Causes and treatment of chronic neck and shoulder pain

Summer is coming, and many people stay in air-conditioned environment all day long, which leads to the fact that summer should be the season of sweating, but can’t sweat!

In fact, sweating is the best “skin care product” in summer.

There is an old saying, “No stove in winter, no fan in summer”. This means, don’t get too close to the stove in winter, otherwise the yang will be disturbed. In summer, don’t keep fanning, let your body sweat naturally.

In addition, Chinese medicine pays attention to “autumn harvest” and “winter storage”. Only by expelling the stagnant qi in the body in summer, can things be absorbed in autumn, and things can be replenished in winter. Don’t go out when you should go out, and don’t go in when you should go in, it will only affect your health.

1. Sweat a little and get rid of dampness

Jin Zhe, chief physician of the Department of Gynecology, Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, published an article in Health Times in 2020, saying that sweating in summer is a distraction. The cool environment created by the air conditioner will automatically close the pores of the body, so that the sweat cannot be expelled, and the moisture cannot be dissipated. ①

2. Sweat a little to prevent colds

There are about 3 million sweat glands distributed on the body of a normal person. Generally, when the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, people start to sweat. The heat is removed from the body surface through the volatilization of sweat to keep the body temperature constant. Therefore, the primary function of sweating is to act as a thermoregulator.

Bai Yanping, chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of China-Japan Hospital, introduced in an interview with Health Times in 2017, “Being a little cold in winter and sweating a little in summer can ensure that this body temperature regulation mechanism is often used and new. Often Staying in an air-conditioned room will lead to ignorance of heat and cold, decreased immunity, and more likely to catch a cold.” ②

3. Sweating a little is good for cardiovascular

Henan traditional Chinese medicine Liu Xincan, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology at the First Affiliated Hospital of the University, published an article in Health Times in 2009 that he often encounters some patients who say that after entering the summer, they are often inexplicably upset, chest tight, limbs weak, and blood pressure is not well controlled. After inquiring about the condition, it was found that these patients have one thing in common: they are afraid of heat, rarely go out after summer, and stay in air-conditioned rooms all day.

In fact, the root cause of upset chest tightness is “too little sweating”. Sweat a little in summer to ensure the normal operation of body temperature regulation, which is also one of the important factors in preventing cardiovascular disease. ③

Health Times Data Map

4. A little sweat makes the skin better

< p>Min Cunyun, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, pointed out in an interview with Yangcheng Evening News in 2019 that the human body sweats properly, and sweat can moisturize the skin and ensure the moisture of the skin, thereby preventing it from being too dry and slowing down the aging of the skin. ④

5. Sweating a little, promotes metabolism

Min Cunyun said that the main way of expelling waste from the human body is stool and urination. Exhaust gas can be excreted through breathing, and sweating is also the excretion of waste by the human body. the main way. Because the body surface area of ​​the human body is large, a large amount of harmful substances can be excreted through the evaporation of sweat every day, reducing the burden on the kidneys and promoting metabolism. ④

6. Sweating a little, not easy to get heatstroke

Some people naturally sweat less and may be more prone to heatstroke than others. Because sweating helps to dissipate heat and lower body temperature; on the contrary, if you do not sweat and dissipate heat in time, it will increase the possibility of heat stroke.

Health Times Photo by Cao Zihao

Learn to be “hot” in summer

Of course, sweating is not to expose us to the scorching sun, but to learn to sweat healthily, which is the best health regimen in summer.

In 2019, Chen Yanqing, director of the Treatment and Pre-treatment Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, shared several ways to help the body sweat in an article in Health Times. ⑤

1. Exercising and sweating

Most of the modern people’s lifestyle is to eat more and move less, which is easy to form the constitution of spleen deficiency and dampness. Such constitution requires the most exercise and sweating. In summer, in the morning and evening when the weather is cool, exercise outside for half an hour. Elderly people can choose gentle exercises such as Tai Chi and yoga, and young people can play basketball and football to achieve the effect of sweating.

2. Drink a cup of warm water before exercising

You can drink a cup of warm water before exercising, and replenish water in time after exercising and sweating. Do not catch cold after exercise, and wait patiently for the sweat to subside.

3. Drink some ginger water

People who work in an air-conditioned environment can insist on drinking some ginger water, ginger red dates water, etc. to promote perspiration.

4. Soak your feet with hot water

The same effect can be achieved by taking a bath or soaking your feet after returning home. Bathing or soaking your feet in a water temperature of about 40°C is good for your body to sweat and relieve fatigue.

5. Turn off the air conditioner regularly

Blowing on the air conditioner for a long time will cause discomfort. You might as well turn off the air conditioner regularly every day, so that the body can adapt to the hot climate in nature, and sweat when it is time to sweat.

6. Take a hot bath

No matter what season it is, taking a hot bath is good for the body. Rinse the back and soles of the feet more often to make the body sweat.

7. Don’t dress too “cool”

Especially for women with colder constitutions, they should pay attention not to be too revealing in summer, especially not to wear navel and backless clothes . Just wear normal summer clothes and sweat a little to be healthier.

A final reminder: sweating too much is not good either. Excessive sweating will damage body fluids and consume qi and blood. If you find that your sweating amount or sweating time is obviously abnormal, it may be that your body has sent a distress signal and you need to seek medical attention in time.

This article is synthesized from:

①2020-07-10 Health Times “Lazy Women Want to Dehumidify”

②2017-08-11 Health Times “Stuffy Tanks and Sky Stuffy” A lot of things happened”

③2009-08-06 Health Times “Sweating less will cause chest tightness”

④2019-07-23 Yangcheng Evening News “It’s good to sweat properly in summer !”

⑤2019-08-06 Health Times “Sweating in Summer”