CCTV: Brushing mobile phones will make the brain more tired

[Source: CCTV]

[Swipe your phone to rest for a while? # Brushing the phone will make the brain more tired#] # Staying up late for a long time makes it harder and harder to concentrate # Switch repeatedly on major social platforms every day, and it is difficult to settle down to read a tome? Shu Chang, deputy director of the Department of Psychiatry of the People’s Hospital of Wuhan University, said: “In addition to work, people are also watching mobile phones and watching TV when they are entertaining, and their brains do not get a rest. When the brain is very tired, there is a lot of information to process. Pay attention. It is difficult to concentrate. In addition, modern people generally sleep very late, and the brain does not get enough rest, and the function will decline. This function includes attention, and even memory and emotional regulation.

CCTV Quick Look:

Global Times:

Sina Hubei Health Channel: < /p>

Jingchu Mingyihui:

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