Benefit 142,500 women of school age in the city! Suqian launches free screening of “two cancers” for women in 2022


The screening of “two cancers” (breast cancer and cervical cancer) for women of school age has been included in the provincial government’s livelihood project for two consecutive years, and will be included in the provincial and citizen’s livelihood projects in 2022. 142,500 women aged 35-64 have been given free “cervical cancer” and “breast cancer” censuses to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

It is understood that since 2009, the former Ministry of Health, together with financial departments and other departments, has implemented a free screening program for breast and cervical cancer for rural women aged 35-64. By 2021, Suqian City will have free screening programs. About 1 million women of school age were checked, and women who were screened for breast cancer and cervical cancer were followed up and actively treated.

In 2022, the screening of “two cancers” in our city will be “expanded and improved”, and the screening objects will be extended to urban female workers. Suqian City will strictly standardize screening standards, further standardize services, optimize the “two cancers” screening workflow, and ensure the quality of screening.

By conducting free inspections, we can timely detect precancerous lesions and “two cancers” patients, and track their follow-up treatment and rehabilitation throughout the process, forming a closed-loop management model for screening, treatment, and follow-up to ensure women’s health. (Wu Chuanqin)

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