Bracken is poisonous and carcinogenic? Can it be eaten? Reminder: Pay attention to 3 points when eating


“Bracken is full of poison, and it is also carcinogenic. Don’t eat it!”

“Bracken is carcinogenic? p>


Today is the second day of the second month, which is also known as the Spring Dragon Festival. In the south, it is called the Outing Festival. Every spring, there will be ferns in the mountains and in the fields. Today, Xiao Ai saw two friends “dry” ferns. One said that ferns are poisonous and cause cancer, while the other said. Bracken can fight cancer. Who is right?

First, bracken is the “king of anti-cancer”, can it reduce inflammation and prevent cancer?

Bracken, also known as the leading vegetable, is a common wild vegetable in the mountains. Bracken is rich in protein, minerals, vitamins and fats, etc., and is a vegetable with nutritional value. Bracken also contains Brackenin, which has a certain inhibitory effect on bacteria and can help clear heat and detoxify, sterilize and clear inflammation.

In addition, bracken also contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant, anti-tumor and anti-viral effects, so many people think that it can fight cancer.

In fact, the anti-cancer ingredients in food are very limited. Some experiments have confirmed that a certain food has an anti-cancer effect, which is to purify a certain ingredient in the food and reach a certain dose. We need to eat a few tens of kilograms or more if we want to rely on eating a certain food to achieve a dose that can fight cancer or cure diseases, which is obviously unrealistic.

The essence of bracken is just a kind of food, we must treat it with a correct attitude and not exaggerate its efficacy. Including bracken, there is no food that can fight cancer and prevent cancer. What is really effective is a balanced diet.

A large number of studies have shown that increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables in the diet, eating more whole grains, and avoiding fried and grilled foods can reduce the risk of cancer. Long-term preference for a certain food and a large amount of it will lead to an imbalance in the body’s nutritional intake, which will lead to a decline in immunity and induce diseases.

2. WHO: Bracken is a carcinogen – can it be eaten?

Bracken contains the chemical component “Proteroside”, which can cause digestive tract cancer and other diseases in mice, so the WHO has classified it as a 2B carcinogen, namely Possible, but not known, carcinogenic substances.

So, is bracken still edible?

Associate Professor Zhu Yi of the School of Food Science, China Agricultural University, said that the protoferritin in bracken is not very stable. Content can be reduced by 90%. And bracken is only a class 2B carcinogen, and the evidence for human carcinogenicity is not sufficient. Compared with the class 1 carcinogen – ham, the carcinogenic evidence of bracken is quite insufficient. You only need to consciously control the amount and frequency of consumption every day, and it will not bring too much risk to your health.

Eating bracken in life, although it will not threaten health, should pay attention to three things to avoid health risks due to improper consumption.

Third, eat bracken in spring, keep three points in mind

1. Don’t Mistaken “vegetable”

There are many kinds of ferns, so we must pay attention to screening when picking daily, and don’t pick some inedible varieties. In daily life, it is best to go to regular supermarkets to buy bracken to avoid buying “fakes”.

2. Don’t eat it raw

The bracken contains the original fern, which needs to be blanched and soaked before it can be removed, so When eating bracken, be sure not to eat it raw.

3. Choose the one with a better growth environment

Don’t think that the wild one must be healthy! Compared with artificially cultivated vegetables, the nutritional value of wild vegetables is not relatively high. Some wild vegetables growing near factories and on the side of the road are likely to deposit car exhaust and air pollution on the leaves, causing the accumulation of toxic substances, and there is a great hidden risk in , may cause harm to health after consumption.

In addition to bracken, we also need to pay attention to screening these three kinds of “poisonous” wild vegetables in daily life, which will be very dangerous if eaten by mistake.

Fourth, some wild vegetables with their own toxins must be kept away

1 , Poison hemlock

Poison hemlock, also known as wild celery and poison ginseng, mostly grows in humid places, and the leaves are very similar to celery leaves. Flowering in summer, the whole body of the plant is accompanied by a foul odor, and all of them are poisonous. Among them, the flowers are the most toxic. After eating, it may cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and paralysis of the limbs.

2. Qucai Niangzi

Accidental ingestion of Qucai Niangzi will cause swollen face, and its leaves are long and thick Hard, with serrated edges, most leaves stick to the ground and grow about 0.5 to 1 foot tall. The seedlings of Koji Maiden are easy to mix with Koji seedlings, so be sure to pay attention to the difference.

3. Wild land

Wild land, also known as mother pig, blooms purple-red flowers in spring, some of which are yellowish, and the flowers are shaped like lips sesame flower. After consumption, symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness, coma may appear.

In our daily life, we should not listen to rumors and think which foods can fight cancer or cause cancer, just pay attention to screening some poisonous foods. In addition, it is necessary to maintain healthy eating habits in daily life to prevent the occurrence of diseases, not justEating or not eating a certain food doesn’t make much difference.


[1] “Qingming Outing, These “Wild Vegetables” Are Poisonous, Some Even Deadly”. Guangming.2019.4.5

[2] “Eating 4 kinds of vegetables often can prolong your lifeline”. 2019.9.3

[3] “One Hundred Thousand Whys | Bracken is carcinogenic or anti-cancer? Let the experts tell you the truth! 》.Shanghai Association for Science and Technology.2017.12.17

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