Bladder disease, urination prophet, if these 3 manifestations appear in urination, or the signal of bladder cancer

Mr. Chen, who is in his 50s, is a dry decoration painter. His daily job is to help residents decorate their houses. He likes smoking and drinking, so he discovered long ago that he has chronic diseases such as pulmonary nodules, lumbar disc herniation, prostatitis, etc. Of course, this is also an occupational disease in their field.

More than 3 months ago, Mr. Chen found that his urine was dark in color, but there was no pain or other discomfort. He thought he was just getting angry recently. So he bought some herbal tea to clear the fire. Later, the color of the urine gradually deepened, and there was difficulty in urination, and the lower abdomen also had severe pain, so he quickly went to the hospital for examination, and passed the doctor’s systematic examination. He was diagnosed with early bladder cancer after biopsy, and the dark urine was actually hematuria, Mr. Chen was very surprised when he heard that he had cancer, and quickly asked the doctor why, the doctor explained The appearance of bladder cancer is related to Mr. Chen’s long-term exposure to chemicals such as paint, but Mr. Chen’s illness is still in the early stage. It is recommended that Mr. Chen be hospitalized as soon as possible, and Mr. Chen agreed.

Bladder cancer is one of the common malignant tumors of the urinary system, which is more common in middle-aged and elderly men. According to the survey data in recent years, with the continuous increase of the aging population, the incidence of bladder cancer is also gradually increasing. , has become an important threat to the health of middle-aged and elderly people. Because the early symptoms of bladder cancer are relatively mild, many people mistakenly think that it is anger, fatigue, urinary tract infection, etc., which delays the best treatment time, therefore, people should pay more attention to bladder cancer, detect related symptoms in time, and achieve early detection and early treatment.

I. What is bladder cancer? What harm does it do to the body?

The bladder is a cone-shaped sac-like organ located in the pelvis and is an important part of the urinary system.its main function It is to store and release urine to ensure the normal metabolism of the human body, timely discharge of various metabolic wastes such as creatinine and urea nitrogen, and maintain the stability of the human body’s internal environment.

Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor originating from the cells of the bladder tissue, the most common is from the bladder endothelium mucosal cells on the surface, which have strong proliferative capacity and can cause a large number of abnormal proliferation of mucosal cells under the action of various carcinogenic factors.Causes bladder urothelial carcinoma, which accounts for approximately 90% of bladder cancer patients.

In the early stage of bladder cancer, the symptoms are not obvious, and there is no pain and discomfort, so it is very easy to be ignored. However, with the continuous proliferation and erosion of cancer tissue, it will cause a series of urinary tract symptoms such as bladder irritation and urinary tract obstruction. Low back pain, fever and other symptoms can even induce acute renal failure; secondly, late stage bladder cancer will erode surrounding tissues, among which the urethra, prostate and rectum are the most easily eroded, causing a variety of damage; finally, end-stage bladder cancer will undergo blood metastases, The liver, lung, bone, etc. are the most likely viscera for cancerous lesions Organs, resulting in multiple organ damage and even death.


It can be seen thatthe risk of bladder cancer increases with the progression of the disease strong>, for bladder cancer, what we need to do is not only symptomatic treatment, but also must pay attention to its early signs, go to the hospital for specialist treatment in time, and abnormal urination. It is often the earliest manifestation of bladder cancer, so if abnormal urine occurs, you must consider the possibility of bladder cancer and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible..

Second, the doctor reminds: if these 3 abnormal conditions occur in urination, it is a warning sign of bladder cancer

bladder As the main organ for storing and excreting urine, whether its function and structure are normal will directly reflect on urination. Therefore, although there is no obvious pain and discomfort in the early stage of bladder cancer, most patients still have abnormal urination. Therefore, careful observation Urine excretion is helpful for early detection of bladder dysfunction.

1. Painless gross hematuria

Intermittent painless gross hematuria is the most common clinical symptom in the early stage of bladder cancer, and 95% of bladder cancer patients are This symptom has occurred.. The root cause of hematuria is the damage caused by the erosion of cancer tissue, but the early damage is small, so the amount of bleeding is not much, and there is no obvious Pain and even the hematuria will gradually disappear as the vessel repairs, but will reappear after new erosions have occurred.

Many people regard early painless hematuria as anger and urinary tract infection, and because early hematuria has a certain self-healing property, it is easy to cause the illusion that it has been cured, resulting in The disease is delayed, but with the continuous expansion and erosion of the cancer tissue, the frequency of hematuria and the amount of bleeding will also increase significantly, even in the urine A blood clot occurs, which indicates that the cancer cells have begun to erode the bladder tissue extensively, causing further symptoms and dysfunction.

2. Urinary tract irritation

The bladderThere are a large number of baroreceptors on the surface of the bladder, once stimulated, it will produce the urge to urinate, thereby guiding people to urinate.

However, in the early stage of bladder cancer, due to the erosion of the bladder wall by cancer tissue, or combined with urinary tract infection, it will stimulate the receptors on the bladder , cause urinary tract irritation such as frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, etc., but this manifestation is not specific because many urinary tract infections will also appear. However, if urinary tract irritation and hematuria appear at the same time, the possibility of bladder carcinoma in situ must be considered, and timely examination to confirm etiology.

3. Difficulty urinating

Normal urinary excretion is accomplished by the contraction of the detrusor muscle of the bladder and the relaxation of the urethral sphincter muscle, but when When the bladder cancer tissue originates near the urethra, or when the bladder tumor is large and numerous in physical examination, when the cancer tissue diffusely infiltrates the bladder wall , it will lead to abnormal function of the urethral sphincter and detrusor muscle, resulting in dysfunction of urination, resulting in difficulty urinating and dripping urine, It can even cause a lot of urine retention.

Third, how to prevent bladder cancer?

The normal operation of the bladder is very important to human health. Therefore, timely detection of abnormal bladder function and active symptomatic treatment are very important. At the same time, it is also very important to actively improve living habits and avoid bladder function damage. Therefore, we must do the following preventive work.

1. Develop good living habits

Studies have shown that smoking and drinking are both important triggers for bladder cancer.Therefore, we must cultivate good living habits in life, actively quit smoking and drinking, and avoid staying up late and other bad things At the same time, you can do more outdoor exercise, Aerobic exercise for about half an hour every day can effectively improve the body’s immunity.

2. Avoid exposure to carcinogens

There are many chemical substances in life that have the risk of carcinogenic or teratogenic. Commonpaint, gasoline, chemical dust containing aniline, etc., Long-term exposure to these carcinogens will induce abnormal cell proliferation in the body, which will lead to various tumors. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid exposure to these substances in life.If it cannot be avoided due to work needs, it must be done Take appropriate protective measures and have regular medical examinations.

3. Drink more water in moderation

The human body will excrete about 2000ml of liquid through urine and sweat every day, so it is necessary to replenish water in time.Research shows that the daily water intake of 2000ml-250ml can reduce The risk of bladder cancer will be reduced by half, and adequate water supplementation can ensure normal water metabolism, maintain the balance of body water and electrolytes, and accelerate metabolic wastes such as urea and creatinine of discharge.

4. Healthy Eating

Research It shows that long-term consumption of high-fat or nitrate-containing foods will increase the risk of cancer, so the daily diet mustreduce high-fat and high-fat foods, and try not to eat smoked and pickled foods At the same time, reduce the intake of sodium salt, you can eat more vegetables and fruits, keep the taste light, and actively supplement vitamins and high-quality animal protein to improve the body’s immunity and protect your health.

5. Stay in a good mood

Bad emotions are also an important cause of cancer.Therefore, we must maintain a good attitude in life and actively face the pressure in life, do not Excessive fatigue, learn to combine work and rest. If you are in a bad mood, you can take the initiative to talk to your family or friends, or do group outdoor sports to actively adjust your mental state.

IV. Summary

In summary, bladder cancer threatens human health It is very big. We must pay attention to the abnormal performance of ourselves, detect abnormal bladder function in time, and go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible; secondly, we must always pay attention to our health in life and actively prevent bladder cancer. , from drinking water, drinking water, sleep and other aspects to protect their health.