Can men eat kidneys to nourish kidneys? Reminder: These 3 things really nourish the kidneys, but unfortunately most people don’t like to eat them

The kidney is the “innate foundation” and “the root of life”. People with kidney deficiency or premature decline of kidney qi may experience endocrine dysfunction and low immune function, which may affect other The physiological functions of the viscera organs lead to premature aging.

At the same time, the kidneys are also in charge of the spirit, qi and spirit of a person’s body. This is also an important cause of impotence in many men.

In China, the prevalence of kidney disease is as high as 10.8%, and the number of patients exceeds 100 million. And it continues to rise with an annual trend of 120,000 to 150,000 new additions. The reason why the number of kidney disease patients is increasing year by year is inseparable from some details of people’s lives.


Causes of high incidence of kidney disease

1. Eating too much high-salt food: A high-salt diet is a high risk factor for kidney disease. Excretion through the kidneys, if there is too much salt, the sodium ions will make it difficult for the body to excrete water, increase the burden on the kidneys, and induce kidney disease.

2. Fatty diet: Long-term high-cholesterol diet will cause hyperlipidemia, induce arteriosclerosis, and some People with systemic arteriosclerosis are more likely to have renal vascular damage and required waste.

3. Obesity: Obesity can cause increased kidney fat content, leading to kidney disease. Obese patients also develop insulin resistance, which induces diabetes, which in turn induces diabetic nephropathy.

4. Hypertension: Hypertension can lead to hardening of small arteries in the kidneys, resulting in glomerular sclerosis, so that the kidneys function is diminished.

5. Improper drug use: Indiscriminate use of drugs will increase the burden on the kidneys and induce acute renal failure. There are certain side effects. If the kidneys cannot withstand the damage, it will affect the organs of the whole body.


Can men eat kidneys to invigorate kidneys?

Men eat pork kidney to supplement protein, fat, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients to meet the physiological needs of men , Strong male body, is conducive to male health.

Pork kidney has the effect of invigorating kidney and strengthening waist. Regular consumption can improve men’s low back pain caused by kidney deficiency. Pork kidney can supplement what men need. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium and other trace elements can maintain the acid-base balance of the male body, enhance physical strength, resist oxidation and fatigue, and are a product with health care, disease prevention and treatment.

However, pork kidneys must be eaten in moderation and not too much, because pork kidneys belong to the kidney, which is an excretory organ that contains a large amount of heavy metal substances. It will have an adverse effect on the body, so it is recommended not to eat too much.


Reminder: These three things really nourish the kidneys, but unfortunately most people don’t like them


Duck is high in protein, moderate in fat, and distributed More uniform, rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid and vitamins B1 and B2. Eating duck meat can nourish, nourish the stomach, invigorate the kidney, eliminate edema, relieve cough and resolve phlegm. Duck meat can also clear heat and cool blood, which is suitable for people with internal heat in yin and blood.


Yam as A kind of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many ways to eat it, it can be used as medicine, make porridge, make soup, stir-fry, steam, and squeeze juice, but no matter which method is used, it can play the role of invigorating the kidney, and the effect is very ideal. However, because of the special smell of yam, many people may not like to eat it, but for the health of their kidneys, it is best to insist on taking yam.

[Sea cucumber]

Sea cucumber has It has the effect of invigorating the kidney and nourishing the essence, nourishing blood and moisturizing dryness. Sea cucumber contains arginine, which is an important part of chronic sperm. It can also enhance physical fitness, adjust the body’s immunity, and help prevent infectious diseases. There are also some men who don’t like the taste of sea cucumber, but sea cucumber is a great tonic food, so stick to it.