Boys also have breasts, why do girls love to get sick?

In life, when many people mention breast diseases, they will naturally think of women’s diseases.

But on second thought, boys also have breasts, and even some middle-aged men with fat and fitness enthusiasts have large breasts. Why are men rarely seen suffering from breast diseases?

Mammary glands are accessory glands of the skin. Male mammary glands gradually degenerate at about one and a half years of age, while female mammary glands proliferate during puberty and mature gradually after menstruation begins.

And will always involute or proliferate depending on the menstrual cycle, hormone levels in the body during pregnancy and lactation.

Therefore, gland cells have been in a relatively active state. It is this physiological structure that makes girls more prone to breast diseases.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

In addition, the following factors are also common factors contributing to the high incidence of breast disease in women:

Age and marital factors

Studies have shown that the high incidence of breast diseases such as breast hyperplasia and breast tumors is between the ages of 30 and 55. After the age of 30, the hormone levels of the body drop significantly, and breast diseases are more likely to occur.

Having sex for the first time[1].

The prevalence is higher in women over childbearing age who have never given birth or have breastfeeding [2].

Historical miscarriage

Those with a history of miscarriage are significantly higher than those without a history of miscarriage, and the greater the number of miscarriages, the higher the risk of breast disease [2].

Career Factors

Studies found that doctors, teachers, and company managers have higher prevalence of breast diseases than ordinary occupations, which may be related to the long-term high tension of mental workers, leading to endocrine disorders and breast diseases [ 2].

Emotional Factors

People who are often depressed, negative and pessimistic have a significantly higher prevalence than those who are cheerful [1].

This may be mainly related to the immune regulation function and immunosuppressive state of the body.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

It is recommended that you find breast problems in time through self-examination and regular physical examination. If you find any abnormality, go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The doctor will provide a professional examination plan to determine whether there is breast disease and the severity of the disease, and give a timely treatment plan.

Breast Self-Exam

When checking at home, you need to stand facing the mirror, with both upper limbs drooping naturally, to see if the bilateral breasts are symmetrical;

Whether the skin has depression, redness, eczema, or orange peel;

Nipple retraction, discharge; lump under armpit and collarbone.

Next touch. In order to avoid the effects of the menstrual cycle, it is best to perform a touch self-examination one week after the end of menstruation.

When touching, place your index, middle, and ring fingers together, using the pulp of your fingers.

Touch the breast for firmness, elasticity, tenderness and mass.

If a mass is palpated, attention should be paid to the hardness and mobility of the mass;

Squeeze the nipple to observe whether there is secretion and the nature of the secretion;

Feel for lumps or indurations under the armpit and on the collarbone, and seek medical attention if any abnormality is found.

Hospital Checkup

If you notice lumps or pain in your breasts, galactorrhea, etc., be sure to go to the hospital for a checkup.

Typically, the doctor will first palpate to see if there is a “suspicious” lump in the breast or a normal breast enlargement.

ofAfterwards, the doctor may recommend further examination, and usually choose mammography, B-ultrasound or pathological examination according to the patient’s condition.

1. Those over 40 years old

The incidence of breast cancer increases significantly after the age of 40. It is recommended that female friends over the age of 40 undergo regular screening, and the frequency of screening is recommended to be once a year to increase the early detection rate of breast cancer.

2. High estrogen exposure

The occurrence of breast disease is related to estrogen, usually women with early menarche (<10 years old) or late menopause (>55 years old), the time of exposure to breast estrogen environment Longer, the probability of breast disease is relatively high.

In addition, perimenopausal women who use estrogen are also prone to increase the incidence of breast disease.

3. Not breastfeeding, nulliparous, giving birth after age 30

Usually after a woman gives birth to a baby, the hormones in the body will undergo great changes. Under the stimulation of prolactin and various hormones, the breasts will undergo great changes.

The risk of developing breast disease increases if children are born late or infertile.

4. Those with a family history of the disease

Family history is an important risk factor for breast cancer[1]. If the mother has breast cancer, the risk of breast cancer in her children is higher than that of the general population. The recommended starting age is younger early (

5. Obese

Postmenopausal women or women who gain weight during peri-menopause have an increased risk of breast cancer.

It is recommended to eat less fried, fried, smoked and high-fat foods, and moderate and reasonable weight loss and physical exercise to reduce the incidence of breast disease.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Breast disease is relatively common clinically, and its incidence has gradually increased in recent years, and its harm to women has become increasingly prominent.

If you happen to belong to a high-risk group of breast diseases, don’t “underestimate the enemy” of breast disease. It is recommended to regularly go to the hospital or professional medical institution for breast screening.

A timely, valuable screening and interpretation can help us minimize disease risk.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Of course, male friends should not feel that breast disease has nothing to do with them. After all, clinical cases of male breast cancer also occur from time to time, although the incidence is relatively low (probably accounts for all breast cancers). 1% of patients).

Don’t miss out on the best time for treatment because of contempt.

Women can also help their other half to check when they are doing breast self-examination, just in case.

Review Specialist

Wang Jing| Chief Physician of Breast Surgery, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Xiangyu Wang| MD, Breast Surgery, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences


[1] Chen Chunyan, Shi Yanping, Yao Xueqing. Prevalence and causative factors of breast diseases in young women [J] . Nursing Research, 2018(32):2277-2279 .

[2] Xiao Baoling. Research on risk factors and preventive measures of breast-related diseases in women [J]. Jilin Medicine, 2013(34):2297-2298.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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