong, a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the Ming Dynasty The imperial dietary therapy formula is made by grinding the above-mentioned various ingredients into broken wall pure powder that can be absorbed easily, and then using modern technology to make one grain of rice. Each grain of “rice” contains 11 kinds of rice that are good for the spleen and stomach. The ingredients are easy for mother to cook and easy for baby to accept. Click the picture to buyHuai yam + lotus seeds + fried jujube< span>: A good partner for the spleen and stomach, energy treasureFried Coix Seed + Gorilla: Say goodbye to moisture, good energy without “wet”Fried Malt + Jiao Hawthorn + Fried Chicken Neijin: Clean up the excess “garbage” in the body and have no pressure on the stomachChildren who are prone to food accumulation are in most cases due to spleen deficiency. The correct approach should be to eliminate tonic and cure simultaneously. Of course, it is natural to take a little supplement at the beginning. When the body can accept it, we can increase the amount. Babies of different ages have slightly different ways and amounts to eat Bazhenmi. Eating method:[8 months to 1 year old]Take an appropriate amount of Bazhen Rice is mixed with rice and boiled one by one, and the rice soup is fed to the children. [1 to 3 years old]First appropriate amount of Bazhen rice, mix with rice one to one, depending on the child’s acceptance, make rice soup , porridge or paste, after three days, depending on the child’s food intake, gradually increase the amount. Children under the age of two are recommended to drink rice soup. 【Above 3 years old】First, take an appropriate amount of Bazhen rice and mix with rice one to one, and make paste, porridge, rice according to the child’s dietary preferences After three days, you can gradually increase the amount, and finally the child’s food intake shall prevail. [under 8 months]No complementary food and early stage of complementary food: Massage Mainly, it is not recommended to eat Bazhen rice. Complementary food has been added: Boil porridge with rice and rice, and feed the rice soup to the child. To achieve the purpose of digesting food for the baby (will not return to milk). Bazhen Rice + Nutritious Vegetable RicePacking various nutrients into a grain of rice strong>Original price: 59 yuan/boxMay 2nd 50% off span> (Poke