Can’t eat onions with high blood pressure? Doctor’s Tip: If you want to stabilize blood pressure, try to touch these 3 kinds of foods as little as possible

Hypertension is known as the invisible killer that endangers the lives of middle-aged and elderly people. Many patients have no physical symptoms 1 to 2 weeks before the diagnosis of the disease, which leads to the disease Delay until the development of moderate hypertension symptoms.

According to the latest statistics of the “China Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension (2021 New Edition)”: The population is also as high as 268 million, the high-risk induction stage is 45 to 55 years old, and 11.3% of them tend to be younger.

Although medical technology has reached a certain stage of development, the problem of chronic metabolic diseases caused by high blood pressure has not yet been found. The only way to completely cure it is to take long-term medication according to the patient’s own symptoms.

If you do not receive stable medication within 3 to 4 weeks of onset, your blood pressure will appear in the The development of the elevated state will also lead to the viscosity of blood oxygen, the formation of a large number of atherosclerotic thrombotic plaques, and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cerebral infarction, and thrombosis diseases.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, who has made significant contributions to the epidemic in my country, also recounted his 20-year experience in fighting blood pressure during an interview. : The first is to control your own diet, pay attention to the combination of the four nutrients of vitamins, dietary fiber, high-quality protein and carbohydrates, and secondly, keep your mouth shut and open your legs.

—Can’t people with high blood pressure eat onions?

Onion is a common seasoning aid in every household, a regular customer on the table, and also in the weather. Under hotter conditions, most men usually choose white wine to match meat products. By eating raw onions, the greasy feeling of meat products is relieved and the smell is improved.

The traditional Chinese medicine point of view shows that onion is sweet in nature, easy to reduce inflammation and sterilization, promote blood circulation and diuresis, nourish kidney yin, and onion pass through The irritating components emitted after the semi-uniform incision are similar to pharmacological anti-inflammatory drugs, and can effectively relieve the local discomfort symptoms caused by neuropathic pain.

According to the extraction of food nutrition components, it shows that the onion contains rich nutrients, high medicinal value, vitamin C , potassium, zinc, selenium and other micronutrients can help improve the body’s metabolism and improve the immune system.

Can people with hypertension eat onions? The doctor gave a clear answer: it can be eaten properly.

Selenium and quercetin in onions are antioxidants that stimulate the body’s immune response, Inhibiting the division and growth of cancer cells, onions can also stimulate appetite, help digestion and absorption, improve gastrointestinal tension, and promote gastrointestinal motility.

The nutrients contained in it are decomposed by gastric acid and converted into phytoncide and allicin, which can effectively resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses. It is also conducive to the production of human urine, and achieves the effect of protecting the prostate organ and promoting blood circulation.

People with high blood pressure can stabilize their blood circulation and inhibit atherosclerotic thrombosis by eating onions appropriately. Block formation, reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, thrombosis diseases, and cerebral infarction.

Medical advice:

The optimal daily dosage of onion for hypertensive patients is 10~15 grams, which is converted into half of the standard content. Skin, white skin onions, to make the right choice.

People with poor taste acceptance can achieve the purpose of therapeutically assisting blood pressure by eating yellow-skinned and white-skinned onions.

——Doctor’s Tip: If you want stable blood pressure, try to avoid these 3 foods span>

1. Pickled pickles

Whether the elderly in the north or the south, the common breakfast diet is pickled vegetables and rice porridge, although it can relieve the stomach in a short time. It can reduce hunger in the body and achieve the effect of energy supplementation.

However, it contains less nutrients and cannot fundamentally supplement the high-quality protein, Iron, phosphorus and other trace components, and the iodide ion contained in pickled foods is high, and long-term intake is prone to sodium-salt disorder, resulting in blood oxygen viscosity and blood pressure.

All your own health considerations, you should eat less salted food, and you should also use the best salt standard for one day The intake content is controlled under 6 grams, and sticking to a light diet is the best choice.

2. Rich Chicken Soup p>

In the minds of some middle-aged and elderly people, they think that rich soup and water foods are great tonic products, and they usually choose to cook chicken soup to supplement the body’s Lack of energy, calories, high-quality protein, iron, calcium, etc.

Although it can supplement the nutrients the body lacks in a short period of time and achieve the effect of improving the immune system However, if it is used for a long time, it will also cause a large amount of oil and fat components to precipitate on the surface of blood vessels, thereby disturbing the standard range of triglycerides and cholesterol.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat chicken soup 1~2 times a week in their daily diet. , beef, shrimp and other high-quality protein-rich meat products with less fat.

3. Fatty foods p>

For the fried food, smoked meat products, barbecue and other high-fat foods sold on the market, because patients with hypertension should also do Timely taboos, so as not to cause a large amount of oil components to precipitate on the surface of blood vessels, the phenomenon of blood oxygen viscosity, and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Eating high-fat foods for a long time is prone to the risk of obesity, which indirectly reduces autoimmune resistance and causes self-inflicted diseases. The risk of having an infectious disease gradually increases.

——Extension of popular science: eat more of the following two things to help lower blood pressure


Tomatoes are the best source of vitamin C in the food and nutrition industry. The plant-based dietary fiber they contain also helps to promote gastrointestinal motility and achieve a stable metabolic rate. Effect.

It is suggested that middle-aged and elderly people can use a tomato a day to improve their own blood vessel antioxidant capacity and inhibit arteries Atherosclerotic thrombosis plaque, low-density lipoprotein accumulation phenomenon occurs.

Tomatoes and eggs can be used to make soup to supplement the nutrients the body lacks. Easy to digest and absorb, it can help nourish and protect the stomach. span>



According to relevant food research, it is found that the unsaturated fatty acids contained in chestnut help to promote the blood circulation speed of the human body, and achieve the auxiliary effect of stable blood oxygen and stable blood pressure.

Middle-aged and elderly people can supplement the micronutrients lacking in the body by eating chestnut properly to achieve stable disease However, it should also be selected according to the tolerance of its own gastrointestinal tract. The best consumption of chestnuts in one day is about 4 to 5. #Aile Health Guide#