Celery is a product of the same origin as medicine and food

In the vegetable market, celery is seen every day, but it is a vegetable that is not afraid of cold. It does not grow well when it is too hot. Celery eaten in spring is the first autumn Just planted, the growth period is the longest in the four seasons of celery, the best medicinal properties.

Spring corresponds to the liver, and celery also has its own flavor and meridian. , we can use it to adjust our body.

Celery is cool in nature, sweet in taste, enters the lung, stomach, and liver meridians, can clear away heat and relieve irritability, calm liver qi, clear stomach fire, cool blood and stop bleeding, constipation People with knots and high blood pressure can eat more.

If a friend with high blood pressure has a flushed face and a quick temper, this is hypertensive liver-yang type hypertension. In spring, yang qi occurs, blood pressure is more likely to rise, and dizziness and discomfort will occur. At this time, if you eat celery, it can play a role in calming the liver and lowering blood pressure.

However, if celery is heated for too long, its blood pressure-lowering active ingredients will be destroyed, so you can wash the celery, scald it with boiling water, and then Cold salad, can retain its effective nutrients.

Celery is rich in plant fiber and is the best food for unclogging the gut. Many of the foods we eat these days are highly processed and contain very little dietary fiber, especially for those who love meat. The intestine needs a certain amount of dietary fiber to keep the stool smooth. If the dietary fiber is insufficient, the stool will remain in the intestine, and many toxic substances will be absorbed by the intestine, which is an important cause of intestinal cancer, and celery is The porter that clears the intestine can speed up the running time of feces in the intestine and inhibit the carcinogenic substances produced by the bacteria in the intestine.

In ancient times, people used celery to regulate menstruation. It is a product of the same origin as medicine and food. The liver meridian of women is particularly important. Menstruation is related to the evacuation of the liver meridian. If there is heat in the menstrual period, there will be excessive evacuation, resulting in prolonged menstrual time. This is caused by blood heat. Celery can be eaten because it has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

So, celery is a very good food. After you understand it, when you go to the vegetable market and face so many kinds of vegetables, you will know under what circumstances you should buy celery and eat it back. , and then serve our health.