Before giving these 7 kinds of vegetables to children, you must know these common sense, otherwise you may be poisoned

We all know that eating more vegetables is good for our health, but some vegetables have their own “toxins”, which may lead to food poisoning if they are not handled properly in daily cooking or if some details of cooking are ignored .

Blanching these vegetables before eating will be healthier


Compared with other vegetables, the nitrite content in toon is quite high, and the stale toon will have higher nitrite content. After a large amount of consumption, severe poisoning symptoms such as headache, dizziness, general weakness, and even coma may occur.

Whether children or adults eat it, it is best to blanch the toon for 30 seconds, so as to remove most of the nitrite, and then eat it with confidence.


Bracken contains Proteroside, which is a class 2B carcinogen. It is not a problem to eat a little bit occasionally. As long as it is not eaten for a long time or eaten in excess, it will not affect health.

Proteroside is soluble in water, so in addition to eating less, it is necessary to blanch water before eating, which can dissolve a part of protofern and reduce safety risks.


Fresh daylily must be blanched before cooking, as fresh daylily contains colchicine.

Colchicine itself is non-toxic, but after being absorbed by the intestinal tract, it will become colchicine, which is highly toxic. It will irritate the stomach and cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea in the body.

These vegetables are healthier when cooked before eating

Nowadays, in order to maintain the nutrition of vegetables, many people do not fully fry them, but only cook them for seven or eight minutes. However, some vegetables must be fully cooked, otherwise they may be poisoned.

Green beans, beans

We often eat green beans, broad beans, lentils, snow peas and other soy foods that contain two toxins, saponins and hemagglutinin. If these beans are not fully cooked and eaten, symptoms of poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea will occur.

Fresh bamboo shoots, cassava

Fresh bamboo shoots and cassava contain a chemical called cyanoside. If eaten raw or undercooked, cyanogenic glycosides are converted into toxic hydrocyanic acid in the human body, causing food poisoning.

Which sprouted vegetables are edible and which are not?

Sprouted vegetables

Like ginger, garlic, onions, and radishes, these vegetables, even if they sprout, will not affect the taste and contain no harmful ingredients.

But a special reminder is to check for spoilage before cooking, especially the ginger. Because rotten ginger will produce highly toxic safrole, which is harmful to health.

Soy beans, mung beans and peas release high-value nutrients through germination. Such as soybeans contain vitamin C, amino acids and minerals, etc., can be safely eaten.

Sprouted potatoes are the most poisonous

Potatoes are durable and don’t need to be refrigerated. Many families keep potatoes at home. But potatoes can no longer be eaten when they sprout, because sprouted potatoes contain the harmful solanine.

In addition to sprouting, you should also pay attention to the large pieces of potato skin turning green. The content of solanine will increase significantly, which will seriously cause poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not store too many potatoes in At home, if you find any sprouting and green skin, throw them away.

Although these vegetables are not very toxic, they can cause damage to the body if they are not eaten properly. In order for children to eat healthy and nutritious in their daily diet, we must be clear about these basic common sense of life, so as to escort the health of the family.