Beijing has no new confirmed cases in society for 2 consecutive days, and the number of new cases in the future is expected to continue to decline

(People’s Daily Health Client Reporter Wang Aibing) On May 29, at the 349th press conference on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Beijing, Beijing government spokesman Xu Hejian introduced that after more than a month of continuous Fighting hard, the number of new cases in Beijing has dropped significantly for seven consecutive days, and there have been no new social cases for two consecutive days. The epidemic has been effectively controlled, and the situation is stable and improving.

Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, informed that as of 24:00 on May 28, after the evaluation of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, according to the “Beijing New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Risk Classification Standard”, Chaoyang District 1 place , Fangshan District 1, the adjusted risk level is as follows: Nongguang Dongli Community, Jinsong Street, Chaoyang District, and Dazicaowu Village, Yancun Town, Fangshan District, each accumulatively reported 1 local confirmed case in the past 14 days. low risk areas.

Up to now, Beijing has 7 high-risk areas and 14 medium-risk areas.

Beijing citizens line up for nucleic acid testing. Photo by Niu Hongchao

“There have been no new cases in society for 2 consecutive days, indicating that the early transmission chain has been basically cut off, and the number of new infections in the follow-up is expected to continue to decline.” Beijing You’an Hospital Infection Li Tong, the chief physician of the department, once told a reporter from the People’s Daily Health Client that according to the existing rules of virus strains, the incubation period of a person infected with the new crown is usually 3 to 4 days. Therefore, according to this rule, there is generally no social newcomer for 5 to 7 days. increase will be relatively safe.

Li Tong once pointed out, “The early transmission chain should mean that the previous transmission chain was basically cut off, and the existing transmission chain may have new cases, and the possibility of sporadic cases in the future cannot be ruled out. Therefore, Li Tong once reminded, “After the transmission chain is cut off, the epidemic will enter the stage of clearing the tail and zeroing out, and new cases will continue to decrease. It is necessary to continue to do a good job in the management of isolation and control personnel to prevent spillover. After the social aspect is cleared, the next step is the main It is the internal defense against rebound and external defense against importation. As long as there are still cases in other areas at home and abroad, we cannot take it lightly, and we still need to actively take various countermeasures.”