Cancer is “diligence” out? 3 hardworking habits that may nourish cancer cells

Cancer is not caused by a single factor, but is the result of a combination of factors such as heredity, genes, lifestyle and environment, and emotions.

The incidence of cancer is about 1 in 140,000, and the death rate from cancer is about Half.

With people’s bad eating habits and living habits, as well as increasingly serious environmental pollution, and due to the When crops are grown, the heavy use of chemical products such as pesticides and fertilizers usually increases the incidence of cancer in people.

At present, the incidence of cancer is getting higher and higher, and there are thyroid cancer, breast cancer, etc. There are esophageal cancers, etc., which are closely related to people’s lifestyles and life pressures.

Cancer, everyone talks about it, try to avoid it, but cancer has been on the rise.

Cancer cells are produced in every human body, but some people get cancer and some people don’t get cancer. Lifestyle and lifestyle are related.

Some behaviors that people do every day are equivalent to nourishing cancer cells, such as the following three behaviors, See how many you have?


Cancer, associated with poor lifestyle habits

Cancer mortality in China has increased by 80% over the past 30 years, and cancer has become the number one cause of death for both urban and rural Chinese residents. The incidence of cancer in my country is in a period of rapid increase, with an annual incidence of about 2.6 million cancers and 1.8 million deaths.

The data on bad habits as a carcinogenic factor show that:

In 2008, 12.7 million people were diagnosed with cancer and 7.6 million died from cancer worldwide, including AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined worldwide more.

If no effective measures are taken, it is estimated that by 2030, 26 million cancer patients will occur each year, and low- and middle-income countries will become cancer The ravaged “severe disaster area”.

Experts say that about 40% of cancers are caused by three factors: lifestyle factors, infection Infectious factors such as disease, occupational or environmental factors. One-third of all cancers in the world are preventable, and urgent action is needed from governments, individuals and the medical community to stop the rise in cancer deaths.


3 good habits of hard work that may nourish cancer cells?

—”Eat Hot Food”

The World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have released data from a study:< /p>

Overheated beverages such as coffee, strong tea, etc. may cause esophageal cancer.

Overheating means that the temperature of the beverage is above 65°C. It should be noted that drinking coffee and tea itself does not It won’t cause cancer, but as long as you don’t drink it too hot.

Chinese people pay attention to eating Eat while it’s hot, but overheated food can damage the fragile esophageal mucosa. Over time, repeated chronic damage to the mucous membrane may trigger chronic inflammation and increase the risk of cancer.

An epidemiological study found that: Chaoshan people who like to drink kung fu tea and raw porridge like to drink hot pots Residents of the Taihang Mountains who make porridge, and Xinjiang people who often drink hot milk tea are all high-risk groups of esophageal cancer and gastric cardia cancer.


1. Don’t eat hot food, don’t drink boiled water and hot tea directly, let it cool down a bit before drinking.

2, xiaolongbao, fried buns and other stuffed foods, be careful when eating them.

—”stay up late” span>

A survey by the American Cancer Society found that women who slept less than six or seven hours had more The risk of breast cancer is 47% to 65% higher than that of women who never stay up late.

Melatonin is produced during sleep, which can slow down the production of estrogen in women, thereby inhibiting The purpose of breast cancer.

In addition, people who stay up late for a long time, are overly exhausted, and are in a state of lack of energy, the body resistance will also decline, and the body I have been in a sub-healthy state for a long time, and I was taken advantage of by bacteria and viruses to take advantage of it.


1. People of any age should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, stay up late, and pay attention to the regularity of work and rest.

2. It is advisable for adults to sleep 6-8 hours a day, and it is best not to eat 2 hours before going to bed.

—”Be a Vegetarian”< /p>

Like eating meat for a long time, long-term vegetarian diet is not a scientific way of keeping healthy. It is too much to go too far. In fact, it is the most reasonable to combine meat and vegetables with balanced nutrition.

Long-term vegetarian diet can easily lead to nutritional imbalances and lack of qi and blood. Meat contains foods that are not found in vegetarian food Some nutrients, such as animal protein, fat and amino acids, etc., so long-term vegetarian diet is not good for health.

Furthermore, long-term vegetarian diet may also lead to fatty liver. If the body cannot get enough energy from the diet, that is, glucose , it will use the stored fat and protein to supply energy for the body, which can easily lead to an increase in free fatty acids in the serum, abnormal fat metabolism, and cause fatty liver.

Furthermore, a vegetarian diet high in carbohydrates and calories or a vegetarian diet high in sugar and fat, It is also easily converted into fat and stored in the liver, which may lead to fatty liver over time.

Therefore, it does not mean that eating a vegetarian diet is necessarily healthy, and a vegetarian diet may also contain too much. Carbohydrates, fats or calories, such as biscuits, bread and other staple foods, tofu skins, vegetarian sausages and other foods also contain more sugar and fat. Some vegetarians are less nutritious, and long-term intake may lead to malnutrition.


1. Reasonably match three meals a day, with a reasonable intake of meat and vegetables, and a balanced thickness.

2. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, mainly low-calorie meat.


Cultivate 3 little habits, cancer may hide from you

< span>1, Less alcohol, less cigarettes

Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is good for health and can reduce the risk of cancer.

Smoking is responsible for approximately 85% of lung cancer deaths, 80% of throat, pharynx, mouth and lip cancer deaths, 75% of esophageal cancer deaths, 45% of bladder cancer deaths, and 30% of cervical cancer deaths cancer and pancreatic cancer, and 20% of gastric cancer deaths.

2, Fruits and vegetables as snacks

US study confirms that eating 100 extra calories per day Food, you will gain 10 pounds a year.

It is recommended to eat less potato chips, ham and other high oil For high-fat foods, you can choose vegetables, fruits and other foods to increase fiber intake, which can not only enhance satiety, but also reduce calorie intake.

A number of studies at home and abroad have confirmed that the intake of cellulose is an effective way to prevent cancer of the digestive system. Eating a little every day, not too much, such as half a carrot, an apple, etc., is very good

3. Protect yourself from the sun strong>

Sun exposure is the greatest risk factor for skin cancer.

< p data-track="53">Almost 86% of melanoma skin cancers and 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with solar UV radiation. p>

The most effective way to limit your risk of skin cancer is to avoid sun exposure.


Expanding Extensions—Top Ten Fruits That Effectively Prevent Cancer

< span>First Place – Apple

Apple is rich in Dietary fiber can add enough fiber to the human body, reduce the risk of heart disease, and also help lose weight.

Many Americans take apples as a must-have for weight loss, dieting one day a week, eating only apples on this day, Known as “Apple Day”.

Second Place – Apricot

< p data-track="61">Apricots are rich in carotene, which can help the body absorb enough vitamin A, strengthen the body’s immune system, and enhance the ability to fight cancer.

Third Place – Banana< /p>

Banana is very rich in potassium, which is very beneficial to human heart and muscle function.

Fourth – Blackberry< /p>

In the same weight of blackberries, the content of fiber is three times that of other fruits, and it is undeniable that he has a lot of heart health benefits .

Fifth – Blueberry< /p>

Blueberries are a special kind of fruit. Regular consumption of blueberries can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in men and prevent bladder cancer.

Sixth – Melon

< p data-track="69">Melon is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which is an ideal food for vitamin supplementation.

Seventh – Cherry< /p>

Cherry is good for heart health, eating in moderation can protect cardiovascular health.

No. 8 – Bilberry

Bilberry can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and protect the health of the urinary system.

Ninth Place – Grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, and eating it in moderation can prevent scurvy.

Tenth Place – Purple Grape

The flavonoids in purple grapes can provide triple protection for the heart and prevent the appearance of vascular diseases.