Chatting while eating, a woman in Xi’an had an accident and her throat got stuck

We often say

“Eat without talking, sleep without talking”

Can be used in daily life

Many people are used to eating while talking

While joking

You may accidentally swallow a foreign body

No, this is what happened to Auntie Li in Xi’an

A few days ago, the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center of the Dacha City Campus of Xi’an People’s Hospital (Xi’an Fourth Hospital) received a call from the outpatient clinic saying that there was a referred patient with a foreign body in the throat, Aunt Li, who needed urgent treatment. Foreign body treatment.

Doctor: “The patient, Auntie Li, ate a chicken bone by mistake during dinner. At that time, her throat felt uncomfortable. She vomited for a long time without vomiting, and then she rested. When she drank water the next morning, her throat was particularly uncomfortable. , and seek medical attention immediately.”

It is understood that Aunt Li first underwent a laryngoscopy at the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, and found that a foreign body was stuck in the throat, and the position was deep, and then went to the gastroenterology department for further treatment.

Doctor: “After the CT examination, we arranged for the patient, Aunt Li, to have a foreign body forceps operation under the gastroscope.”

Soon, the chicken bone was removed smoothly, its length was a full 4cm, and the shape was irregular.

How did such a large chicken bone get stuck in the throat? Auntie Li told the doctor that she usually eats fast, but that night while chatting with her family, she accidentally swallowed a chicken bone.

Experts remind that once a foreign body is stuck, you should stop eating and drinking, and go to the hospital’s otolaryngology or gastroenterology department to remove it as soon as possible.

(Urban Hotline reporter: Jian Yunshan)