Changchun: “Yellow Code Hospital” three echelons of medical staff to ensure the special diagnosis and treatment needs of key groups

People’s Daily Online, Changchun, March 16 (Ma Junhua) Today, the 28th press conference on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Changchun was held.

As of 24:00 on March 15, Changchun City has reported a total of 2,900 local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 189 asymptomatic infections.

Recently, Changchun City has successively carried out multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing for all employees to quickly identify potential sources of infection through large-scale nucleic acid testing. Therefore, the number of newly reported local new coronary pneumonia infections in Changchun City continues to increase, and the corresponding closure and control areas, management and control Districts, centralized isolation places, home medical observation, health testing and the number of people with yellow codes are also increasing. In order to further meet the medical needs of the above key groups, Changchun City has selected Changchun Second Hospital as the “Yellow Code Hospital” to provide medical services.

On March 10, Changchun No. 2 Hospital officially opened as a “Yellow Code Hospital”, and received more than 100 patients on the same day. At present, the hospital has set up three echelons. The first echelon consists of 300 medical staff. The second and third stages are ready to provide support at any time according to the actual situation. In addition, 38 medical staff from the Municipal Obstetrics and Obstetrics Hospital and the Children’s Hospital are dispatched to ensure practical protection. Special diagnosis and treatment needs of the above key groups such as hemodialysis, maternal and childbirth, infants, and other acute and critical illnesses. Up to now, a total of 493 patients have been admitted, mainly patients with coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction. If the above key groups have medical needs, please contact the community where they live as soon as possible, and the community and the hospital will coordinate and send a special vehicle to the hospital for treatment.

In the next step, Changchun City will resolutely and conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of various prevention and control work, continue to carry out accurate nucleic acid testing, continue to increase the efforts to trace the source of circulation, solidly do medical treatment, accelerate the construction of makeshift hospitals, and ensure supplies With supply guarantees in place, it is imperative to curb the spread of the epidemic and achieve social zero as soon as possible.