Beware of these 6 kinds of foods in spring, they may be poisoned if eaten, and quickly remove your table

Spring is here, the temperature rises, everything recovers, and people’s dietary structure changes accordingly. There will be many fresh green vegetables in spring, which are loved by many people, such as lentils, green beans, potatoes, etc. However, if these foods are not cooked properly, it is likely to cause human poisoning. Therefore, food poisoning should be prevented in spring, especially the following foods.

What food poisoning should I prevent in spring?

1. Wild mushroom poisoning

Spring is the season of vigorous mushroom growth, but spring is also poisonous mushroom poisoning high season. Although wild mushrooms are delicious and have high nutritional value, we have more than 190 kinds of poisonous mushrooms. These poisonous mushrooms cannot be distinguished from edible mushrooms with the naked eye. quite high. Therefore, we should try to eat as little wild mushrooms as possible.

2. String bean poisoning

Uncooked string beans contain hemagglutinin , saponins, these two toxic substances can easily cause human poisoning. If you eat raw green beans, or if the green beans are not fully cooked, there will still be this C toxin in the green beans, and you are prone to food poisoning, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever and other symptoms. After treatment, most of them can be cured. Cure, but there is also a risk of death.

Therefore, don’t eat raw green beans, and cook them fully Heating, stir-frying, and fully cooked can decompose the toxins completely before they can be eaten.

3. Lentil poisoning

Lentils contain saponin, if the lentils are not cooked through Just eating, it will damage the digestive tract, and induce hemorrhagic inflammation, dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other poisoning symptoms. It is recommended that you choose tender lentils as much as possible when choosing lentils. Fresh and tender lentils have less toxin content.

4. Potato poisoning

Eating sprouted potatoes is also prone to poisoning. Potatoes contain a large amount of solanine after green sprouts. Solanine is a toxin and is relatively toxic. After eating, there will be a sore throat. , abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, potatoes should not be stored for a long time, and sprouted potatoes should not be eaten and should be thrown away in time.

5. Fresh daylily poisoning

Fresh daylily contains colchicine, After eating, colchicine is oxidized to dicolchicine, which is a highly toxic substance. After eating, there will be poisoning symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and severe anuria, hematuria, Bloody stools, etc.

Therefore, before eating fresh day lily, you need to blanch it in boiling water, then soak, Rinse, then cook, so it’s safe to eat.

6. Sugarcane poisoning

The climate in spring is relatively humid, and it is easy to store food improperly Moldy, moldy sugarcane infected by fungi contains toxins, which can damage the nervous system, prone to symptoms of diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even respiratory failure, coma, and even death in severe cases. In the event of sugarcane poisoning, it is necessary to promptly send to the hospital for gastric lavage, enema and other rescue measures.

Message from the doctor

The danger of food poisoning is quite If it is large, it will cause damage to the digestive tract and nervous system, and seriously threaten the life of the patient. The mortality rate of food poisoning is quite high. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to the safety of diet, do not eat moldy and spoiled food, and do not eat food that has been stored for a long time. If food poisoning occurs, be sure to send it to a doctor for treatment in time, and do not delay the time for treatment.

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