Can myasthenia gravis patients take sleeping pills?

Myasthenia gravis not only harms the patient’s body, but also has a great impact on the patient’s psychology. After the illness, patients with myasthenia gravis will have anxiety and sleep disorders. At this time, many patients choose sleeping pills to help them sleep, but almost all the instructions for tranquilizers will say “disabled or used with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis”!

The Chinese medicine experts of muscle strength rehabilitation decoction said that due to the muscle relaxant effect of tranquilizers, it will aggravate the symptoms of myasthenia gravis in theory and in practice. But nothing is absolute in clinical practice, otherwise it will become a mechanical “scripture” that cannot actually help patients solve problems. Therefore, various clinical problems are actually relative!

If the patient has obvious anxiety and sleep disorder, the condition of the patient with myasthenia gravis will also be significantly aggravated. If the patient is evaluated and followed up by the doctor, the patient can use tranquilizers. of. For example, in the pre-crisis or crisis patients, under strict medical supervision, if the patient can’t sleep at night, anxious and tense, tranquilizers can be used to improve sleep and mood, and guide the patient’s mood to a positive transformation.

Imagine a patient with severe anxiety who can’t sleep all night, will his muscle weakness symptoms be good? Or the patient’s muscle weakness has been significantly controlled and improved, but there is insomnia or anxiety. At this time, the latter becomes the main contradiction of the patient. Based on the principle of “mainly solving the main contradiction in reality”, of course, the use of tranquilizers can be considered for the patient.

Experts emphasized that if myasthenia gravis patients want to solve the problem of insomnia, they must first eliminate bad mentality, relieve anxiety, and actively cooperate with professional treatment.

Kong’s Shengdetang Yanfang Jinli Kangfutang has achieved great success in clinical application. Heavy action has achieved disease control. It has been proved by clinical use in tens of thousands of patients that the cure rate is high, and it is a good choice for patients with myasthenia gravis.

Jianli Kangfu Decoction is pure Chinese herbal extract and has no side effects. According to the pathogenesis and characteristics of myasthenia gravis, combined with a large number of traditional Chinese medicine theories and decades of medical experience, Kong’s Shengdetang prescription experts have developed a clinical traditional Chinese medicine prescription for myasthenia gravis. Xuechuan and other medicinal materials are used for syndrome differentiation and compatibility, and the four-fold effect achieves disease control.