Can’t lose weight all the time? Mostly a physical problem! 3 steps to lose weight in traditional Chinese medicine


March is sunny and warm, take off your heavy clothes, and there is nowhere to hide the flesh on your body. Bucket waist, beer belly, “swimming ring”, elephant legs… It’s not pleasing to the eye no matter what.

More importantly, obesity is still the “source of all diseases”. Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even cancer are all related to it. Weight loss is imminent! But there are thousands of ways to lose weight, either painful and difficult to adhere to, or unhealthy and easy to rebound, which is simply exhausting.

Isn’t there a healthy, safe, easy, effective, and easy-to-implement method? Today, we specially invited Director Tan Weilan, a well-known weight loss expert from Beijing tertiary hospital, to explain how she has helped thousands of obese patients lose fat and regain a healthy body.


Obesity will hurt you from head to toe

It is no exaggeration to say that obesity is the “root of all diseases”, and its effects on health are all over the body.

1 Harm the cardiovascular system

Obese people generally have more fat, which will not only increase the burden of the heart pumping blood, but also be accompanied by high blood pressure, which can easily lead to metabolic disorders and aggravate inflammatory reactions.

Some foreign scholars have found that in addition to other cardiovascular factors, 11% of men and 14% of women have heart failure due to overweight and obesity.

2 Harm the endocrine system

Obesity, especially central obesity, can easily lead to fat, sugar, protein metabolism and endocrine dysfunction, not only can cause metabolic diseases such as hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuric acid, but also affect gonadal function, resulting in obesity reproductive impotence syndrome , For example: women have polycystic ovary syndrome, which affects menstruation and fertility.

3 Harmful to the digestive system

Obesity can easily lead to fatty liver, pancreatitis, etc. The incidence of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis also increases with the aggravation of obesity, which may be related to the metabolic disorder of cholesterol in obese people.

In addition, obese people are more likely to cause constipation and hemorrhoids because of their abdominal fat.

4 increases the risk of malignancy

Obesity increases the risk of various cancers, including breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, thyroid cancer, colorectal cancer (the prevalence of obesity is 2-3 times higher than normal people), bladder cancer, endometrial tumors, and more.

In addition, obesity can also affect the bone and joint system, causing knee joint damage, lumbar disc herniation, etc.; mental health is also affected by obesity.



Dietary medication is needed for weight loss

In Chinese medicine, obesity is also divided into constitutions. Obese patients with different constitutions have different manifestations and medication.

◎Deficiency: clinically divided into Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, etc., according to the viscera dialectics, it is divided into heart qi deficiency, heart blood deficiency, stomach yin deficiency, spleen deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, etc. There are often shortness of breath, weak voice, low voice, insomnia, dreaminess, pale lips and tongue.

◎Act: There are often symptoms such as fever, headache, abdominal distention, belching and swallowing acid, etc. Coptis chinensis and gentian grass are suitable.

◎The combination of virtual and real.

Specifically, how Director Tan dialectically used drugs to regulate his constitution and improve obesity. Please pay attention to the micro-live broadcast at 19:00 tonight. Experts will explain in detail with the case.


Traditional Chinese Medicine for Fat Reduction

Three simple steps to lose weight easily

It is generally believed that fat people have more qi deficiency and phlegm-dampness, and as the course of the disease prolongs, it will inevitably develop into qi deficiency and blood stasis or phlegm and blood stasis.

When ointment, fat, phlegm, and turbidity are deposited in the veins, it hinders blood flow, and blood stasis is generated. Over time, the veins will be damaged, which manifests as subcutaneous fat visible to the naked eye on the outside and accumulation of symptoms, such as fatty liver and various nodules, on the inside.

For obese patients, Director Tan summed up a set of effective “three-dimensional adjustment methods” to help patients improve obesity and reduce disease risk.

The first step: adjust physical fitness

The first step of the “Three-Dimensional Tuning Method” is to regulate the constitution, which is divided into 3 stages: “Tong, Clear and Tone”.

①Tong: Removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals, softening and dispelling knots

For obese people with blood stasis, according to the degree of development of blood stasis, different treatment methods should be given, such as blood circulation, blood circulation, blood stasis removal, blood stasis removal, and symptom elimination.

◎Oral administration: Commonly used Gegen Qinlian Decoction + Curcuma, Zhe Fritillaria, etc. Gegen Qinlian Decoction resolves the exterior and clears the interior; Curcuma detoxifies blood, eliminates accumulation and relieves pain; Zhe Fritillaria combined with Curcuma curcuma, eliminates firmness and disperses knots.

◎For external use: Hunger-relieving patches made from Magnolia officinalis, Atractylodes Rhizoma, Citrus aurantium, and rhubarb, with better effect.

②clear: expectorant phlegm and dampness

For obese patients with phlegm-dampness, we should focus on the metabolism of water and fluids in the body, so that there is a way out for water-dampness and phlegm turbidity.

◎Dampening water: Commonly used Zhenwu Decoction (Atractylodes Rhizoma, Ginger, Aconite, Shaoyao, Poria) + Rhubarb, Glauber’s Salt, etc. Zhenwu Decoction warms Yang and diverts water, while Rhubarb and Glauber’s salt increase dampness effect;

◎Remove phlegm and turbidity: commonly used Pinellia+tangerine peel;

At the same time, it is more effective when used with external damp-removing stickers, including Muxiang, Peilan, Atractylodes, Angelica, Sichuan pepper, etc.

③Tune: Tonic, tonic, qi deficiency

The fat people are mostly virtual, or a mixture of virtual and real. Regulating is tonic, tonic for the deficiency of qi in the whole body or for the deficiency of qi in the spleen, or for the yang of the spleen and kidney. This stage is to return the light body to a healthy state after clearing and clearing, to maintain and prevent rebound from the root.

◎Oral administration: commonly used Buzhong Yiqi Decoction (astragalus, ginseng, Atractylodes, Zhigancao, Angelica, tangerine peel, Bupleurum, Cimicifuga, etc.) + fenugreek, fenugreek has the effect of warming kidney yang;

◎For external use: Invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, including Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Alisma, Rhubarb, lotus leaf, clove, etc.

The second step: adjust the diet

Keeping your mouth shut is a necessary way to lose weight. In terms of diet, timing, quantity, and clever matching are required.

The third step: mobilize action

In terms of other living habits, it is necessary to pay attention to regular work and rest, and moderate exercise, which is more conducive to weight loss.

Real Case 1

A young obese patient, weighing more than 200 kilograms, also suffered from three highs. He was afraid that one day high blood pressure would cause cerebral hemorrhage and endanger his life. The whole person is not in a good mood, and is almost depressed.

He used to lose a lot of weight by exercising, but he still didn’t lose weight in his stomach, and once he stopped exercising, he gained weight again, which especially affected his confidence.

Later, I heard from a friend that Director Tan’s TCM weight loss effect is very good, so I wanted to try it. Diagnosed by Director Tan, the patient belongs to the syndrome of spleen deficiency and dampness, yang deficiency, and kidney yang deficiency, and should warm yang and remove dampness. After conditioning for a period of time, I really lost weight, and Sangao controlled it, and my mood also improved.

Real Case 2

A woman suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome due to obesity and has been unable to conceive a child. Although the family did not say it clearly, there was still a bit of estrangement in their hearts.

She tried dieting, exercising, etc., but failed to lose weight, nor did she dare to take diet pills. Later, the family saw Director Tan losing weight on a short video, and asked her to try it. Now, not only has the weight gone down, but also the birth of a baby, the whole family is very happy.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)

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