Beware of cold and dampness in early spring, to prevent cold and dampness, you should do

As the saying goes “the south wind warms the north wind and cold”, although the cold evil in winter can cause serious harm to the human body, with the improvement of living standards and the development of science and technology, people can effectively prevent the cold evil from attacking. However, cold pathogens often cause greater harm to the human body in the early spring.

In the early spring, although the temperature is gradually warming up, the cold evil has not receded. In addition, the rain increases and the humidity is gradually rising. At this time, people tend to relax their vigilance and reduce their clothes. This is the cold evil and dampness. On the contrary, Qi is more likely to invade the human body and form cold and dampness. Especially in the coastal areas of Lingnan, how to get rid of the cold and dampness at this time is the focus of health care that needs to be paid attention to for a long time in the future.

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Cold and humid

Spring has arrived. Although many areas are particularly cold, the cold after the spring does not feel dry, but it will feel a little wet. Some friends may wonder, wet is the main gas of summer, why do you feel wet now?

On the one hand, in the early spring, the coldness of nature and the warm air collide with each other, just like the ice becomes wet when heated, and the humidity in the air is heavier at this time. On the other hand, dampness can be divided into external dampness and internal dampness. During the early spring, after irregular life and consumption of eating habits during festivals, most people’s spleen and stomach are in a weak state, and the movement and transformation of water and grain essence is abnormal, which is easy to form internal dampness. Both cold and damp are yin evils, and they are more likely to be together when they seek the same qi. The climate characteristics of early spring are mostly cold and damp, and our body is more prone to cold and damp.

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Self-judgment method of cold and damp< /strong>

Tongue: The tongue is fat and has teeth marks, which are like the edge of a skirt. The color of the tongue body is white, and the tongue coating is also white and thick, and some tongue coating has a layer of water vapor floating on it.

Urine: Urine is clear and tasteless, like water.

Stool: The cold and dampness can easily lead to diarrhea, the stomach always feels uncomfortable, and the urge to go to the toilet after eating greasy food, especially in summer, it is more obvious, and it is necessary to go to the toilet several times a day bathroom. Every time it is a little bit, shapeless, very thin, Chinese medicine calls it loose stools.

Self-feeling: The internal resistance of cold and dampness will hinder the circulation of qi and blood, resulting in blockage of the meridians and collaterals. Swelling or numbness.

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Cold and damp cause disease and easily hurt Yang< /strong>

“Wen Disease Tiao Dian” records: “In the case of cold and dampness, dampness and cold water are in conflict with each other, covering the same kind of wet water, which is rain and dew when the sky is yang, and frost and snow when it is yin. , in rivers it is water, in soil it is damp, the body itself has one source, it is easy to combine, and it is the most harmful to people’s yang qi.”

Cold and dampness are both yin evils, which are easy to hurt people’s yang qi. The combination of cold and dampness is even more lethal to yang. We all know that rotten and insect-borne bacteria are most likely to breed in dark corners that are not exposed to sunlight. In fact, the human body is similar. The body’s yang qi is injured by cold and dampness, and the metabolism of the whole body will become slow or even stagnant, and various diseases will gradually appear. At the same time, there will also be a decline in resistance, and it is more likely to be injured by external germs and viruses, such as the new coronavirus that has not been fully controlled.

Those who suffer from cold and dampness and yang qi will be afraid of cold, wind, and cold food. The internal resistance of cold and dampness will hinder the operation of qi and blood. In addition, the lack of warm and clearing power will more easily lead to blockage of blood vessels and meridians. In mild cases, the whole body will suffer from pain and discomfort. In severe cases, it may cause cerebral vascular blockage, cardiovascular blockage, etc., especially Older people should pay more attention.

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Want to avoid cold and humidity in late winter and early spring It is recommended that you can use the methods of foot soaking and diet therapy to start prevention and treatment at home.

A foot soaking with wormwood can expel cold and dampness

There is a folk saying: soaking your feet in hot water, eat ginseng, and the rich eat Tonic, the poor will soak their feet. If you feel that you are particularly prone to cold and dampness, and you usually do not exercise much, you can occasionally soak your feet with wormwood decoction. Mugwort is known as the “thing of pure yang” and has the power to expel all cold and dampness. Therefore, soaking your feet with wormwood can not only promote the body’s metabolism, but also expel the cold and dampness in the body.

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recommended diet

1. Ginger and Coriander Crucian Carp Soup

Ingredients: 20 grams of ginger, 100 grams of coriander, 1 crucian carp, appropriate amount of green onion (for 2 persons ).

Methods: Kill the crucian carp, wash and drain; shred the onion and ginger, set aside; wash the parsley, cut into 1 cm lengths, set aside; put some sesame oil in the pot, Put the crucian carp in the pot, fry until golden on both sides, add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, add 1L of cold water, and simmer the fish over low heat; add the onion and ginger, add salt, and simmer for 20 minutes until the fish soup is milky white.

Effect: Warming and dispelling cold and dampness.

Suitable for the crowd: Spleen and stomach deficiency and severe cold-dampness sleepiness, common aversion to cold, head and body sleepiness, cold pain in the abdomen and abdomen, nausea and discomfort, loss of appetite , Loose stool, pale tongue with white coating.

Crucian carp has a beneficial effect on water, and when paired with ginger, coriander and green onions that relieve the exterior and dissipate cold, it can not only eliminate the fishy smell of fish, but also play a role in warming the middle and dispelling cold, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. It is suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and severe cold and dampness.

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2. Ginger Amomum Tea< /p>

Materials: Ginger 5 grams, Amomum 3 grams, tangerine peel 3 grams (1 serving).

Practice: Ginger and tangerine peel are boiled in warm water, then add Amomum, continue to cook for about 5 minutes, decoction in water instead of tea, pay attention to Amomum should not be boiled for a long time, otherwise it will be lost Active ingredients.

Efficacy: Warming up the cold and dampness, refreshing the spleen and appetizing.

Suitable for: Cold and wet people.

Ginger can warm the middle and disperse cold, promote appetite; Amomum is fragrant, can dispel dampness and promote qi, warm and stop diarrhea; tangerine peel can regulate qi and strengthen the spleen, dry dampness and reduce phlegm; the combination of the three can warm and reduce cold. The effect of dampness, refreshing the spleen and appetizing is suitable for people with cold and dampness, especially in the Lingnan area in early spring.

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It should be noted that although the above methods can remove the cold and dampness in the body, However, for severe cold-dampness accumulation and obvious symptoms such as heaviness of the limbs, irregular menstruation, indigestion, diarrhea, chills, and cold limbs, TCM syndrome differentiation and symptomatic treatment should be used.