CCTV exposes “poisonous tissue paper”, the material is dirtier than a rag, advise parents not to be ignorant

Tissue paper is an essential daily necessities for every family. Many people will take advantage of Double Eleven or other shopping festivals to stock up a lot, especially It is a family with children at home. Children are used as “paper machines”, and the consumption of paper towels is very staggering.

Therefore, some parents feel that the quality of paper towels is not too much at the high and low prices, so they tend to buy paper towels for their children. Buy some very cheap paper towels, but are cheap paper towels really cheap? The answer is of course no.


CCTV exposed “poisonous tissue paper”, which is dirtier than a mop, and many parents still buy boxes for their children

One case:

Xiao Li (pseudonym) has always been a woman who can live a life according to relatives, friends and neighbors. She is relatively frugal. After marriage, only her husband works alone, and she takes care of the baby at home full-time.

The economic pressure of living in the urban area is inevitably greater. It is precisely because of this that every time Xiao Li goes to the supermarket When shopping, try to choose products that are cheap and of good quality, and children’s products are no exception.

Once I went to the supermarket to buy groceries, passing by the daily necessities area, I happened to hear the salesperson shouting a tissue with a loudspeaker The brand is holding a promotion, and the price is half lower than before, with a 50% discount. Xiaoli took a closer look. This is the tissue she often buys on weekdays, and it is much cheaper than usual.

Seeing a lot of mothers lining up around to buy, Xiao Li was also very excited and hesitated. I also joined it below, and bought 5 large bags at once, thinking that this time I can use it for a long time and I don’t need to buy it again. It will be used for the baby in a few days.

However, after a few days, the child developed small red rashes around the lips and eyes, and the child always She couldn’t help scratching it with her hands. Xiaoli thought it was eczema, and even after applying the ointment, it didn’t work. She had no choice but to take the child to the pediatrician for an examination.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor diagnosed that the child was allergic due to external bacterial infection and required hospitalization. Xiaoli pays attention to the personal items used by the child to check whether there is any uncleanness or unsanitary conditions.

Although Xiaoli is frugal, she still pays great attention to hygiene. What was abnormal? She stayed in the hospital to take care of the child that night. She tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep. She suddenly thought of the newly bought tissue.

I stopped using it on the 2nd day. As expected, the child recovered quickly after being treated in the hospital. . Not long after, a CCTV report reminded Xiaoli that “inferior tissues” can also become invisible “killers”!

  • According to CCTV reports, the production of many cheap paper towels on the market does not comply with legal regulations. Standard, their raw material is actually obtained after bleaching some rags and rotten gauze.

What is even more frightening is that the manufacturers of these tissues are extremely inattentive to environmental hygiene. After a random inspection by CCTV, it was found that there are even brands that we commonly use in our daily life that are classified as “poisonous tissues”, which is hard to prevent.

But many parents are still unaware and buy boxes for their children. Seeing this, Xiao Li has lingering fears, and quickly put theThe remaining tissue was lost.


What are the harmful effects of using “poisonous tissue paper” on children’s health?

1. Causes skin damage span>

One of the typical characteristics of “poison paper towels” is that the rough surface, low-cost raw materials, and rough workmanship make it run counter to sophistication, Causes damage to the delicate skin of infants and young children when in contact with the skin.

At the same time, in the process of contacting with the skin, the chemical heavy metal components on the surface of the “poisonous tissue” exceeding the standard will be in human skin. The surface stays for a long time, and then the continuous stimulation and damage to the skin surface will bring safety hazards to the skin health of children.

2. Affects respiratory health p>

In the production process of “poisonous paper towels”, the residue of chemicals makes the smell of poisonous paper towels a little pungent, which is different from the smell of paper towels produced by other regular manufacturers Different.

However, most of the paper towels on the market are purchased in plastic packaging, so it is difficult to smell the paper towels , The first thing to do after buying paper towels is to open the packaging of paper towels, because if you buy inferior and substandard paper towels, it will emit an unpleasant irritating odor and bring health risks to the respiratory tract.

Especially children who are in a critical period of growth and development are very vulnerable to greater harm. Therefore, if you accidentally buy poisonous paper towels, don’t continue to use them for fear of waste, and you need to throw them away immediately.

3. Affecting the human visual system

The chemicals contained in inferior tissue can cause harm to the human body, especially can cause people’s vision loss, blurred vision or suffer from B cataract.

But do you know? People of different ages have different tolerances for the toxic substances in paper towels. Vulnerable groups, including the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled, have a worse tolerance, so they are more easily affected.

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing paper towels, so as to avoid choosing “poisonous paper towels” Woolen cloth?


How to choose qualified tissue?

Look at the product packaging. Whether the hygienic license number, factory address, zip code, telephone number and whether there are implementation standards are indicated on the package.

Look at the color. Pure wood pulp should be natural ivory white in color and relatively uniform in texture because it does not contain any additives.

Depends on price. According to experts, under normal circumstances, toilet paper with a market retail price of less than 1.2 yuan per roll cannot contain pure pulp.

Look at endurance strength. Due to the long fibers of the pure wood award paper, the tensile force is large, the toughness is good, and it is not easy to break. On the other hand, poor quality paper has irregular holes and powder drop.

See the results of the fire. Good toilet paper turns white ash after burning, while inferior toilet paper turns black ash after burning.

Look at the shelf life. Better napkins, facial tissues and women’s products are marked with implementation standards and shelf life, while most of the inferior toilet paper has no identification and product appearance features that can be identified, referred to as “three no products”. “.

Here, it is also important to remind you not to buy cheap and low-quality toilet paper from street vendors.

If you have doubts about the disinfection quality of toilet paper, you can expose it to the sun for 1 hour or directly use a microwave oven at high temperature Heating for 2 minutes to achieve the purpose of disinfection.


Extended Reading – Tips for Using Tissues in Life

1. White shoe stains

will be Simply wash the shoes with soapy water or toothpaste, then wrap the white shoes in a paper towel and let them dry in the sun.

After the paper towel is completely dry, you will find that the stains on the shoes have all gone to the paper, and Your clean as new little white shoes.

2. Remove wax marks

Families with children will basically have their children’s masterpieces of art on the walls of their homes – wax marks! This can be stumped for a lot of moms and dads.

Tell you the trick: find an electric iron and paper towel, iron a few times with the paper towel on a low-grade iron, and then use Use the ironed paper towel to wipe the wax, you will find that the wax marks are naturally abducted by the paper towel.

3. Microwave oil absorption

If you want to eat crispy fried chicken wings but you are afraid of eating too much fat, you can put the fried chicken wings on the kitchen towel after the plate is covered with paper towels. Cover it with another layer of paper towel and heat it in the microwave for about 30 seconds, and a lot of grease will be absorbed by the paper towel.

4. Removal of ears of corn p>

When peeling corn, some ears of corn may be difficult to remove.

Wrap a damp paper towel around the peeled corn and swirl gently to remove any remaining ears of corn .