Bitter mouth, heartburn, he has gastroesophageal reflux disease

Some time ago, Mr. Zhao, 39, always felt heartburn and bloating after eating. At first, he didn’t care too much. However, in the following days, Mr. Zhao’s symptoms worsened, and he often felt a sore throat. Not only did he feel restless during the day, but his sleep at night was also affected.

Improper diet, heartburn and other discomforts

Mr. Zhao said he felt that he Eating too much chili for a period of time can cause stomach discomfort, heartburn, and discomfort. As the burning sensation in his chest continued to increase, Mr. Zhao went to the Jianhua District of Shijiazhuang People’s Hospital for treatment.

Chang Lili, the director of the First Division of Gastroenterology, asked Mr. Zhao’s life details in detail, and initially judged that heartburn was a stomach problem, mainly due to eating too much spicy food provoke. In order to more accurately identify the cause, Chang Lili asked Mr. Zhao to perform a gastroscopy.

Gastroscopy showed that Mr. Zhao’s esophagus wall was strip-shaped hyperemia, erythema, and local erosions were seen. He was diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Chang Lili formulated a targeted treatment plan for Mr. Zhao. After treatment, Mr. Zhao recovered.

What are the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease?

So, what is heartburn? What is gastroesophageal reflux disease? Chang Lili said that heartburn is a burning sensation in the stomach or behind the breastbone, which often occurs about an hour after eating, especially after a full meal. Occasional heartburn does not need to be nervous, but persistent or repeated heartburn should cause alertness and go to the hospital for a detailed diagnosis. Generally speaking, heartburn is more common in stomach diseases.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common chronic disease in which gastric contents (including gastric acid and pepsin) flow back into the esophagus and beyond the esophagus (such as the throat, oral) symptoms or complications. The main symptoms are bitterness in the mouth and heartburn, which may be accompanied by chest pain, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, belching, etc. Some patients have pharyngeal foreign body sensation, sore throat and cough as the first symptoms, which may be accompanied by sleep disturbance.

Chang Lili said that more than half of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have reflux symptoms related to improper diet, such as frequent overeating or overeating of sweets , spicy food, greasy food, acidic beverage and sour food, etc. In addition, lying down after a meal, eating too much before going to bed, etc., especially sleeping after eating too much at night, is more likely to cause food reflux, causing gastric acid damage to the esophagus.

Bad lifestyle changes to prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease

GERD The incentives for the onset of the disease are also related to factors such as age, smoking, drinking, obesity, fatigue, and psychology. Chang Lili said that changing an unhealthy lifestyle is the key to preventing gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Long-term smoking and drinking may cause gastroesophageal reflux disease. Overweight or obesity are risk factors for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Therefore, such patients should quit smoking. Alcohol, and reasonable weight control.

In terms of diet, Chang Lili reminded that you should eat regularly, eat small and frequent meals, and increase dietary fiber intake. Avoid fried, spicy, high-fat foods; avoid eating before going to bed and lying down immediately after meals, and moderately raise the head of the bed when sleeping.

Chang Lili reminded that you should pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease, but don’t be overly nervous, learn to decompress, adjust the work rhythm appropriately, and keep an optimistic mood. Facing the disease with a positive attitude. If you often experience heartburn, acid regurgitation, sore throat, retrosternal pain, sleep disturbance and other uncomfortable symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time.

(Yan Du Rong media reporter Tan Yanan)