Cancer Prevention Awareness Week 2022 | Are Painkillers Addictive? 100 Experts Free Clinic for Cancer Pain Prevention and Treatment

Producer | Sohu Health

Author | Zanda

Editor | Zhou Yichuan

< p data-track="4">Cancer is preventable and controllable. April 15-21, 2022 is the 28th National Cancer Prevention Awareness Week. The theme of this year’s publicity week is “Early Action for Cancer Prevention and Control”, and the National Cancer Center/Tumor Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences will open “100 Experts Online Free Clinic”. Integrative traditional Chinese and Western medicine has its unique advantages in the prevention and treatment of cancer. In view of the most common and most concerned issue of cancer pain prevention and treatment for cancer patients, experts from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences will conduct a special session of “Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Cancer Pain Prevention and Treatment”. Activity.

Cancer pain is one of the most common and painful symptoms of cancer patients. According to statistics, more than 60% of tumor patients suffer from pain. In clinical practice, patients will be more concerned about the following issues:

1. Painkillers are addictive, try not to use them, right?

People are generally afraid of “addiction” to painkillers, and they dare not use or increase the dose of painkillers. In fact, cancer pain patients use painkillers in accordance with doctor’s orders, and the probability of addiction is extremely low.

2. Pain relief only treats the symptoms, there is no need for special treatment for pain?

Some patients believe that pain treatment only treats the symptoms, and there is no need for specialized pain treatment. In fact, if pain is not effectively controlled, it will stimulate pathogenic substances and exacerbate the progression of cancer pain. Therefore, cancer pain must be treated as soon as possible and standardized.

3. Should I choose Western medicine or Chinese medicine for painkillers?

For cancer pain, the World Health Organization recommends an opioid-based “three-step analgesia” treatment plan. The disadvantage is that adverse reactions such as constipation, nausea, and vomiting often occur. According to relevant reports, improper use may even lead to death. Traditional Chinese medicine has unique therapeutic advantages in the treatment of cancer pain: pain relief and anti-tumor, and less toxic and side effects, the disadvantage is that the onset of action is slower than that of opioids. Therefore, the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine is the best choice for the treatment of cancer pain, and the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine plays the role of analgesic and anti-tumor, reducing toxicity and increasing efficiency.

4. Are there any new developments in TCM prevention and treatment of cancer pain?

Feng Li, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, developed Yishen Qutong Granules based on years of clinical experience and the “balance blocking” therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. It has obtained the national invention patent and the batch number of preparations used in the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and is currently undergoing clinical research and enrollment.

5. National Cancer Prevention and Control Awareness Week – Cancer Pain Prevention and Treatment Combination of Chinese and Western Sessions, free clinics, consultation methods:

You can add the contact information of the person in charge to enter the National Cancer Prevention Publicity Week – Cancer Pain Prevention and Control Combination of Chinese and Western Session:

Dr. Zhang: Tel/15652609727 WeChat/meng_clytze< /p>

Dr. Liu: Tel/13717730115 WeChat/Allison1327