Breast nodules detected, what should we pay attention to in life?

Nowadays, there are many friends who have detected breast nodules. Especially after getting married and having a baby, it is the hardest hit and the high incidence area due to the tiredness of bringing the baby day and night + the conflict of parenting.

Some people don’t take it seriously when they find out breast nodules. , I don’t know how far this nodule is from cancer.

Today is here to talk to the mothers about the truth about breast nodules.

strong< What is a breast nodule?

Breast nodule is a generic term for a type of breast “mass”. While the majority of breast nodules found are benign, a few are malignant. This makes many people sweat nervously when they see a “nodule” on a color Doppler ultrasound or mammography (mammography) report.

Strictly speaking, breast nodules are found in the breast by modern imaging equipment, such as color Doppler ultrasound, X-ray, magnetic resonance examination, etc. a morphological change.

Benign breast hyperplasia, breast cysts, breast fibroadenomas, mastitis and other lesions will cause breast nodules ; Breast cancer also has nodular changes.

strongstrong Can the benign and malignant nodes be felt?

Please note that the result of touch is uncertain. To find out what kind of nodules, a series of tests can be done to know.

“I did this test, and the doctor asked me to do that test. Is it intentional to charge for money?”

No, breast nodules should be examined by grade:

  • The doctor usually asks the patient to do a color Doppler ultrasound first;

  • < span>Then decide whether to do mammography (mammography) or MRI according to the results of color Doppler ultrasound;

  • If the X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging Resonance also has obvious problems, and it is necessary to pass a needle biopsy to finally make a pathological result of good and bad judgment.

Scientific examination is the responsibility of the patient.

strong judgment /strong>Benign and malignant, pathological examination has the final say

No matter how high the possibility of malignancy is in the results of ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, etc., the final diagnosis can only be confirmed by pathological examination. One of the most common methods is breast biopsy.

Before the breast puncture, anesthesia will be given, which is similar to the usual infusion and muscle acupuncture, and it is not as painful as imagined. So far, medical needle biopsy has a history of more than 100 years. Now the equipment is more and more advanced. It is completed under the conditions of ultrasound guidance and visualization. It is minimally invasive and safe. The accuracy rate reported in the literature is 94.1% to 100%. , complications are less than 0.05%.

The method is to insert a biopsy needle into the nodule, and take a small amount of tissue for pathological examination to determine whether it is cancerous or not. Some people worry that if it is really cancer, what should I do if the punctured cancer nodule spreads and metastasizes? In this regard, domestic and foreign literature reports are different, and breast puncture metastasis is very rare.

In general, the path of breast aspiration is very knowledgeable. And if it is a cancerous nodule, its puncture path will also be handled during surgery. Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy is the most commonly used and most reliable method for diagnosing breast lesions.

  • BI-RADS Class 0. The information obtained from this examination alone may not be complete enough to effectively evaluate the lesion, requiring re-examination or re-evaluation in conjunction with other examinations.

  • BI-RADS Category 1. Negative, normal breast. The tissue showed normal, no structural disorder, no mass, no calcification and other abnormal findings, and routine follow-up according to age.

  • BI-RADS Category 2. For benign nodules, regular follow-up (eg, once a year) is recommended.

  • BI-RADS Category 3. Most of these breast nodules may be benign diseases, the probability of malignancy is less than 2%, and a follow-up review of 3 to 6 months is required.

  • BI-RADS Category 4. It may be malignant and needs to be confirmed by biopsy. BI-RADS 4a, low suspicion (2% < malignancy ≤ 10%); BI-RADS 4b, moderate suspicion (10% < malignancy ≤ 50%); BI-RADS 4c, high Suspicious (50% < malignant degree ≤ 95%).

  • BI-RADS Category 5. More than 95% of the probability is malignant, requiring histological biopsy pathology.

  • BI-RADS Category 6. Breast cancer confirmed by pathological biopsy.

  • Can breast nodules be left alone?

    First of all, we need to clarify a concept, whether a breast nodule is benign or malignant It will disappear on its own. Once a breast nodule is found, you should seek medical attention in time. It is very important to carry out targeted treatment according to different situations.

    Many people just leave it alone when they find out that it is a small benign nodule, which is wrong.

    The clinical findings of breast nodules may be related to lesions, such as breast hyperplasia, fibroadenoma, plasma cell mastitis, lactation Stage mastitis, breast cancer, etc. are all nodules due to lesions.

    The nodules of some breast cancer patients are often very small, and some are even calcified, which are not painful or swell, but the disease is not light! So the nodule is not as small as possible.

    Some nodules still have a malignant transformation rate. Although fibroids are benign tumors, they will not spontaneously grow once they grow. Intraductal papilloma is benign, but malignant transformation can occur in 6% to 8% of cases.

    width=”600″ What should you do if you find a breast nodule?

    Women under 30

    For young women under the age of 30, if breast cancer is detected before menstruation Nodules, it is generally recommended to review once after the end of menstruation.

    Because breast nodules in this age group are often caused by changes in hormone levels in the body, they will significantly reduce or disappear after the menstrual period.

    IfNodules do not disappear after menstruation, and there is no need to panic too much. A benign breast fibroadenoma is common in this age group, and you should seek the help of a professional doctor.

    Women 30+

    < /span>

    For women over the age of 30, due to the significantly increased risk of breast cancer, they should go to breast surgery or general surgery.

    The doctor will conduct targeted consultations, such as the length of time the nodule was found, menstrual history, family history of breast cancer, whether to take contraceptives, etc. .

    In addition, the doctor will also conduct a detailed examination of the breast, such as palpation of the breast nodules, to understand the size, softness and hardness of the nodules. The degree of activity, the degree of activity, the presence or absence of redness and swelling on the skin surface, etc., comprehensively make a preliminary judgment. According to the actual situation, apply for breast ultrasound and X-ray mammography.

    Radiologists will conduct more detailed analysis and diagnosis of breast nodules, and assist clinicians in assessing benign and malignant risk stratification of breast nodules , so as to provide advice for choosing the next treatment plan.


    Other daily notes

    1. In Pay attention to maintaining a happy mood in daily life, and learn to actively adjust your emotions;

    2. Pay attention to avoid eating and drinking, and eat less fried and pickled foods and animal fats. , sweets and fast food, control the intake of estrogen, take contraceptive pills, royal jelly carefully, do not use cosmetic cosmetics containing estrogen, do not smoke or drink alcohol, eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, fungi;

    3. Live a regular life, maintain proper exercise, and avoid obesity;

    4. Maintain a harmonious sexual life and avoid abortion; insist on breastfeeding;< /span>

    5. Adhere to self-examination and regular medical examinations at breast specialists;

    6. Standardized treatment under the guidance of a breast specialist.

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