Cancer in the body, a stomach prophet? If there are 5 symptoms in patients with stomach disease, or the signal of stomach cancer

Many famous movie stars lost their precious lives due to gastric cancer. The incidence of gastric cancer is far beyond people’s imagination, and the mortality rate is also relatively high. However, as long as it is detected early and treated early, the 5-year survival rate can be improved, the quality of life of patients can be improved, and the stomach can be preserved to the greatest extent.

Most gastric cancers are transformed from chronic gastric diseases, especially chronic atrophic Gastritis, gastric ulcer, etc., if patients with chronic gastric disease always have the following 5 symptoms, nine out of ten are transformed into gastric cancer.

What are the symptoms when chronic stomach disease develops into gastric cancer?

1. Changes in the nature of pain

Stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis are characterized by abdominal pain attacks. Take gastric ulcer as an example, the pain is mainly concentrated in one hour after meals. If the pain persists without any regularity, it is necessary to highly suspect gastric cancer.

2, acid reflux, heartburn

There is an obvious burning sensation in the lower part of the sternum, which is what the common people call heartburn. Because stomach acid enters the esophagus, it can corrode the esophageal mucosa, and over time induce reflux esophagitis and ulcers. develop into cancer.

3, black stools

eating animal blood, iron supplements, and certain medicines It is easy to cause melena, but it can be improved as long as you actively adjust it. If a patient with chronic stomach disease suddenly develops black stools of unknown origin, they need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, or if stomach cancer strikes.

4. There is a lump in the upper abdomen

There is a hard mass in the fossa of the heart, and there is pain when pressing, which is very likely to develop from gastritis to gastric cancer. As the cancerous tumor gradually grows, it can involve the chest, back and back of the chest, causing upper abdominal discomfort.

5. Weight loss

The main symptoms of chronic gastropathy are weakened digestion. Fatigue, increased stool frequency and loss of appetite, etc. If the weight loss is rapid in a short period of time, it is difficult to relieve even with medication, and you need to be alert to gastric cancer.

How to nourish stomach in life?

1. Chew slowly

Eating too fast will inadvertently swallow too much gas, It is easy to cause belching and indigestion, etc., and it will also cause excessive calorie intake, increase the burden on the stomach and induce obesity. Therefore, when eating, you should chew slowly, chew 20 to 30 times per mouthful of food, and eat a meal for about 30 minutes, which can help food digestion.

2. Stay away from raw and cold food

Refuse to eat food fresh from the refrigerator , cold drinks and raw and cold fruits, otherwise it will hurt the spleen and stomach; overeating, overeating and hunger will also hurt the stomach, so you should choose warm food, keep three meals a day, and only eat 7 to 8 minutes per meal Just enough.

3. Eat more stomach food

Many inconspicuous foods in life can nourish the stomach, such as pumpkin, which contains a variety of vitamins, carotene and pectin, which can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa, avoid being stimulated by rough substances, and at the same time It can also promote gastrointestinal motility and facilitate food digestion; yam is also a good choice, which contains polyphenol oxidase and amylase, which can promote food digestion and improve gastrointestinal function.

Message from the doctor

Gastric cancer does not happen overnight. It takes more than ten years to develop from chronic gastric disease to gastric cancer. As long as the patient actively cooperates with the doctor Treatment and good life conditioning can block the occurrence of gastric cancer.

People with long-term smoking and drinking, people with Helicobacter pylori infection, family history of gastric cancer, Gastric resection patients and people with bad eating habits should go to the hospital for gastroscopy regularly to detect gastric cancer early. In addition, pay attention to dietary hygiene, reduce the frequency of eating out, and completely eradicate Helicobacter pylori.

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