Can myopia and presbyopia be offset?

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Answer: No.

If the eye is like a camera, the lens is the “lens” that automatically adjusts focus.

Under the action of the muscles, the lens changes its own curvature to make clear images, becoming convex when viewed near, and flat when viewed far.

Myopia is when the distance from the “lens” to the “curtain” is too long, or the lens itself is too convex.

Presbyopia means that with age, the lens loses its elasticity and its deformability decreases, which means that the “lens” can be adjusted in a narrower range.

Therefore, when myopia has presbyopia, the original cause can not be offset, but a new problem is added.

Simply put, myopic presbyopia may be late, but not absent.

As presbyopia progresses, the final result is likely to be that not only do you still need to wear myopic glasses when looking at a distance, but you need to change to reading glasses when looking at a close distance, which is very troublesome.


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