Be wary of invisible salt! Reject “heavy taste”!

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Soon, the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” raised the “salt limit” standard, recommend that Chinese residents over 11 years old should consume no more than 5 grams of salt per person per day. This is 1 gram less than the 6 grams limit of the old guide. How should salt be eaten and how much?

How much salt does the human body need? According to nutrition experts, to maintain the most basic needs of the human body, 3.8 grams of salt per person per day is enough.

Gallery image copyright, not licensed ReprintedThe survey shows that the amount of salt in northern my country is 16 to 18 grams per person per day, the amount of salt in Shanghai is 10 to 12 grams per person per day, Guangdong is lower, and the same as Correspondingly, the incidence of hypertension in my country also shows a trend of “high in the north and low in the south” with the level of salt intake. Beware of the “invisible salt” in life

Some people think that as long as you don’t eat salty food, the intake of salt will There is no overdose. But that’s not the case, and very few people look at the sodium content of a product in their daily diet. Just because you eat it doesn’t mean it’s low in salt.

The salty taste is often hidden in other tastes. These salts added to food are also called “invisible salts”, which makes it hard to prevent .

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It is unreliable to judge the level of salt by taste alone. Some desserts, such as cheese, ice cream, bread, etc., although the taste is sweet, does not seem to be related to the salty taste, but These desserts are made with salt added, and the sweetness can easily mask the salty taste.

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If you pay a little attention to the ingredients list on the outer packaging of sweet foods (such as biscuits, cakes, jelly, chocolate, milk-flavored drinks, coffee, potato chips, etc.), you will find that many of them are Contains “stealth salt”, and the content is not low.

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Experts remind that high-salt foods in daily life are mainly concentrated in the following 10 categories:


Seafood such as salted fish and shrimp

Pickled vegetables

processing Soy products

salted egg

potato chips and cookies span>



Salted Nuts


For example: 100 grams of ham sausage contains about 2.5 grams of salt, and a daily intake of 250 grams of ham sausage can reach the recommended intake of salt for a day.

So, control Salt not only requires a bland diet, but alsolearn to read nutrition labels on packaged foods and pay special attention to sodium content.

Source: CCTV Finance, CCTV The cover picture of this article is from the copyright gallery, and the content of the picture is not authorized to be reproduced

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