Became an internet celebrity for fighting cancer! They say: All cancers are premeditated…

They have tens of thousands of fans and millions of likes, and they are the most special group of Internet celebrity bloggers: because they have stomach cancerStomach cancer< /span>.

They are ordinary people in the ordinary world, they are daughters, wives, mothers, and work the backbone of the business, is a strong personalitystrong woman, just changed the school district room “Chicken mother”, is the self-digestion of bad emotions“good girl”……

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They are young, beautiful, optimistic, and cheerful, but they have gone through countless dark nights, crashes and struggles. later bloom.

They carefully summarized their illness experience: How did I get stomach cancer? What are the signs of stomach cancer before the diagnosis? “Don’t go our way” just for more people to see it.

32year old, busy business backbone< /span>

Mothers who have just changed school districts

Ten days ago, my gastroscope was diagnosed as suspected malignant tumor, and my family immediately referred to Beijing. After blood drawing and CT examination in the past few days, the diagnosis wasgastric cancer and abdominal cavity Lymph node metastases. Fortunately, there is no metastasis to other organs, although it is not too early or too late, it can be cured.

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Before this, I was an ordinary person in an ordinary world, I am a daughter, yes Wife, mother, business backbone in the unit, and party member, in my busy daily life as I enter middle age, I strive to manage every identity given to me by life. I feel tired but overall satisfied, but I never thought that God would suddenly give me another identity, which is called cancer patient.

Although I was mentally prepared, when I entered the consultation room, I heard the doctor’s relief. Yes, when it wasn’t your fault, tears welled up, I really felt aggrieved and unwilling, I lived my life seriously, Work diligently, I just replaced the school district room, and it was renovated. , the relocation is good, and the son went to kindergarten smoothly.The grandma who has been taking care of the child in poor health can finally go back to her hometown to rest, and life is on the right track step by step according to the plan, Why suddenly Kill a cancer? The doctor said that you can ask anything you want. I just want to ask, how long will it take to return to normal work and life… My pride and stubbornness are accompanied by tears, and there is nowhere to put it.

I would like to remind my friends who read this article, you may not feel well See a doctor early and don’t push yourself. I had a gastroscopy done 5 years ago. At that time, it was superficial gastritis with erosions. I took some medicine and did not reexamine it. I usually like spicy food.I have been having stomach discomfort for several years, and I can survive it with a hot water bottle… So you must love yourself!

Most gastric cancers are dragged out

May healthy people not go our way

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My problem:

I love spicy food and all so-called delicious food; I became a reporter in my early years and developedThe habit of staying up late; anxiety about the current education system, hopeful “chicken mother”; work too strong span>Don’t allow yourself to be slow; most of you have grievances and thoughts to digest yourself, don’t want to explode

My illness:


About 8 years ago, for the first time, I had persistent stomach discomfort, a tidal stomach, or a burning sensation, especially in the morning and evening. I always thought I was hungry, but I still felt uncomfortable after eating. . I had a gastroscopy and was diagnosed with superficial gastritis. After taking a while of medicine, there was no attack for several years. In 2014, the attack started again, and the gastroscope again said that it was antral gastritis. In the following years, I did a breath test. As long as the Helicobacter pylori was found, I would kill it, and as long as the gastritis attacked, I would kill it. Take medicine. Think this should be ok? Anyway, the unit also arranges an annual physical examination, so I never thought about getting cancer.

The time comes to 2020, in February due to the epidemic ” When I was squatting at home, I continued to suffer from stomach discomfort, and I risked my death to seek medical treatment. In September, I had another stomach ailment, and I took medicine for a month and it didn’t improve.After the National Day, I had a gastroscope, and the mirror showed thatwas very bad. Severe gastric ulcer, the doctor took multiple biopsies and asked me to do PETCT. The result confirmed that gastric cancer came to my door.

After the operation, I asked the doctor, how long has it been since my gastric cancer has formed? He said 3 to 6 months, push it backwards, it was in February, If gastroscope could be done at that time, am I in the early stage?

So, I am also one of the unlucky ones who was delayed by the epidemic? In fact, I can’t blame it.After the epidemic is lifted, I can do gastroscopy, at least it is much lighter than it is now! Therefore, your body is yours, and no one will take the blame for you when it comes to your health!

I would like to remind friends who have underlying stomach diseases to take care of your stomach from now on.

Which symptoms should I pay special attention to? For example: a friend with a family history of gastric cancer, a friend with many years of severe gastritis, gastric ulcer and other benign stomach symptoms, an underlying disease, but not enough attention to diet, likes to order takeout, likes to eat pickled and smoked food , friends of fried smoked and grilled food.

These types of friends must pay attention to their stomach condition, every year Do a gastroscopy. Because everyone knows that the gold standard for the final diagnosis of cancer is gastroscopy. So don’t ignore this link, you must take precautions before it happens. Don’t delay a great opportunity to treat your condition because of mild symptoms.

Gastric endoscopy must be done for gastric cancer screening

All cancers are premeditated


What symptoms did I have before stomach cancer was diagnosed:

1. Losing appetite and not wanting to eat;

2. span>Slight pain in the left abdomen, easy to ignore;

3. the middle of the abdomen Hard lump, obvious B-ultrasound;

4. The lower abdomen became larger due to ascites; p>

5. Hiccupping and burping continuously within 2-3 hours after meals.

When there are these obvious symptoms, the examination is already advanced gastric cancer. Everyone must pay attention to physical warnings, don’t be afraid of gastroenteroscopy.

All cancers are planned for a long time. I have a physical examination every year, but no stomach cancer was detected, so I don’t think the general physical examination is very useful for cancer screening. If you want to screen for cancer, you must also do a targeted physical examination.Gastric endoscopy must be done for gastric cancer screening. In fact, cancer is not terrible, early detection and early treatment, the cure rate of early gastric cancer is 80%-90%, kill it in the cradle.

Don’t rely on other people’s symptoms Myself

family members of gastric cancer

My mother was diagnosed with gastric cancer, but she no obvious symptoms every day, she had a little indigestion a few years ago, and her stomach would be uncomfortable after eating glutinous rice. Years are not so obvious. My daily uncomfortable symptoms are far more than hers, but I only had superficial gastritis after having a gastroscope.

So I would like to warn friends who like to ask about the symptoms before gastric cancer, Don’t take chances and rely on other people’s symptoms to judge whether you are okay.

Especially in the case of stomach cancer, even barium meal and filming may not be accurate. If you suspect that you have a gastrointestinal problem now, go to the hospital for a gastroscope, no matter how bad the situation is, now is always the best time.

29 strong>I had stomach cancer at the age of

This winter is not easy

Stomach problems for many years, no time to check, and finished the last one years ago During the event, my mother urged me to do a gastroenteroscopy, saying that Ifrequent diarrheamust be a problem.

Symptoms before gastric cancer diagnosis:After eating The feeling of fullness is relatively strong, and sometimes I feel a little nauseous after eating, and I vomited once (same as morning sickness). The biggest change is frequent diarrhea.

Write at the end

There are still many anti-cancer bloggers, and they have not been updated since more updates, or their accounts have been cancelled…


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Later, netizens knew that they had gone to a world without pain.

The five-year survival rate of gastric cancer in China35.1%, turning to these have been When the social account that lights up but goes out quietly, Fang is deeply aware of the cruelty of that number.

2022April 15-21 strong>is the 28th National Cancer Prevention and Control Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Early Action for Cancer Prevention“, which aims to promote Everyone should be the first responsible person for their own health, correctly understand cancer, actively prevent and control cancer, and take the initiative to participate in cancer prevention health checkup, so as to achieve early prevention, early detection, and early prevention and control. Diagnosis and early treatment.

Early action to prevent cancer, please tell the people around you and cherish every opportunity for a health check! p>