Can I go to Xiehe in Tianjin? A batch of tertiary hospitals leaves Beijing

The author of this article: warm water

On April 15, the official website of the Ministry of Finance announced that the new campus of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College Hospital will be located in the Xiongan New Area, with 2,000 beds planned.

Following that, on May 10, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College and the Tianjin Municipal Government formally signed a cooperation agreement to jointly build the Tianjin Base, the core base of China’s medical science and technology innovation system, in Tianjin. (Tianjin Campus of Peking Union Medical College and Tianjin Medical and Health Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences were established).

The nationally recognized Top Peking Union Medical College has made frequent moves recently, and the high-quality medical resources represented by it have been expanding outside Beijing.

An inch of land is an ounce of money, and it can’t be expanded

At present, many old hospitals in our country are facing an embarrassing situation – in the early urban planning, there is not enough room for the hospital to develop. With the expansion of the city, the urban land is becoming more and more tense. When many large hospitals try to meet their own development needs, they are alarmed that they have already fallen into a “siege” situation with nowhere to expand and no land to use.

Peking Union Medical College Hospital’s earliest construction, Dongdan District (No. 1 Shuaiyuanfu Hutong), was a lavish and generous “king’s mansion” in Beijing back then, but from today’s point of view, the architectural The area is obviously very cramped, so the hospital had to renovate the old building while seeking expansion. The development of the hospital started early, which made the hospital planning lag behind the urban planning.

Image source: Official website of Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Beijing, as a political center where every inch of land is expensive, is already facing a huge load in its own land use planning. As early as 2015, it was proposed to relieve Beijing’s “non-capital functions”, and it should be guided by “several batches”, step by step, to complete the relief work of Beijing’s old city and central urban areas, including “a batch of medical and health functions”. . It is recommended to transfer some high-quality medical resources through various forms such as branch hospitals and cooperative hospitals.

Source: Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission Land Use Planning Map

“Beijing Overall Land Utilization Plan (2009-2020)” states that it is necessary to strictly protect cultivated land; save and intensively use land; put people first, pay equal attention to ecological environment protection and economic and social development; strengthen the implementation of the plan The principle of guaranteeing and continuously improving the innovation ability of the land management system.

It can be seen from the planning trend of Beijing that due to problems such as land stock and development planning, the functions of the city are gradually shifting outward from the core urban area.

Image source: “Beijing General Land Use Plan (2009-2020)”

In addition to Xiehe Headquarters “expanding can not be expanded”, for Beijing, where there are many tertiary hospitals in the core area, the construction standards of various public service facilities have also been improved accordingly, and the priority is ” Revitalize inventory and improve quality” rather than “start from scratch”. Therefore, the “Beijing Overall Land Utilization Plan (2009-2020)” also proposed that strictly control the expansion of large-scale facilities such as education, medical care, culture, politics and law, and social welfare in the central urban area. New schools and hospitals at all levels should focus on strengthening urban functional expansion areas and new urban development areas.

In 2002, through the merger of Beijing Posts and Telecommunications Hospital (now Xidan District), Xiehe took the lead in completing this step. Facing the “medical traffic jam” in the core city, it once again took a step forward. A step outside the exploration.

With the advancement of Beijing’s non-capital function relief work in 2015 and the announcement of the “Pilot Work Plan for the Construction of Regional Medical Centers” issued by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2019, a batch of high-quality medical resources located in Beijing ” Leaving Beijing”, walking towards the wasteland.

Shouyi Xuanwu Hospital has settled in Xiong’an New District due to the “Three Schools and One Hospital” plan aided by Beijing. It is expected to be completed and accepted in 2023. Medical resources and hospitals from Peking University and Tsinghua Layout Xiongan. As an important part of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Beijing’s non-capital functions, the high-quality medical resources in Beijing will be settled in Xiongan New Area. In addition to providing medical services for the people in Xiongan New Area, they will also undertake to divert patients to the core areas of the capital. important task.

But Peking Union, which has always been known for being “small and sophisticated in education”, has taken an extraordinary step this time. Not only has it settled in Xiong’an, it has expanded 2,000 beds, and on the other hand, more It took the initiative to attack Tianjin and cooperated with the local municipal government to establish branches and campuses in cities other than Beijing for the first time.

Concord from Beijing is standing at a new starting point again.

Sinking, deep plowing

Scaling and building campuses is nothing new for top hospitals. The scale expansion of large hospitals can dilute costs, absorb more patients, improve diagnosis and treatment technology and equipment, and recruit talents to form economies of scale.

West China Hospital and the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University were once famous for their single beds. In 2017, Zhengzhou strictly controlled single beds in public hospitalsScale, the Zhengzhou Regional Health Plan (2016-2020) was issued, which stipulated that the number of beds in general hospitals run by the municipality should generally be around 800 to 1,200, and in principle should not exceed 1,200; ~1,000 is appropriate, and in principle no more than 1,000. The development of hospitals in my country has also shifted from a single model to a multi-hospital model.

However, concentrating hospitals in large cities does not solve the problem of seeing a doctor for all patients. Dismantling it with the hotly debated “seeing a doctor is difficult and expensive”, we will find that the accessibility of medical resources to non-urban residents is too low, and the cost of seeing a doctor in a large hospital is too high for them. .

Dismantling this problem, it becomes a simpler goal – “a serious illness will not save you”.

Because of this, the traditional positioning of the two national medical centers in the first echelon in China: Beijing and Shanghai, and other cities with high-quality medical resources (Wuhan, Changsha, etc.), In addition to the areas where the radiation is located, a new task of assistance has been assigned to build a national regional medical center to narrow the gap between the treatment level of local key diseases and the national advanced level. Let the national team rely on the original local medical platform to help and build, and incubate local medical institutions with national standards.

Take the Anhui Hospital of Fudan University Affiliated Children’s Hospital as an example in the first batch of pilot projects, which was jointly built by the Anhui Provincial Government and the Fudan University Children’s Hospital relying on Anhui Children’s Hospital. The export hospital ranked first and second on the 2020 Fudan List of Pediatrics and Pediatrics. The counterpart support of Pediatrics-Pediatrics is obviously to continue to increase the “long board” of the original specialized hospital and build a new hospital in Anhui. The strength of pediatrics is enough to radiate the hospitals of the whole province and even the surrounding cities.

Whether it is the construction of a national regional medical center, or Xuanwu’s settlement in Xiong’an and Xiehe’s home in Tianjin, the common point is the “sinking” of top medical resources. Traditionally, traditional medical centers such as Beijing functions will be transferred to a certain extent.

With the delivery of medical resources, issues such as talent recruitment, hospital construction, siphoning of large hospitals, and distribution of medical insurance funds will also be paid to the surface, and the soft and hard supporting facilities will also become hospitals. , and even the determinants of urban competitiveness.

Being able to see well-known experts at home is a good thing for patients to have more abundant medical resources. However, for the development of regional grass-roots hospitals under the background of medical reform, it should be regarded as twofold. On the contrary, for hospitals such as Xiehe and other “sinking” hospitals, the local hospitals with strong local strength and deep cultivation for many years should not be underestimated.

The departure of top medical resources from Beijing is the preconception of the new round of “Pudong New Area Construction”? Or is it another outlet in the change of functions?

In new cities, top hospitals will open up new battlegrounds. (curated by: Leu.)