Can drinking too much milk cause dementia? 6 foods that bring us closer to dementia

Everyone knows that the reason why human beings can become the highest creatures is mainly because human beings have extremely complex brains, which are the crystallization of thousands of years of evolution.

The brain consists of three parts: cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem , and the brain is the highest part of the nervous system, consisting of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The usual learning, thinking, memory analysis and other abstract thinking activities are completed under the guidance of the brain.

The work of the brain also requires a lot of energy and nutrients To maintain, so the usual diet is very critical, if you eat some foods that can replenish the brain, it will increase the vitality of the brain, and the memory will become better and better.

But there are also some foods that, if eaten regularly, will cause Amnesia and memory loss, are you very curious? Today, let’s take a look at it in detail with you. Come and take a look.


Milk like this

It makes people stupid!

There are many Chinese New Years and festivals People like to send milk to the elderly, and it is very beneficial for the elderly to drink more milk. Milk is called “white blood” and is rich in protein, calcium, and oxyacids necessary for the brain. The “Dietary Guidelines” recommend that each person should consume 300 grams of milk or dairy products per day.

Why do you say that drinking milk makes you stupid? What kind of material is “doing the trick”? Let’s take a look at a video first↓↓

A large part of Alzheimer’s disease is affected by diet. Experts tell us that dementia is related to heavy metals, such as aluminum, manganese, and lead.

A study was done abroad, Aluminum-treated diets were fed to mice. After prolonged consumption of an aluminum-containing diet. The mice became running around in the cage, unable to find a door to get out, unable to find a way out of the maze.

Aluminium can be seen The effect of elements on the decline of overall cognition, memory.

Thewhy in milk Will it contain heavy metals? Expert: Milk is generally safe and will not harm human health.

The milk packaging in the paper bag contains a layer of aluminum foil. Under normal circumstances, there is a plastic film between the milk and the aluminum foil, which prevents the aluminum from seeping into the milk.

However, heating the milk in a way that can lead to excessive levels of aluminum in the milk! When the milk carton is heated above 115 degrees Celsius,the plastic film will be destroyed, and aluminum will enter the milk. After being ingested into the human body, drinking such milk for a long time may lead to Alzheimer’s disease!

To this end, the column team also specially conducted an experiment to heat the milk: 1, microwave heating 2, container warm milk 3, boiled to heat.

Containers for both warm milk and boiled water less than 115 degrees Celsius. And when the experimenter put the milk carton into the microwave to heat it up, it started to emit sparks, there was even a small hole on the surface of the milk carton! In this case, there will be aluminum penetration.

That’s why experts advise, Don’t microwave milk!

It’s not that there are bad things in the milk, it’s that the milk is heated to over 115 degrees Celsius with the packaging, and aluminum will penetrate. The brain I bought was very scared. Various heavy metal elements, especially aluminum.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone eat less processed food and more natural ingredients. In addition, on cooking utensils, aluminum products such as aluminum pots and pots should not be used as much as possible.


Do not eat too much of 6 types of food< /p>

makes you more “stupid”

Excessive heavy metals are the most common foods that can cause brain disorders in daily life.

Lead foods< /strong>

Lead is a major brain cell” “killer”, if the lead in the human body exceeds the standard, lead ions will combine with protein and amino acid functional groups, resulting in insufficient nutrient supply to the brain, destroying brain cells, and interfering with normal physiological activities.

Popcorn, preserved eggs, canned food, etc. They are all lead-containing foods. Long-term consumption of large amounts may affect brain function due to excessive lead.

If you like to eat this type of food, you can eat it often Some kelp, black fungus, seaweed, oolong tea and other foods that have the effect of expelling lead.

Foods Containing Aluminum< /strong>

Aluminum does a lot of damage to the brain , including aluminum can inhibit the activity of brain enzymes, promote the decline of human memory, reduce thinking ability, and induce dementia. For example, the alum in Youtiao is an inorganic substance containing aluminum, and in addition , some biscuits and chips also contain a lot of these substances.

So everyone should pay attention and try to control their own Mouth, eat less of this kind of food, in order to ensure good health.

On the other hand, you can consume more in your daily life Vitamin C, such as kiwi fruit, grapefruit, winter jujube, orange, etc., helps to accelerate the metabolism of aluminum.

Foods high in mercury

< p data-track="68">The impact of mercury on the body is very large, and some contaminated seafood and shellfish contain A large amount of mercury, which can interfere with neurotransmitters after entering the human body, cannot transmit information to the brain, causing dizziness, dizziness, hearing loss and other problems.

If you eat this type of food regularly, you should also< strong>Eat more garlic or onions, because these foods contain sulfur amino acids, which can counteract the negative effects of mercury on the body.

Foods containing lipid peroxides

Oxidation of lipids will produce peroxides. After entering the human body, peroxides will be produced on vitamins, blood vessels, etc. Great damage, which can easily lead to premature brain aging and dementia.

Fried food with oil temperature above 200℃ and foods that have been exposed to sunlight for a long time, such as smoked fish, roasted duck, roasted goose, etc.; and foods with a lot of fat, such as cured meat, will also produce Oxidized lipids.

Foods Containing Trans Fatty Acids

Maybe many people have heard Trans fatty acids, such as various common foods such as biscuits, bread, ice cream, contain large amounts of trans fatty acids. After long-term high-temperature heating, vegetable oil will produce trans fatty acids, and trans fatty acids can increase the content of certain proteins, increase cholesterol levels, and may increase cerebral arteriosclerosis.

These types of foods are delicious, but they are not healthy for the body. The impact of gluten is very serious, and it will also cause oxidative damage to nerve cells and reduce brain function, so everyone must pay attention and eat as little as possible.

Excessive refined carbohydrates

If the body is deficient in carbohydrates, the brain cannot function properly, but eating too much can affect the normal function of the brain, prevent the brain from using it, and make the brain insulin resistant. Decreased memory.

So in your usual diet, try to use the thickness as much as possible The way of matching, don’t eat only refined carbohydrates for a long time, such as steamed bread, noodles, rice are a kind of refined carbohydrates, you can add some oats, brown rice, corn and other staple foods appropriately.

If you want to protect your brain health, it is recommended that you keep a For example, you can do some exercise properly, because if you insist on exercising, you can increase the speed of blood circulation and help the body to excrete the accumulated garbage toxins, and the exercise time does not need to be particularly long. It’s done in about half an hour.

In addition, everyone should develop a good Many health problems are caused by lack of sleep or staying up late at night. It is recommended that you go to bed before 10:30 pm to ensure that you have six or seven hours of sleep every day. The operation will gradually return to normal, and people will be much more relaxed on the second day.

The natural law of brain aging cannot be avoided. But still living a good life can make our brains age slower.