Can iced watermelon and iced drinks be “powerful”? Watch out for the “refrigerator killer” targeting you

Listeria likes to hide in the refrigerator

Top News·Henan Commercial Daily reporter Wang Menglin/Photo

In summer, The refrigerator is the “life extension” artifact of many families. Take out the refrigerated food from the refrigerator, such as iced watermelon, milk, drinks… It is very refreshing to take a sip when it is cold.

However, if you don’t pay attention to it, you may be “hit”! I stuff leftovers, vegetables and fruits, raw meat, and cooked food into the refrigerator, but I don’t think they have been quietly targeted by bacteria…

The number of diarrhea patients has increased recently, so beware of “refrigerator killers” “

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, there are more and more patients with diarrhea in outpatient clinics. According to Zhang Shufeng, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, “especially children and adolescents, Staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, eating too much cold drinks or some spoiled food, etc., caused diarrhea symptoms.”

Not long ago, some media issued a news: a pregnant woman who was 24 weeks pregnant because of After eating unclean food, I contracted Listeria and gave birth to a baby the size of my chin.

How powerful is it? According to reports, Listeria is known as the “refrigerator killer”, which can not only reproduce in low temperature environment, but also survive in anaerobic conditions. It uses food as a transmission medium, and meat, eggs, poultry, seafood, dairy products, vegetables, etc. are all sources of Listeria infection. Zhang Shufeng reminded that people with low immunity, such as infants, the elderly, pregnant and lying-in women, as well as some patients with underlying diseases, tumors or long-term use of hormones, belong to the susceptible population of Listeria.

How can I prevent listeria infection?

It is understood that most people with strong self-resistance can recover from Listeria infection, and some people will develop mild symptoms.

Zhang Shufeng said that after ordinary people are infected with Listeria, they first show symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, mainly in the digestive tract, ranging from fever, muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms to headaches in severe cases. , neck stiffness, body imbalance, and cramps. People with relatively low immunity are infected with Listeria, which mainly manifests as neurological diseases. In severe cases, it can lead to sepsis, meningitis, and even death. “After pregnant women are infected, there may be serious consequences such as premature birth, miscarriage and stillbirth, and the health of the baby may also be affected.” Zhang Shufeng said.

How to “stay away” from Listeria?

1. Change eating habits. In summer, do not eat stale food or food that has been left for a long time.

2. After the food is taken out of the refrigerator, it should be thoroughly heated or washed before eating.

3. Do not store too much food in the refrigerator. If the food is found to be rotten and deteriorated, it should be cleaned up in time.

4. It is recommended to store the food in the refrigerator separately, and separate the raw and cooked food.

5. For daily cooking, separate the utensils for processing raw and cooked food, such as knives, cutting boards, etc.

Six. Clean the refrigerator regularly to prevent Listeria from taking advantage of it.