Can men eat kidneys to nourish their kidneys? Doctor: These 4 things that really nourish the kidney may not be eaten by most people

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the use of form to complement the form. For most men, they pay more and more attention to the maintenance of the kidneys, and they also use various methods to nourish the kidneys.

As the saying goes, “Kidney is good, you are good to me”. Regarding the issue of kidney nourishment, not only men should pay attention to it, but women also need to nourish kidneys of.

But the health of the kidneys seems to be more important to men, which is also related to men’s face and dignity.

In daily life, what behaviors are harmful to the kidneys?

“Fried food is delicious”

Nowadays, young people prefer heavy-tasting food, and fried food is one of them. Many male friends can’t resist the temptation of delicious food.

But some unhealthy eating habits in daily life, often unable to control my mouth,fried food The trans fatty acids in it will also increase the burden on the kidneys and cause certain damage to the kidneys.

“Strong man, made this bowl of good old soup” p>

For Cantonese people, all they like is all kinds of soups. They combine various nutritious ingredients to form soups with different tastes. They are deeply loved by them. welcome.

Especially for some elderly people at home, when they are unwell, they will use various ingredients, such as spare ribs, chicken, etc., to stew soup, which has high nutritional value. It helps the body recover, and they believe that the longer the soup is simmered, the more nutritious it is.

But from a certain point of view,Laohuo Liangtang has a very high purine content and often Drinking it will only lead to the accumulation of uric acid in the blood, which can induce gout and kidney disease.

“Eat your ears and eat your meat”

Most men do not like meat. Eating too much meat will only lead to excessive intake of animal protein in the body.

Although protein is an essential nutrient for every organ of the body, more is not always better, especially itself If you suffer from kidney disease, you must control your protein intake in life. Long-term consumption of high-protein foods will only increase the burden on the kidneys.

“I have a strong taste, put more salt”

Eating too much salt will cause damage to health, and after entering the body, salt is excreted through the kidneys. The high salt content in the body will also affect the excretion of water. The accumulation of the two will increase the burden on the kidneys. , easy to formsalt retention.

Once this causes the body’s blood pressure to gradually rise, it can even affect the blood flow to the kidneys, the kidneys cannot get Adequate blood flow and nutritional supplementation cannot maintain normal kidney function and induce kidney disease.

“Doctor, just give me some medicine”

< p data-track="19">We often sayit is a three-part drug, no matter what kind of drug it is, it enters the body It needs to be excreted by the kidneys.

Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should take medicine regularly and quantitatively according to the doctor’s advice. If you have kidney disease, you should be more careful.

The doctor suggested that many people feel unwell and always believe in some so-called home remedies. There are many kinds of Chinese herbs, and they need to be strictly matched. It is easy to cause rejection or adverse reactions, cause side effects to the body, and increase liver and kidney function damage.

Symptoms of poor kidneys

Cold chills

Also known as chills, it is manifested as cold limbs, hands and feet, even extending to the knees joint parts.

Generally, people with this constitution will also be accompanied by soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, lack of thirst, tiredness, etc., all of which are kidney deficiency. Performance.

Low back pain

Frequent low back pain is not necessarily a manifestation of kidney deficiency, it depends on internal injury or strain.

Internal injury and kidney deficiency generally refer to congenital deficiency, excessive fatigue or chronic illness. Heel pain, waist weakness and other symptoms appear.

Especially if you are engaged in heavy physical work or work in a fixed position for a long time, it will damage the kidney qi over time, resulting in insufficient kidney essence.

Dizziness and Tinnitus

Chinese medicine pays attention to “the kidney stores the essence and generates the marrow, and the marrow gathers to form the brain”, so once there is a symptom of kidney deficiency, the sea of ​​marrow will be insufficient, the brain will lose its support, and it will be accompanied by symptoms of dizziness and tinnitus.


for chronic constipation People may experience symptoms such as anal fissures and hemorrhoids due to difficulty in defecation or excessive force, which may bring trouble to their daily work.

Although constipation is a malfunction of large intestine conduction, the root cause is kidney deficiency, because the conduction of stool must be stimulated by kidney qi and nourishment to function properly.

Backache and leg pain, frequent urination and urgency

Standing in one position for a long time can easily lead to stiffness of the limbs. For example, long-distance drivers who drive for a long time will not only be physically fatigued, but also highly stressed. Over time, they will form stagnation of qi and blood, which will eventually lead to kidney deficiency.

Can men eat kidneys to nourish kidneys?

Many people in life think that what they eat makes up for what they eat, so is there any scientific basis for this statement?

In fact, from a medical point of view, eating pork kidneys properly in life has the effect of replenishing qi and blood, promoting blood circulation and maintaining kidney function. Balance and metabolic state, but if excessive, it will only increase the metabolic and repair burden of the kidneys, causing serious kidney discomfort and disease.

and pork kidneys belong to animals One of the internal organs contains a lot ofpurine and fatty substancesoften eaten, these two substances accumulate in the body for a long time, causing The vascular wall is narrowed and the blood viscosity is increased, which is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Of course, in addition to purines and fatty substances, animal viscera is also rich in iron and other nutrients. After weighing the pros and cons, the intake should be controlled. Once excessive, it is likely to induce instant poisoning. Also

not conducive to the stability of the three highs.

Doctor: It is these 4 things that really nourish the kidneys, maybe most people don’t like to eat them

Black beans

Chinese medicine believes that black enters the kidney meridian, and the five colors correspond to the five internal organs, so there are many in life. Eating some black foods, such as black beans, has a very good kidney-tonifying effect.

Black bean polysaccharides in black beans can effectively inhibit the phagocytic function of phagocytes. , reducing its phagocytic ability, resulting in cell deterioration or even canceration, and improving the body’s immune function.

Lycium barbarum

Putting wolfberry in a thermos cup seems to be the standard for some health-care people, especially male friends who often eat wolfberry are good for health .

For example, wolfberry has a good protective effect on the human liver and eyes, and can also help men improve the symptoms of kidney deficiency, and has a good kidney-tonifying effect.


Gorgon is somewhat similar to the chestnuts we use every day, with a prickly shell on the outside and a somewhat similar fruit pattern on the inside.

For men who want to supplement the kidney qi, eating gorgon fruit often may have the effect of invigorating the kidney and strengthening the essence, and at the same time it can also remove the kidney qi. The effect of dampness invigorating the spleen and stopping diarrhea is a good product for invigorating the kidney.

Sea Cucumber

Sea cucumber is a recognized nutritional product with extremely high nutritional and health care effects, and is known as “the first of the eight treasures of the ocean”.

And the amino acid content in sea cucumber is very rich, especially for men, this substance can be said to be an important component of JZ, so if you want to nourish the kidney, Men can often eat some sea cucumbers, which have the effect of improving kidney deficiency and enhancing kidney power, and supplementing androgens.

Why do people with kidney disease often feel hungry?

If you have chronic kidney disease, you will most likely experience hypoglycemia, and a common symptom of people with hypoglycemia is hunger.

When the blood sugar level in the body is too low, a large number of cells and the body cannot obtain the energy to meet their own needs, and a series of blood sugar signals will appear in the body, which will then be transmitted to the brain .

After the brain receives the hunger signal, it will send out hunger commands, which will not only lead to low blood sugar, but also abnormal Hunger, even stomach growls.

Under the influence of high blood sugar, you may feel the appearance of hunger, because the high blood sugar insulin is not secreted enough to convert the glucose in the blood. It is transported to various parts of the body, which in turn causes cells to lack glucose, resulting in a feeling of hunger.