Changde Maternal and Child Health Hospital visited Yongzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Red Net Moment March 15th News(Correspondent Tang Min) On the morning of March 14, 2022, Cao Zhengqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Changde Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and his entourage visited Yongzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Liu Yaling, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Jiang Guoying, Dean, and other members of the party and government leadership and heads of relevant departments attended the work exchange meeting.

At the exchange meeting, through playing the promotional video of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the work of hospital management, the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, and the construction of key disciplines were carried out. communicate with.

Afterwards, Changde Maternal and Child Health Hospital visited the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Department of Pediatrics, Departments of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, etc., highly appreciated the achievements in the construction of the provincial-level specialty specialty of the Municipal Maternity and Children’s Health Hospital – the specialty specialty of menopause health care.

This exchange has deepened the deep friendship between the sister hospitals, broadened their horizons, and broadened their thinking. Exchange, form normalized learning, learn from each other and share experiences and practices, complement each other’s advantages, improve together, and make due contributions to safeguarding the health of the people.

[Source: Hongwang Yongzhou Station]

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