Can I go to the emergency room without a nucleic acid report? How is the medical treatment of patients outside the new crown in Shanghai?

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission issued information to clarify the medical procedures for patients other than the new crown, requiring medical institutions not to use the negative nucleic acid certificate as a restriction on entering and leaving the community for medical treatment, transferring patients, and receiving medical consultations; all medical institutions should transfer in time , Properly handle critically ill patients, unblock the green channel for first aid, and treat patients in need of emergency treatment in a timely manner. At present, is the public emergency and outpatient medical treatment smooth? Can medication needs be met in a timely manner?

Xinhua News Agency data map

Can I go to the emergency room without a nucleic acid report?

Compared to the beginning of April, the outpatient volume of the 36 municipal hospitals in Shanghai has increased by 103% recently, and the emergency volume has increased by 65%. In 36 municipal hospitals, 33 emergency medical treatment points have been opened to ensure the supply of emergency emergency services.

Affected by the lockdown measures, many citizens seeking emergency medical treatment cannot guarantee that their nucleic acid test reports within 48 hours will be “constantly filed”. “Can I go to the emergency room without a nucleic acid report?” is one of the questions that some citizens are most concerned about before seeking medical treatment.

Recently, Shanghai has made it clear that if emergency patients need immediate emergency treatment, medical institutions should activate emergency plans and transfer the patients to a special isolation buffer area; if emergency surgery is required, they should immediately be placed in a dedicated operating room. Carry out surgical treatment. During the whole process, refusal or delay in treatment should not be excused on the grounds of waiting for nucleic acid test results.

Is non-emergency medical treatment smooth?

At the Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, the reporter learned that the current outpatient opening hours are the same as before the epidemic, which are open from Monday to Saturday, and are basically open for all departments.

In view of the fact that most of the citizens currently visiting patients mainly focus on seeing chronic diseases and dispensing medicines, the hospital specially dispatches the strength of various departments to increase the general convenience outpatient department to meet the patients’ “one-stop” medical treatment and dispensing needs, reducing the The movement of people in the hospital.

The reporter learned that at present, most of the medical institutions in Shanghai’s outpatient clinics are operating normally under the premise of epidemic prevention and control, but there are still some medical institutions that suspend medical services due to their cooperation with the epidemic investigation. For institutions that have suspended medical services, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission will publish the list in “Shanghai Publishing”.

Can the resident drug list be filled?

During the epidemic, due to the insufficient logistics capacity for dispensing drugs, and some drugs need to be adjusted according to the specific conditions of the patients, offline dispensing is still the main choice for many patients, especially elderly patients. At present, Shanghai has made clear requirements that relevant medical institutions should open up green channels to serve citizens’ dispensing needs during the epidemic.

Some patients reported that although “Healthy Cloud” has opened an online dispensing channel, the waiting time for dispensing is long. In this regard, the relevant parties in Shanghai said that they are making every effort to improve. At the same time, Shanghai is promoting the resumption of retail pharmacies and releasing the list to the public in accordance with the requirements of “opening as required”, striving to release the pharmacy’s community drug supply service function.

During the epidemic, the offline dispensing service of Shanghai Tongren Hospital has continued to operate. In order to prevent crowds from gathering and facilitate environmental disinfection, the hospital set up tents on the square outside the outpatient hall and set up temporary “simple outpatient clinics”. After the staff completes the presentation and collection of medicines indoors, the medicines are distributed outdoors.

Considering the difference in the number of medicines dispensed for different groups of people, the hospital also divides the outdoor area into a reception area for volunteers “purchasing” large orders and a reception area for “individual customers” small orders.

(Original title: How is the medical treatment of patients outside of the new crown in Shanghai?)

Source: Beijing Evening News according to Xinhua News Agency

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