Beijing added 4 local confirmed cases yesterday, in Chaoyang District, Dongcheng District, details announced

This article is reprinted from [Beijing Youth Daily];

According to the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, from 0:00 to 24:00 on March 23, 4 new local confirmed cases were added in Beijing (confirmed cases 1 and 2). It was notified yesterday), no new suspected cases and asymptomatic infections; no new imported confirmed cases, suspected cases and asymptomatic infections. 24 patients were cured and discharged.

Confirmed Case 1: Currently living in No. 17, Garden East Lane, Andingmen Street, Dongcheng District. On March 20, she was quarantined as a close contact of a confirmed case. On March 23, she reported a positive nucleic acid test result and was transferred to a designated hospital. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. Waiting for the results, a confirmed case was diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild.

Confirmed Case 2: Currently living in Building 2, Phase 1, Tianshui Xiyuan Community, Liulitun Street, Chaoyang District, a student. On March 23, she was quarantined as a close contact of a confirmed case. On March 23, she reported a positive nucleic acid test result and was transferred to a designated hospital. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. Waiting for the results, a confirmed case was diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild.

Confirmed Case 3: Currently living in Building 3, Yard 2, Houyongkang Hutong, Dongcheng District, employee of Yulexuan Roast Duck Restaurant. On March 17, she was quarantined as a close contact of a confirmed case. She reported a positive nucleic acid test result on March 23 and was transferred to a designated hospital. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. Waiting for the results, a confirmed case was diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild.

Confirmed Case 4: Currently living in Building 1, Guangming Middle Street, Longtan Street, Dongcheng District. On March 22, she was quarantined as a close contact of a confirmed case. On March 23, she reported a positive nucleic acid test result and was transferred to a designated hospital. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. Waiting for the results, a confirmed case was diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild.

An epidemiological investigation has been carried out on the above cases, and control measures have been implemented as required.

Municipal Health and Health Commission: Risk personnel should take the initiative to report

Beijing Health and Health Commission reminds that they must consciously fulfill the four directions of territorial, department, unit and individual Responsibility, implement the requirements of the “Four Mornings”, When investigating risk personnel, provide the basic information of the personnel truthfully, cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures, and risk personnel should take the initiative to report to prevent the spread of the epidemic at the fastest speed and at the lowest cost. chain. Citizens and friends should earnestly enhance their awareness of protection, consciously abide by various prevention and control measures, and insist on scanning and registering health treasures for all employees when entering public places. Prevention and control measures; continue to adhere to non-essential not going to Beijing, reduce unnecessary dinner parties, try not to go to places with dense crowds and poor ventilation, and adhere to good hygiene habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and ventilating frequently.

Text | Beijing Youth Daily reporter Jiang Ruojing