Blood sugar soars after the holiday, how can sugar friends remedy it?

2022 Spring Festival has passed, how many pounds have you gained?

Eat, drink, play, sleep at home, treat guests with big fish, big meat, and staggered pilgrimages. If you are not careful, not only will your weight soar, but the blood sugar of many sugar friends who have worked so hard to stabilize their blood sugar will also suddenly “break the power”, and there is a lot of “explosion” The trend is really worrying!

It’s not too late to “repair after the sheep”, in the face of this “sweet burden”, how can sugar friends remedy it?

The weight soars after the festival

It is important to control weight and maintain blood sugar levels

After the long holiday, almost no one can escape the curse of “gaining three pounds every festive season”. However, overweight and obesity are important risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes patients are often accompanied by overweight and obesity, and obesity further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease[1].

Clinical evidence shows that weight management can significantly improve glycemic control, insulin resistance and islet B cell function in patients with type 2 diabetes[1].

Therefore, people with diabetes should overcome the “long holiday laziness” as soon as possible, and control their diet – adhere to a diet with less oil, less sugar, less salt, high fiber, and low cholesterol, regular and quantitative, eat less and more meals, and control daily intake. the total calories; strengthen exercise – take a walk, brisk walk, jog, practice Tai Chi, etc. after dinner every day.

Keep your mouth shut, spread your legs, and reduce the weight gained during the Chinese New Year, so that your blood sugar will stabilize as soon as possible, and prevent complications from taking advantage of it!

In addition to returning to a normal life rhythm in a timely manner, the rational, standardized and safe use of hypoglycemic drugs is the top priority.

After the holiday, blood sugar surges, and safe medication is the key


Take medicine on time and monitor blood sugar changes

During the holidays, people with diabetes are most likely to miss taking hypoglycemic drugs. Some people often forget to take medicine because they are constantly visiting relatives and friends to socialize;

These will lead to poor control of blood sugar, and even some patients have life-threatening acute events such as diabetic ketoacidosis due to hyperglycemia.

Therefore, people with diabetes should resume their usual medication habits as soon as possible, take medicines on time, and do more blood sugar monitoring.


Do not increase or decrease the drug at will

Some patients resume their daily medication habits after the holiday, but find that the effect is not as good as before, so they increase the dose of the original drug, or add other drugs directly without communicating with the doctor. As a result, not only the blood sugar is not well controlled, but instead Hypoglycemia or other adverse drug reactions occurred.

This reminds people with diabetes that if the blood sugar control is not good after the holiday, they must return to the doctor in time, adjust the dosage of the medicine under the guidance of the doctor, and cannot increase or decrease the medicine at will.


Choose safe and effective hypoglycemic drugs

The choice of hypoglycemic drugs should emphasize safety, effectiveness and economy. When it comes to this, we have to mention the “C position” in the hypoglycemic field – metformin. In recent years, various new hypoglycemic drugs have emerged one after another, but the classic old drug metformin is still the first choice for many patients with type 2 diabetes.

Seeing this, some people may ask: What is the power of metformin?

Metformin, the “mainstay” of the hypoglycemic community

Metformin is a classic antidiabetic drug that spans the century. It has gone through more than 60 years of ups and downs since it was launched and applied in 1957. It is the cornerstone of the hypoglycemic treatment of type 2 diabetes in the world today, and it is also consistent with authoritative guidelines at home and abroad. The recommended first choice of hypoglycemic drugs.

The 2020 edition of the Chinese Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and the 2020 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards for Diabetes Medical Diabetes and Treatment of Many of the latest diabetes treatment guidelines at home and abroad all use metformin as the first-line drug for diabetes treatment, which shows that it cannot be used in the field of hypoglycemia. alternative status.

This is due to the excellent hypoglycemic ability of metformin, which can not only effectively lower blood sugar, but also does not increase the risk of hypoglycemia when used alone. Metformin itself does not damage the liver or kidneys, and long-term use does not increase the risk of hyperlactatemia or lactic acidosis.

Some patients may experience gastrointestinal discomfort at the initial stage of taking metformin, but most of them are transient, and metformin extended-release tablets can solve this problem very well.

The well-known original drug of metformin, Gehuazhi, also has a new dosage form of sustained-release tablets. It adopts the unique GSD biphasic sustained-release technology, which can significantly reduce gastrointestinal adverse reactions while ensuring an definite and effective hypoglycemic effect. Moreover, it only needs to be taken once a day, which is convenient and trouble-free, and it is not easy to miss the dose, which greatly improves the patient’s compliance.

In addition to lowering blood sugar, metformin also shines in many other ways.

Metformin does not gain or lose weight with long-term use, especially for overweight and obese diabetic patients. Metformin also reduces the risk of cardiovascular events and death in people with diabetes.

What is even more surprising is that today, when the epidemic is normalized, a number of large studies have also found that metformin is beneficial to reduce the risk of death in people with diabetes and new crown infection.

This is a boon for diabetics. Diabetics can eat “guanidine” with peace of mind and face the new crown calmly. During the epidemic, it is inconvenient to go to the hospital. You can choose the large package of Gehuazhi ordinary tablets to reduce the number of drug purchases, which is convenient and hassle-free.

(All Health Talk)