Can blood type ‘predict’ cancer? Research has been done! It is said that O blood type live longer, is it true?

Blood type is a means of judging genetic differences and individual differences in medicine. But even out of medicine, blood type is still a topic of conversation among ordinary people. Some people even associate the results of divination and draws with blood types.

Of course, everyone knows that it is impossible, but in terms of health, people with different blood types have different risks and types of disease. There may also be some differences. In related medical research, the link between blood type and cancer has even been shown.

What is the connection between blood type and cancer? Research has concluded

this The study was initiated by a research group from Tokyo Medical University, Japan.Based on their comparison of the health level of prostate cancer patients with different blood types, in 2004 By 2010, prostate cancer patients with different blood types differed in the probability of cancer recurrence:

eg Male patients with blood type A have a 35% chance of cancer recurrence after surgery, while blood type B is about 30%, and blood type O is the lowest. Not only that, but the researchers also compared cancer risk for several common blood types across different cancers:

< span>For example, people with blood type A have a higher probability of developing gastric cancer, esophageal cancer and other cancers;

And people with blood type B, More likely to suffer from breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and other cancers;

Ab blood type is more likely to have cardiovascular disease and blood cancer risks;< /span>

The type O blood, which has always been called “universal blood”, is compared with cancer in various areas Minimum risk.

It can be seen that people with different blood types may really be able to achieve the so-called “” The purpose of predicting” cancer.

However, the researchers also added that blood type and cancer research, now known and confirmed There are connections, but still concentrated in the academic realm. And the difference in the risk of inducing cancer between different blood types is not as big as we think. The prevention of cancer still relies on the laws of daily life and regular medical procedures to be the most effective. way of doing.

In conclusion, there is a certain connection between blood type and cancer, but for now, until the specific principle is clarified, it is still impossible to as an effective means of preventing cancer. On the other hand, you may have also discovered that in the research, the performance of type O blood is the most “bright”, and the cancer risk rate is relatively the lowest. Does that mean that people with type O blood are more likely than ordinary people Longer life?

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Does people with type O blood mean longer life?

Actually this is not very scientific. On the one hand, the above studies have shown that although blood type and cancer are linked, the differences between individual cancers are not as large as we thought.

On the other hand, type O blood has a lower risk of cancer because the antigens on the surface of red blood cells are different from other blood types. Therefore, people with type O blood will metabolize faster, thereby helping such people to reduce the probability of disease.

On the other hand, in clinical data, cardiovascular disease and psychiatric The risk of disease is indeed about 20% lower. However, according to a report published in the academic journal “eLIfe” by a Swedish team of swedish researchers, data from more than 1,200 diseases of 5.1 million people were analyzed. According to the analysis, blood type O also has certain “disadvantages”, such as more prone to bleeding disorders and higher risk of viral infections.

Therefore, under the trend of many factors, blood type and disease are inextricably linked, and cannot be blindly People who identify with a certain blood type live longer. Again, if you want to make yourself healthier and live longer, only down-to-earth and regular life is the right choice.

But then again, there are advantages and disadvantages between different blood types, and naturally, the strange idea of ​​”changing blood types” will arise. So, under the conditions of modern medicine, is it feasible to change the blood type the day after tomorrow?

Is it possible to change the blood type through the day after tomorrow?

As mentioned above, the difference between blood types lies in the antibodies and antigens on the red blood cells The difference between antigens and antibodies on red blood cells is controlled by DNA, and it has been formed during the period of human beings or fertilized eggs. It is very difficult to change them through acquired changes.

However, in modern clinical medicine,there are also “temporary” methods of changing blood type, mainly for Relevant areas of gene therapy:

such as by short-terminfusion of large amounts of dextran strong>and other colloidal solutions to adsorb antigens to change blood types; or blood type crossoverand so on.

However, this blood type change is only temporary , After a period of body self-adjustment, the blood type will return to its original state. It seems that if you want to change the blood type through the day after tomorrow, It’s okay to stay at the “think about it” stage…

In summary, blood type is really a thing It is very wonderful. It not only reflects the differences between individuals, but also is inextricably linked with health and diseases, and can even “predict” cancer to a certain extent. However, it is still necessary to remind everyone that if you want to live a long life and be healthy, you do not depend on your blood type. Living a regular life, eating a balanced diet, and exercising are still the simplest and most correct practices, so please keep that in mind.


[1]Lin Jian. Pay attention to blood type and health[J]. Life and Companion: New Health, 2007(2):2.

[2]Chen Ling, Jiang Hengchun, Shen Weidong, et al. Correlation analysis of ABO blood type and malignant tumor[J] ]. Sichuan Cancer Prevention, 2004.