Can I get pregnant after intrauterine adhesion surgery?

Can I get pregnant after intrauterine adhesion surgery? Intrauterine adhesions can cause decreased menstrual flow, amenorrhea, periodic abdominal pain, infertility and miscarriage in women. Therefore, in the case of intrauterine adhesions, we should pay attention to it, and treat it in time when the treatment is required. The treatment for intrauterine adhesions is surgery, but many patients are worried that they will not be able to conceive after surgery. Can I get pregnant after intrauterine adhesion surgery?Whether I can get pregnant after intrauterine adhesion surgery mainly depends on the recovery after surgery and other related factors. After intrauterine adhesion surgery, if the recovery is good, the uterine cavity has returned to its normal size, no adhesions appear after examination, and the fallopian tubes and ovaries function normally, and there is no other inflammation or infection, and follicle development is also normal. In the absence of other diseases that cause infertility in the body, it does not have much impact on the normal chances of conception; but if there is pelvic inflammation or inflammation of the fallopian tubes, it may also have an impact on pregnancy. In order to restore fertility as soon as possible, after intrauterine adhesion surgery, it is recommended to rest more, reduce activities, and avoid excessive mental stress. After intrauterine adhesion surgery, anti-inflammatory treatment should also be carried out, and regular follow-up visits should be carried out to evaluate the prognosis and recovery, and actively prevent the occurrence of adhesions. If necessary, an IUD can be placed in the uterine cavity to avoid re-adhesion. Warm reminder, before preparing for pregnancy after intrauterine adhesion surgery, it is recommended that both spouses go to the hospital for a comprehensive health examination, and then consider preparing for pregnancy when they are in good physical condition. Folic acid should also be taken appropriately during pregnancy. Intrauterine adhesions will affect the implantation of fertilized eggs, and there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, in order to conceive and be healthy, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy after treatment. Here I wish you to get rid of intrauterine adhesion disease, have a healthy body, and have a smart baby.

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