Can you nourish your lungs by rubbing your wrists? Pulmonary nodules, bronchitis, people with bad lungs, might as well try

Introduction: According to information from the Xinhua Daily Daily Telegraph not long ago, the number of new cases of lung cancer in my country may reach 787,000 each year. , the death toll is around 631,000.

Such a figure is equivalent to 1.5-2 people getting lung cancer every minute,< /span>Such horrific numbers frighten us, and they continue to climb.

The back is our body’s first line of defense,< span>It is not only a respiratory organ, but also has a certain covering and protective effect on other internal organs. Many doctors believe that “If women do not nourish their lungs, they will age very quickly; if men do not nourish their lungs, the probability of developing cancer High; the elderly do not take care of their lungs, and they are careful to be ill.”

Not to mention, among the problems that still exist in this new crown pneumonia. Next, we need to take reasonable measures to nourish the lungs.


Why is lung disease more and more frequent now? Doctor’s reminder: If you want your lungs to be healthy, stay away from 4 behaviors

inhaling kitchen fumes

Clinicallywomen are more likely to develop lung cancer than men, in large part because It is caused by long-term inhalation of kitchen fumes.

Even if you have the habit of using a smoking machine, it is still difficult to improve the problem of e-liquid residue, and e-liquid contains a lot of carcinogens , such as nitrosamines, benzopyrenes, etc.

Consuming these harmful substances on a regular basis can easily cause strong irritation to the lungs, It will also cause damage to the throat and eyes, so usually everyone must turn on the range hood when cooking, and also open the window for ventilation.


We all know that smoking is harmful to health, especially the irritation to the respiratory tract is greater. After the cigarette is lit, these gases will enter the lungs, which will bring harm to the lungs. Strong stimulation.

Under long-term repeated stimulation, cells in the lungs are prone to gene mutations, which can lead to lung cancer problems appear, so if you want healthy lungs, you must quit cigarettes on a regular basis.

Eat processed meat regularly

Related studies show that 50 grams of processed meat per day increases the risk of lung cancer by 14%.

Because the processed meat is usually smoked or salted during the curing process, but in this process it is Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrites are likely to appear, both of which can easily increase the possibility of lung cancer.

Working in an occupation that is hazardous to health

In our daily life, there are actually some occupations that can also affect the health of the lungs, such as long-term exposure to radioactive substances and their derivatives, or frequenthigh-risk occupational exposure to raw materials. It contains carcinogens, and under these problems, it will also easily lead to the occurrence of lung cancer.

So if you are engaged in this type of occupation, be sure to take reasonable protection and never injure yourself .


People with poor lungs have these 4 signals, accounting for 1 , indicating that you need to take good care of your lungs

continuous coughing

There are many respiratory diseases that can easily lead to cough problems, such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc., but as the disease is cured, these symptoms It will also go away.

If you have been coughing frequently and coughing recently, it has lasted for more than two weeks , taking medicine for a long time does not improve, then it may be caused by lung disease.

Dry skin

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine“the lung is in the body and the skin is combined, and its beauty is in the hair”,< /strong>If the lungs are not good, it will be easily reflected on the skin. The poor lungs will affect the metabolism of the fur, and the sweat pores will open and close, it will easily make the skin dry.


Difficulty breathing

The lungs are the main body Respiratory organs, If there is a problem with the lungs, it will directly affect the breathing.

This will affect the body’s oxygen absorption, the body is under the problem of hypoxia, strong>It will easily bring symptoms such as dyspnea and chest tightness, especially in the morning, such symptoms will be more obvious.

chest pain

Many people think that chest pain is caused by heart problems, but lung disease is not easy to cause chest pain.

Because the lungs are located on both sides of the thoracic cavity, thoracic pain may occur when there is a disease in the lungs , If you have been feeling chest tightness, shortness of breath, and obvious pain recently, you must go to the hospital for a lung CT.


Can rubbing your wrists nourish your lungs? Pulmonary nodules, bronchitis, people with bad lungs, may wish to try it

Rub the wrists with both hands

In fact, there is an acupoint on our wrists that can nourish the lungs and nourish the lungs , that is —Taiyuan Cave.

Taiyuan acupoint can treat many problems, especially Respiratory system problems, such as cough, phlegm, chest tightness, asthma, etc., Everyone can get a certain amount of relief by rubbing this acupoint. Improve the effect.

Taiyuan Point is located on the wrist, below the thenar, and is usually measured by traditional Chinese medicine for 10 pulses. The position of the inch mouth, you can put your hand on it, you can feel the pulse beat.

Our twoTurn the Taiyuan acupoint with one hand, then quickly rub it for one to two minutes, feel the acupoint is red and hot, it’s fine, stick to it every day Rubbing for 5~10 minutes,can bring about a good effect of nourishing and nourishing the lungs.


With breathing exercises, the effect of nourishing and strengthening the lungs will be better

The breathing needs of the body and the operation of the meridians, corresponding to the qi of the meridians, in the body one injection one night to circulate the whole body for 50 weeks, After conversion It is equivalent to one breath and one breath for 6.4 seconds.

We all lay flat on our beds every night before going to bed< /strong>, put a small pillow weighing about three pounds on the navel, exhale forcefully, and push the small pillow up, then inhale, and then put Put down the little pillow.

Exhale and breathe in this way, as long as possible for six and four seconds, Practice for 2-3 minutes at the beginning, then gradually increase to 5-10 minutes per day.

This will help the lung meridian, in conjunction with the massage points mentioned above span>, it can bring a good effect of nourishing the lungs and nourishing the lungs, and can also improve some respiratory problems.

Conclusion:The lungs are delicate, we must take reasonable measures in our daily life. The way to maintain the lungs is not only to stay away from behaviors that damage the lungs, but also to take reasonable measures to improve lung function and maintain the lungs.