Can blood routine detect cancer cells? Reminder: If these 3 indicators increase, you may need to pay attention

Through blood routine testing, the blood type of the patient and some abnormal indexes in the blood can be detected, and it can also effectively reflect the patient’s own condition and body health index.

When doing a blood routine, what is usually done is the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, count, hemoglobin content, platelets Numerical values, etc. Once many indexes in the routine exceed the standard or decrease, this represents a sensitive response to many pathological changes in the body.

For patients who do not know their own etiology, routine blood tests can be performed to observe their own conditions and whether to take medicine and whether to stop or not. Medicine, whether conservative observation and treatment, wait until the disease is cured.

When our body feels uncomfortable, we will go to the hospital and doctors recommend that we do a blood routine test first. Through various indicators, potential diseases and invisible diseases in the human body can be observed, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and high blood lipids.

Someone will ask? Blood routine tests can detect various diseases, so can blood routine tests detect whether there are cancer cells in the body?

cancer cells

< span>Cancer cells, a kind of mutant cells, are the source of cancer. Different from normal cells, cancer cells have three characteristics: infinite proliferation, transformation and easy transfer:

limited proliferation and destroy normal cell tissue. In addition to uncontrolled division (which can divide indefinitely), cancer cells also locally invade surrounding normal tissues, and even metastasize to other parts of the body through the body’s circulatory system or lymphatic system.

Once infected by cancer cells, the cells will divide unrestrictedly, multiply and exist in the human body, showing a large-scale arms The team will endanger the health of the human body, cause immune dysfunction in the human body, endocrine disorders, and affect the survival and reproduction of normal red blood cells.

Usually, proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes play a normal role, they are normal in cells However, under the action of carcinogenic factors, once the proto-oncogene and tumor suppressor gene are mutated, they will not be able to normally regulate cell division and proliferation, and cells can proliferate indefinitely, that is, cells become cancerous.

Can “Blood Routine” detect cancer cells?

In normal blood tests, only a few cancer patients will have obvious abnormal changes and reactions. Most cancer patients have a latent period. And it is impossible to find abnormalities through blood routine testing. Some blood routine testing reports will also show that there is no abnormality in the body of cancer patients.

During the test, the presence or absence of disease is determined by observing the changes in the quantity of blood and the distribution of its shape , but the blood routine can only check whether the number, cells and indicators are normal, and can not completely determine whether there is cancer in the body.

In the process of detection, blood test is the most common physical examination, and blood test is for tumor markers, tumor Markers are abnormally expressed in the body when the tumor grows, such as the LP antigen C199, which can all give obvious hints, but cannot directly see cancer cells through blood routine testing.

If the patient observes C199 in the body through routine blood test, these indicators increase significantly, or it may indicate that there may be C199 in the body. At this time, the doctor needs to cooperate with the inspection and treatment in time to see if there is tumor survival.

Reminder: If these “3” indicators are elevated, you may need to be vigilant

——[platelet rise]

During the blood routine test, the platelet index increased significantly, which means that the number of platelets in the peripheral blood exceeds The increase in platelet count itself has a certain impact on the human body.

If the number of platelets increases by a small amount, it will have no obvious effect on the human body, but the examiner himself suffers from the disease. There are three high diseases, so even an increase in the number and sales of platelets may lead to cerebral thrombosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

If you observe the abnormal increase of platelet content in the peripheral blood, and the fluctuation is large, this may be the phenomenon of blood diseases. The most common of these symptoms is thrombocytosis, a myeloproliferative disorder caused by an indefinite proliferation of megakaryocytes due to genetic mutations.

—[RBC Rise]< /p>

means that the number of red blood cells per unit volume of blood is higher than the upper limit of normal. It is generally believed that after repeated inspections of adult male red blood cells > 6 million/mm3, adult female > 5.5 million/mm3, it is erythrocytosis.

The number of red blood cells in the body has increased significantly, and the number of red blood cells has exceeded the normal range, which often means that the body has chronic Hypoxic diseases, such as congenital cyanotic heart disease, etc., are due to the long-term chronic hypoxia of these diseases that stimulates the increase in the concentration of the hormone erythropoietin in the body.

There is a significant increase in the number of red blood cells in the entity. In addition, if the number of red blood cells is significantly increased, it also means that the body has Myeloproliferative disease, which is also a myeloproliferative neoplastic disease, often requires a bone marrow biopsy.

——[WBC Rise]< /p>

As we all know, we have red blood cells and white blood cells in our body. If the white blood cells in the body are elevated, it is easy to induce vitiligo, leukemia and albinism in patients.

If the number of leukocytes in the body increases, it indicates the possibility of bacterial infection. The number of leukocytes per cubic millimeter is more than 10,000. If it is a bacterial infection, the classification of neutrophils often exceeds about 70%.

At the same time, the number of white blood cells is significantly increased, which is also related to the number of white blood cells, and is damaged by the body, such as acute myocardial infarction, severe trauma, etc. Some diseases of the blood system, such as acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia, can cause a significant increase in the number of white blood cells.

The “three vegetables” that cancer cells are most afraid of

< p data-track="30">Type 1【Leek】:Leek is rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, in addition to protein , In addition to fatty carbohydrates, it is also rich in carotene and potassium.

It is very beneficial to improve eyesight and relieve eye fatigue, and it is very beneficial for people who work on computers for a long time, and can enhance personal resistance , immunity, antioxidant power, anti-aging ability is very suitable for people with high blood pressure to eat.

Second Garlic:As the saying goes It is said that garlic is the king of anti-cancer and anti-cancer. It not only has high nutritional value, but also creatinine in garlic is the main component involved in muscle activity. Allicin in garlic and vitamin B1 produce allithiamine, which can eliminate fatigue.

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The third type [onion]: The volatile oil of onion can stimulate Sweat glands in the body have the effect of heat dissipation, and scallion oil stimulates. The pectin in the onion can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and inhibit the growth of cancer cells by coughing up sticky phlegm in the upper respiratory tract.

#Xiafang Health Guide#