Beijing Chaoyang added 4 infected people, and the risk points associated with new cases in other areas were announced

From 15:00 on May 17 to 15:00 on May 18, 4 new cases of new coronary pneumonia virus infection were added in Chaoyang District.

Additional risk points associated with external cases

May 12

14:05-14:10, Chaoyang Xiaozhao Guoye, 1st Floor, Building 55, Shilibao, District

14:10-14:15 =”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”” width=”600″>

The pictures and texts of Xinhua News Agency are irrelevant

Please take the initiative to report to the community (village), work unit, Report to the hotel you live in, or call the Chaoyang CDC hotline 87789709 to report.

Source: Beijing Chaoyang Client

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