Caused by eating too much sugar? Is insulin addicting? These 4 claims about diabetes are actually all big fudges

Some people say: Life must be a little sweet, and this life can be lived.

But for people with diabetes, it’s best to stay away from desserts to get by.

Nowadays, the incidence of diabetes is increasing gradually, and it has exploded in our country, with more than 100 million people suffering from diabetes.

The problem is, many people are not new to this disease, but they don’t know much about it.

Many people still have misconceptions about diabetes, that is, these misconceptions make many diabetic patients fail to detect the disease in time, thus missing the best recovery period for diabetes.

These misunderstandings about diabetes have harmed how many people with diabetes:

First, is diabetic urine sweet?

Many people think that diabetes mellitus, as the name suggests, is sugar in the urine, so they think that sugar can be detected in ordinary urine tests, which can attract some ants.

Although the name is “diabetic”, the urine of most people with diabetes is not sweet.

But this is wrong, because most diabetics have undetectable urine for sugar, and urine without sugar is naturally less sweet >.

Sometimes sugar can be detected in the urine of a diabetic, but it does not happen until the blood sugar of the diabetic reaches a certain value.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for diabetics to detect blood sugar in urine after their blood sugar control is stable.

Therefore, friends, don’t be curious about the baby, but don’t try it yourself.

Second, is insulin use addicting?

Some diabetic patients need to inject insulin to stabilize their blood sugar, which also brings a misconception to many patients that once they use insulin, they cannot stop, which is often said to be addictive .

In fact, on the contrary, insulin is actually a hormone in the body, so there is no such thing as “addiction”.

For diabetics, the blood sugar rises due to insufficiency of insulin secretion in the body. Insulin injection is only to maintain a normal blood sugar metabolism level in the body.

Diabetes is divided into two symptoms. For type 1 diabetes, long-term insulin injection is required, because type 1 diabetes is a congenital insufficiency of insulin secretion strong>.

However, patients with type 2 diabetes can use insulin to help control blood sugar. After the blood sugar stabilizes, they can choose oral drugs to maintain blood sugar stability every day.

Third, should diabetics avoid sugar?

Many people think that the formation of diabetes is caused by excessive intake of sugar in the body. Diabetics must fast from sugar. In fact, this kind of thinking is wrong.

First of all, the reason why diabetes is high blood sugar is caused by poor insulin secretion. For healthy people, even if they eat a lot of sugar, the blood sugar in the body will not rise.

Furthermore, not only sugar, but many common foods also contain sugar.

But sugar and carbohydrates are the energy needed by the human body. If the intake of carbohydrates and sugars in the body is insufficient, it will cause hypoglycemia, which can even be life-threatening. From a medical point of view Look, low blood sugar is more dangerous than high blood sugar.

Therefore, people with diabetes should not only eat staple food, but also choose to eat it selectively, and try to choose staple food varieties that have less impact on blood sugar, such as all kinds of grains and beans, Potatoes, etc., these are usually digested and absorbed slowly and have a lower glycemic index.

Fourth, is diabetes caused by eating too much sugar?

In fact, the pathogenesis of diabetes is more complicated. Currently, it is divided into two categories: genetics and environment. It occurs in the environment: for example, the dietary structure is unreasonable, and people often eat high-fat, high-oil, and high-calorie foods. related to food, etc.

But these all take long-term, and occasionally a large amount of sugar is consumed once or twice, and the body will self-regulate and restore blood sugar to normal levels.

As for heredity, although parents with diabetes have a higher risk of their children, it is not absolute.

Sugar moms and dads can also greatly reduce the risk of developing diabetes if they adhere to a healthy lifestyle and actively control blood sugar stability.