Cancer is most afraid of bone metastasis. Reminder: When cancer “runs around”, the body often has 4 signals


For cancer patients, “metastasis” is the last word they want to hear, which means the deterioration of the cancer’s condition, the increase in the difficulty of treatment, and even a direct impact on survival. According to statistics, up to 90% of cancer patients’ deaths are related to cancer metastasis, and various complications caused by metastasis will also make cancer patients miserable.

Bone is a common metastatic site of advanced malignant tumors, and it is more common in breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer and other malignant tumors. Among them, the proportion of bone metastases in breast cancer is 65%-75%, prostate cancer 65%-75%, lung cancer 30%-40%, kidney cancer 30%, and multiple myeloma is as high as 70%-95%.

1. Cancer bone metastasis, a “stumbling block” on the road to recovery of patients

Cancer metastases to bone are prone and destructive. This is because tumor cells have a strong “osteophilic”. Although the bones are extremely hard, they still need blood supply. When cancer develops in an advanced stage, it is likely to contact the bones through blood circulation, resulting in bone metastasis.

Bone metastases can be divided into three types according to the type of bone damage caused by tumor cells: osteolytic, osteogenic and mixed , in which osteolytic means that the bone is damaged little by little like dissolution, and it is easy to form wormholes, the osteogenic type causes the bones to be highly calcified, causing severe pain, and the mixed type is A hybrid of the two types.

Liang Jun, Chief Physician, Department of Oncology, Qingdao University School of Medicineexplains this: if tumor cells are regarded as ” When the seeds enter the soil, they will secrete cytokines, and the balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the bones will be broken, resulting in fractures, bone pain, symptoms such as hypercalcemia.

Second, cancer patients should pay attention to 4 types of symptoms and be alert to bone metastases

< span>Generally, bone metastasis occurs, which often means that the patient’s cancer has developed to an advanced stage. The symptoms of the whole body will make the patient mistakenly think that it is caused by a tumor, and it is difficult to associate with bone metastasis. The pain caused by bone metastases is often more serious than the tumor itself. The following four symptoms must be alert to bone metastases.

1. Pain

Bone metastases can cause severe pain and are characterized by

1. span>Persistent dull pain that tends to worsen at night. Generally speaking, the pain caused by osteogenic bone metastases is more intense, and the pain location is related to the location of bone metastases. For example, bone metastases occur in the spine, and pain symptoms may appear in the lower back, chest, and neck.

Reminder: The pain of bone metastases can last for several days and is generally not related to external factors, such as: activities, poor sitting posture.

2. Pathological fractures

Pathological fractures are often associated with osteolytic bone metastases Related, because the bone is eroded by tumor cells, resulting in a decline in bone strength, like a dam gnawed by ants, it looks fine, but it will be damaged and fractured if it is slightly impacted.

Clinically, many patients are prone to fractures due to coughing, sneezing, and impact, and in severe cases, bone deformities, loss of mobility, and even paraplegia.

3. Compression symptoms, local swelling

Bone metastases may occur in any part of the bone, but clinically, the spine, pelvis, ribs, and long bones of limbs are the most common. When bone metastases occur in the spine, it may damage the vertebrae , Compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. At this time, patients often have symptoms such as weakness, pain, loss of sensation in the limbs, and incontinence. When bone metastasis occurs in the long bones of the extremities, it may also compress blood vessels and nerves, causing movement disorders and joint disorders. When bone metastases occur in the pelvis, pressure on the bladder can cause bowel and bladder disorders.

In addition, superficial bone metastases in the extremities can cause swelling and, in severe cases, mass and affect the joints.

4. Systemic symptoms

Bone metastases may also cause low-grade fever, anemia, fatigue, etc. Systemic symptoms.

Dr. Wang Renjie from the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital of Jilin University said, the whole body bone Imaging can display the whole body of the human body, and find out the local blood supply and metabolism abnormalities of the bones. Compared with X-ray, the time to detect bone metastasis by whole body bone imaging can be reduced by 3- 6 months, the inspection scope is also far more than CT, MRI, is the best means to prevent and detect bone metastases.

Third, reminder: cancer is also easy to metastasize to these parts

1. Liver

The liver has a very large blood flow in the human body, accounting for a quarter of the entire heart output. The flow supply mainly comes from the hepatic artery and the portal vein, of which the hepatic artery is responsible for 25% and the portal vein is responsible for 75%. Because blood circulation must pass through the liver, tumor cells are also the easiest to reach the liver through blood circulation, and are affected by the source of liver blood flow.Among the tumors, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, etc. are the most prone to liver metastases.

Patients often have hepatic cirrhosis, hepatomegaly, liver tenderness, etc. Symptoms, a small number of patients have splenomegaly, ascites and other symptoms, in addition, patients also have non-specific symptoms such as loss of appetite, low-grade fever, and weight loss.

In clinical practice, CT and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography are commonly used to diagnose liver metastases.

2. Brain metastases

clinical data show that 20% of cancer patients are present The risk of brain metastases is highest in breast cancer, melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer. Patients with brain metastases often experience headache, papilledema, neurological deficits, seizures, acute “stroke” symptoms, cognitive impairment, etc. symptom.

MRI is recommended for clinical examination, but it is not recommended for patients with three renal cell carcinoma, colorectal cancer, breast cancer (without neurological symptoms), etc. Do.

3. Spinal metastases

Spine metastases are as high as 70% in patients with malignant tumors. It may be related to the hematopoietic function of the spinal cord, because the abundant blood causes tumor cells to easily reach the spine during blood circulation. The common targets of metastasis are lung cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and other gynecological tumors. Spinal pain in patients with spinal metastases may manifest externally aslow back pain, shoulder and neck pain, and may also be caused by spinal compression span>Mobility disorder, in severe cases, the spine is damaged and the position changes, which will cause abnormal bowel movements, weakness of the limbs, and eventually develop into paraplegia.

In addition to the above-mentioned high-risk sites for metastasis, tumors are also easy to metastasize to the lungs, stomach, joints, etc. Tumor metastasis means that the cancer has developed to an advanced stage, and the threat to patients is increasing day by day, but cancer metastasis may not be the end point.

Fourth, after cancer metastasis, is there any help?

In cancer treatment, once many patients see cancer metastasis, their self-confidence will be greatly impacted when they think of advanced cancer, and they will lose hope of survival. Not necessarily without the possibility of survival.

Among the many cancer-fighting patients, some breast cancer and prostate cancer patients experience bone metastases after active treatment, and some still live for more than ten years. whether prognostic measures are effective.

After the cancer has undergone bone metastases, while the tumor itself is treated by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, etc., it can also be treated with Bone regulators, bisphosphonates, etc. help bone repair and enhance bone strength. In addition, through special treatment and training to deal with fracture risk, symptoms can also be effectively alleviated, allowing patients to achieve the goal of tumor-bearing survival and high-quality survival.

Modern medicine has developed to the current stage, it is true that it has not completely conquered tumors, but people are facing Tumors are no longer incurable and incurable. There are still technical means that can really help people fight tumors and prolong their lives. The key lies in whether everyone understands them and whether they can use them. It is hoped that the future of medicine can continue to develop, and strive to make cancer no longer a problem. #HealthStar Project# # Yaozero Zero Plan#


[1] “The Five Most Common Questions about Brain Metastases from Malignant Tumors ! Recommended collection! 》.Guidelines for Patients of Good Medical Collection. 2021-11-15

[2] “Cancer is easy to metastasize to the spine”. Health Times. 2019-08-20

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