Centralized isolation and management of mild cases to reduce social impact from time to time | Beijing News Express

▲On March 15, the interior of Changchun Olympic Park Fangcang shelter hospital under construction. Figure / Xinhua News Agency

Centralized isolation management for light cases; adjustment of release management and discharge from hospital Standard, speed up the process of patients’ release from isolation and discharge; adjust the management of release from isolation and precautions after discharge, and change “continue to carry out 14-day isolation management and health status monitoring after discharge” to “continue to carry out 7-day home health after discharge from isolation management or discharge from hospital” “Monitoring”… The recently announced “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Ninth Trial Version)” has made a number of updates to further optimize the new coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment work.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in early 2020, the spread of the virus has been constantly changing, and the corresponding diagnosis and treatment plans have also been dynamically adjusted and optimized to better adapt to diagnosis and treatment. work needs. At present, the trial version of the diagnosis and treatment plan has been updated to the ninth version, which reflects that the epidemic prevention diagnosis and treatment strategy has always maintained its own “evolution” to ensure that it changes due to the “epidemic”.

At present, the epidemic is still circulating around the world, but the Omicron strain has replaced the delta strain as the main epidemic strain, the clinical diagnosis of the virus and infected people. The performances all show new characteristics. At the same time, considering that related therapeutic drugs have been launched one after another and the social vaccination rate has reached a certain level, it is indeed necessary to adjust and optimize the previous diagnosis and treatment plan.

For example, the most concerned point in this adjustment is to implement centralized isolation and management of light cases, instead of requiring treatment in designated hospitals. This means that the diagnosis and management of mild cases can be more accurately distinguished from common, severe, critical cases, and patients with high risk factors for severe illness. This will not only help reduce the burden of diagnosis and treatment on medical institutions and medical staff, avoid running on medical resources, but also help curb the irrational panic of the society about the virus.

The reason for this adjustment is mainly based on the new characteristics of the current Omicron virus – high infectivity, but low virulence. Recently, the number of confirmed cases in many parts of the country has increased rapidly, but most of the patients are asymptomatic infections and mild cases, and most of them do not need too much treatment. In view of this reality, mild cases only need centralized isolation and management without entering the hospital. Starting from science, the burden and cost of epidemic prevention are reduced practically.

In addition, the management of release from isolation, the criteria for discharge, and the precautions after discharge have also been adjusted. For example, the isolation management and health monitoring time after discharge has been reduced from the past 14 days to 7 days. This will help reduce the consumption of medical and other epidemic prevention resources, and can also significantly reduce the impact of epidemic prevention on individuals.

At the same time, the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan also requires that on the basis of nucleic acid detection, antigen detection should be added as a supplement to further improve the ability of early detection of cases, improve the diagnosis of suspected cases or exclude efficiency.

These adjustments, in general, can be seen in an obvious general direction, that is, in combination with clinical experience, new characteristics of the virus, as well as the improvement of existing detection methods and therapeutic drugs On the basis of improving the efficiency and accuracy of epidemic prevention, continue to reduce the comprehensive social cost of epidemic prevention, achieve a better balance between epidemic prevention and normal social operation, and promote the development of prevention and diagnosis and treatment strategies in a more moderate and sustainable direction.

However, it should be pointed out that the more precise diagnosis and treatment plan does not mean that the “standard” and “seriousness” of epidemic prevention are downgraded. For example, it is clear in the plan that patients with mild symptoms should still do symptomatic treatment and condition monitoring during the isolation management period. If the condition worsens, they should be transferred to designated hospitals for treatment. At the same time, the plan also reminds that vaccination against the new coronavirus can reduce the infection and morbidity of the new coronavirus, and is an effective means to reduce the incidence of severe illness and death. Those who meet the requirements for vaccination should be vaccinated. This is actually a reminder that the awareness of epidemic prevention cannot be relaxed.

Beijing News Special Commentator| Yugi

Editor| Chi Daohua< /span>

Intern | Velyuyi

Proofreading | Wang Xin